Can we finally get playable the high elves?


Elves arguing is funny.


Oh look, a throw rug!


Its not funny, its sad.
We really should have better things to do with our time.
Yet here i am arguing about if gaining superpowers makes you a new race or not.


We don’t really choose what makes us happy, friend.


If you’re roleplaying? My response would just be, go back to Murder Row where you belong Felendren.


I’ve always told people that I could get on one of my other non-elf characters and I’d still be here in these topics, lol.

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Im not saying theyre not the fel equivalent.
Im not saying they are either though.
Just that theyre walking the line between not being a blood elf any more and becoming something else.
But id still say theyre on the side of being a blood elf.

And if I wasn’t?

You’re allowed your opinion.

It is yours.


Before i put this thread on mute im going to reiterate one thing.

Blood elves are high elves.
Void elves are high elves.
Both factions have the race playable already.
Choose one and play it if you want an elf.
A third version of the race is not only not needed, but a redundant waste of time.

Frankly, imo they’re both just blood elf mutants… they retain most of what made the Blood elves what they originally were, and intensify it. One just likes a different flavor of magic energy from the other.

Is that not what I said?

I embrace my void elf nature. (Fenelon started as a high elf who went an Alleria type journey to becoming a full blueberry void elf.) He acknowledges where he came from, but doesn’t think hes still the same thing he was.

It would. I can’t wait till Blizzard implements the All classes for All races.

The very nature of what they went through that led them down the path they’ve walked was a major change for them no matter how you look at it. They’ve been affected.

Though I’d argue the High Elves have as well.

Old Gods I’d kill to see some more of the Blood Magic and Dark Animus use among the Blood Elves, not to mention more of their Warlocks stepping up to the forefront.

I still RP my Belf Pally as drawing the Light by force through the Sunwell these days. She doesn’t believe in the Light.

Thats… an interesting point actually.

Since most of the Void Elves are from Blood Elves it would stand to reason that they start at the point of the Blood Elven cultural shifts. So they’d be a bit removed from the High Elves relatively conservative viewpoints.



By that logic though, all Belf shadow-priests are void elves. :joy: lol
Which obviously isn’t the case.

Blood Elves were named such due to a political decision, not outcome.
So Blood Elves are biological, physically and cosmically — High Elves. Their namesake is mere honourary to the fallen.

Void Elves were changed on a cosmic scale by the void, similar to how Nightborne were changed by the arcane energies of the Nightwell – or Lightforged Draenei were changed by the light of the Naaru.

The only reason Void Elves got regular elf features, was because Blizzard buckled to the raging complaints & offered it as a compromise.

… However when it comes to the High Elf crowd – as far as compromises go, to quote ‘Over the Hedge’ →

"Enough - is NEVER enough! :smiley: "


You gotta look at this from the ground.

Those who went with Umbric (there are no openly practicing Shadow Priests in Sin’Dorei society) may be unwitting victims.

Those who CHOOSE to become Void Elves are actively choosing to be a danger to their people (a return to mana addiction etc.), choosing to not remain a part of Quel’Thalas, choosing to dishonor the fallen, and actively choosing to turn their backs on their heritage (i.e. culture).

If an Alliance aligned Blood Elf chose that, they have unquestionably at that point, rendered themselves so far removed from being a Quel’Dorei.

If a Sin’Dorei chooses this path, they are very much committing treason.


Citation please.

His story is more complicated than what you’re suggesting and your very narrow view is just that. Narrow.

Again your narrow view is just that. Narrow.

You don’t know what they’re thinking nor the reasons for why one would do so.

The Void is a power like any other that can be harnessed. It will probably be through the use of the Void that the Sunwell’s affliction of it will be purged.

You can dig a hole and shove your head in it. I won’t.

Given what we know of the future even in such broad strokes for Midnight I would bet a lot of what you’re thinking here is “canon” will in fact not really be. Or, well more that you’ve got a poor read of it.

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Is this not just blood elf with blue eyes and blonde hair

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It’s a part of Umbric/the story line of the race.

You see NPCs saying this in Telogrus Rift saying:

  • We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.
  • A path long denied to us is open at last.

The Blood Elves (and Quel’Dorei as a whole) focus on the Sun. They worship the Light. Lady Liadrin’s story line highlights this devotion.

They oppose the Void.


Should be a drop down list in character creation (and in the barber shop) just like a title. Lets you choose from a “race” that is appropriate for your character, and not just for Elves. If I want to mark my Dwarf in game as a “Wildhammer Dwarf” the game should accommodate that, if it’s not too complicated to program. Same with my Draenei who has bright red skin. I’d rather he show his race as “Eredar”. Just a fun little addition that could be interesting.

Sure, there are addons, of course. But if it’s not too much work, why not put it in game and help a lot of players feel just that little bit more connected to their characters?

You’re still addicted to mana. It’s just that you just got back your endless font of mystical smack so you don’t have to deal with withdrawal symptoms at this point in time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The drama gets so bad, it’s like watching a soap opera.


While I SUSPECT void elves probably have a hunger that they can feed with mana, this is not something we know for certain, and since the sunwell technically cures addiction… the destruction of it really would only impact the Sin’dorei that don’t even embrace it that we do know exist, and never left their mana addiction in the first place. Although it might render Blood Knights without a source to power their holy spells… not sure.

Akchyually… supposedly anyone who uses the new Sunwell for an extended period of time is cured of their addiction. Which means they don’t actually need it anymore. They’re just… elves… really interesting, right?