Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Wow there’s a lot of posts since I last went in here.

Can we have elf druids at least? I think that would be cool.


I’m on board with this given lots of my friends want Blood Elf Druid, Vulpera Druid and Nightborne Druid. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Of course anyone who still calls themselves Quel’Dorei has already turned their back on their people, it would be no surprise you’d take it further and choose to become a threat to your very people, after we have suffered so much.


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Both altered each races form.

And at this point, both blood and void elves can have regular skin, regular hair, and regular eyes.
The racial proc is just an ingame thing, in lore its something that controlled.

A void elf is just a high elf that thinks the void is cool.
A blood elf is just a high elf who thought “nah not really”

If you are trying to imply that Blood Elves went as far with fel as Void Elves did with the void that’s objectively false because that would be a Felblood Elf which isn’t a Blood Elf anymore, Void Elves are well Void Elves and they are void infused and void corrupted.


Its not my fault that the blood elves chose their lame holy light over the badass epicness of the void.
Theyre welcome at telogrus rift whenever they change their mind.

Yes… lets just ignore all those void bits and whispering voices…

Because Quel/Sin’Dorei are known to deal with such an affliction?


Im not saying that a void elf is a normal high elf.
Theyre not a normal high elf.
But theyre a high elf nonetheless.

Im not, im simply saying that blood elves arent a completely unchanged group of high elves either.

Last time I checked we aren’t causing problems with the sunwell like Void Elves and since it got changed to holy/arcane based we got our blue eyes back full time as well as golden eyes so I’m pretty sure we aren’t anywhere near the level of Void Elves.


I feel like youre willingly missing the point.
The sunwell is also completely irrelevant here.

But it doesnt matter really.

High, blood, and void elves.
3 different groups which are all part of the same race.

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High and Blood Elves are the same race.

Void Elves are something completely different. Mutants like Felblood or Satyrs.


Nah not at all.
Just a high elf with a connection to the void.

What do you think a Felblood or Satyr is?

EDIT: In your words “just elves with a connection to Fel.” It’s just a false equivalency.


I’ve never not said that Void Elves weren’t High Elves, I’ve actually said they are High Elves renamed Blood Elves that got void corrupted/void infused and became Void Elves so they are like twice removed High Elves that aren’t really High Elves and still corrupted/infused with void and that can’t be undone.


Felbloods would count imo but theyre walking the line

Satyr are something completely different though as theyre legit cursed demons

Same with Void Elves, especially from a Sin’Dorei perspective.


Void elves stopped before that point.
Was a close call though with the ritual.

And it seems that with new void elves, they refined the process a lot more.
Although that is speculation due to a lack of lore surrounding that.

I’ve addressed every single one of those quotes, one by one already… they’re all assertions backed up by either more assertions or quotes that don’t actually prove anything other than what the original difference between blood elves and high elves was canonically. Doesn’t prove that more differences didn’t arise other than political and… lmfao “medical”

Except that’s literally not what they are, as I have already specifically explained. They are behavioral differences among other things. Something that constitutes a difference in culture by the very meaning of the word. Literally explained this already IN DETAIL. You just ignore the literal meanings of words to downplay anything that contradicts your argument!

More downplaying to artificially shore up your argument… they are not small differences. They are quite moderately significant at minimum. And culture is literally the only reason needed. And don’t try to gloss over how you’re moving the goal post now. First it’s that there is no cultural difference between them, now even if there is that’s not even a reason to consider them different races. Even though that’s literally one of the simplest definitions of a race. Cultural differences between closely related peoples.

Yes, as a matter of fact by definition you could argue Highborne are a separate race. That was something that people asked for a while back. But no, you would not have precedent for them to be listed as a separate race, just as there is no god damn precedent to list high elves as one. That’s what you folks don’t seem to be able to get!! Not only do blood elves not have to be Helves, but that being the case does not enable alliance helfers!!! If anything, having belves just be renamed helves just gives them more hope that since they are on the horde, they can be on the alliance too! Which is literally what friggin happened!!! We tried it your way!!! The end of TBC happened and for a while there was very little evidence if any to suggest the old Belves with all that distinguished them from helves were still a thing, and look at that Blizz still decided to give blue helfers a concession! And then another. And then ANOTHER!!! Yet the blue helfers keep asking for more!!! Because they always will no matter how much helf you put on the horde, damn it! Those kinds of people will never go away, and people specifically like you PROVE that Aussie!!! You who explicitly suggest belves become a neutral race.

Except I’m not one of those. But you, Galath, and moon have all outed yourselves as helfers at this point. Red or blue a helfer is a helfer.

That… that actually makes sense. Fair enough!

This would be wonderful as long as belves get to have like half their people continue being like they were in tbc, except maybe a tiny bit more open acceptance of use of fel. Otherwise I’d still be mad because, even though you don’t want to take the gag lines as proof… I have a very strong suspicion that void elves are just og blood elves but void themed, complete with a hunger for mana (and probably all reality and everything in it), a tax on their minds and general edginess. And I hate the void theme compared to fel, blood and arcane.

Aside from what I’ve already argued… I agree the physical change from blood elf to void elf is… blatant. However I am not sure Void elves even have as significantly different a culture from blood elves as blood elves do from those who still call themselves High elves.

From a sin’dorei perspective maybe but

Felbloods aren’t even walking the line. They very much are the fel equivalent of void elves. I say this with utmost confidence.

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