Can we finally get playable the high elves?

High, blood, and void elves are three different factions of the same race of people.

Conversation would be easier if the race wasnt called high elves and if deciding to rename your race actually meant you changed race.

But then we also have the fact by blizzard naming conventions, a tauren with a papercut could be considered a new race. That doesnt help matters either.

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It’s fiction. Old Blizzard fiction. Genetically distinct races/species can and have miraculously sprung up canonically over night in this narrative universe. Hell I can think of an instance where such a race was also culturally distinct arguably.

The sociological minutiae of how long it should realistically take, is hardly a disqualifier here, don’t you think?

Thankfully, this isn’t just about them renaming themselves. Other things changed. Important things. Things sufficient in defining them as a different race even if by the loosest definition.

are we really going to have a “Is the Silver Covenant, the High Elf group part of the Alliance Vanguard in Wrath of the Lich King, an Alliance faction?” debate in 2024

Elisande said High and Blood elves are different, and I think Elisande knows elves

We’re in a D&D inspired setting. If an elf goes to the toilet alone over there, they’ll become a new type of elf. That’s why you’ve got High, Forest, Dark, Aquatic, Valley, Grey, Sun, Moon, Star, Astral, Wild, Dusk, Green, Rockseer and Snow over that way.

An obnoxious number of elf varieties is just in the genre’s DNA

Elisande called out groups of elves, not races of elves. No one is debating that the Silver Covenant are made up of some Blood Elves who call themselves High Elves still. Elisande would still recognize the caste system more.



And I’m telling you it will never die out. It’s just something we have to keep holding the line against making any concessions toward making High elves more explicitly playable, and encourage blizzard to make Blood elves distinct (or imo more distinct) from High elves. The literal only answer is to leave High elves behind as a concept. Phase them out of the game. That’s the best way to do this!


This is true. Public forum or not we are all entitled to our thoughts and opinions. I am not trying to force anything on anyone. Quite the opposite, in way.

EDIT: It will die out… if the worst of the Helfers are given exactly what they want… but that genuinely should never happen.

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Yeah, it gets a little dodgy because of how WoW handles player customization and the like. I keep saying an Elf is just an Elf, but I think the older WoW literature gave people the impression that night elves were biologically different from the others because they found a magical pool ten thousand years ago that changed them over time, coupled with the fact that a lot of the art and design language of Blood Elves gave the impression that they were distinct insofar as being a younger or “more modern” generation of elves as being specifically different as a result.

Unless you only consume WoW content and never dabble in anything else, like BG3, Tolkien, Elder Scrolls, etc. it becomes far more apparent how there’s different elves, different Tauren, different Trolls, and different Humans but they’re literally just Trolls, Taruen, Elves, and Humans that hail from different regions with different cultures.

Too much emphasis gets placed on the fact that they have unique character models. Case in point: Sylvanas was a night elf in Vanilla.


i still think they should let the belves and velves chose their title so ppl can stop. idky ppl can’t get that belves and velves are helves. stop being embarrassed of your heritage the names were changed in honor.

No in vanilla she had very distinct cultural differences from night e-- :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t it at least have a unique skin color? Like grayer than other night elf models? I can’t recall…

Obviously back then all elves used basically the same skeleton/model.

It’s canonical that blood elves themselves do not consider themselves High Elves. So no reason for us to either. It’s not shame as much as… a twisted sort of reverence.

I can’t remember either. The similarities kinda stuck with me a lot tho cos when i’d make a night elf girl i’d always pick like a greyish / bluish skin color unlike my male night elf which was almost a florescent pink

Says who? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
They said they’re doing a story with the unification of the scattered elves of Azeroth, not that there’s going to be more elf races. Sure they might, but nothing is confirmed. lol

Also, like many others pointed out – If such is as you labelled ‘definitely’ happening, why bother with this thread? :thinking: 40,000 High elf threads weren’t enough?

Well, there’s —


To back that up, you have


Earlier in the thread, I made a comment stating their eyes has nothing to do with their namesake and holds no relevance – To which you stated “Many of them still are” – of which I refuted with →


As I’ve said –

Point 1 is the bulk crux point though, point 2 and 3 along with the conclusion to such above, are merely just sprinkles on that cake.


I’ve quoted myself like several times & yet all you seem to do is post minor political schisms and then emphasise their importance to why it should deem them as a separate race — which is headcanon at best.

… I’ve yet to see you attempt to post any sources or relevant points to why they should be severed as a separate race … Stating they have small differences in their culture is hardly a reason – Otherwise you’d have precedent for the Highborne that joined the Night Elves in Cataclysm (what allowed them to have mage) to be listed as a separate race. lol

Honestly, Galathir summed it up quite well:

However that sums up many, if not most “Alliance Only High-Elf Race!” posters in a nutshell.


I have a terrible secret but, Warcraft really draws from D&D as well, not just Warhammer. Gnomes being tech orientated? That’s straight out of Dragonlance. Shadowlands was flat out just Planescape the setting as well (except, y’know, without the actual good bits people like Planescape for)

Heck, they had Richard A. Knaak writing books because of his Dragonlance material, and he’s the guy who gave us Ysera, Nozdormu and Malygos


I was trying to stick to ones already in their respective factions. :stuck_out_tongue:
They’d be among those that would come after, that have good reasons to join the factions.

This, and honestly even those few who reasonably want some more tend to keep it light. Paladin, Tattoos, feathery jewelry, possible Optional ways to turn off or modify EE and the nameplate.

I don’t think most really think a new AR is likely or needed. Some do though.

Still hoping we’ll at least have an option for void pallies. Just a purple coloration over it. (Also one that could be done for any paladin not just void elves.)

Way I see it, just because I’m a void elf doesn’t mean my history is gone. I’m as much a high elf in that regard as any other thalassian. But that doesn’t mean I’m what someone would be referring to if they said “high elf”.

I bring up Wildhammer more because if they were just going to do a dwarf race with the same story they might as well just complete the story finally instead and give the Horde something that actually matters to them. Like Forest Trolls or Ogres or Taunka.

That way both sides get something from the past and Blizz still has opportunities to expand whatever dwarf based stories they’re going for in TWW.

They also could have paired the Ogres with the Furbolg… That would be cool. Both races are technically already in their factions and both have call backs to the old days (one for the Horde and Orcs and the other for the Alliance and Night Elves.).

I am aware there is a small portion of people who had been requesting Earthen. Its just odd cause they’ve never been a really big group.

While I know a lot of High Elf folk would hate it, I would not be unhappy to see the Silver Covenant and Highvale (and maybe some of those left from Allerian Stronghold) all end up becoming void elves proper.

My statement doesn’t preclude DND inspirations.

The first imaging of “tech” were Dwarves/Gnomes which is straight up Warhammer bits to them.

You said We’re in a D&D inspired setting and it’s a Warhammer inspired setting. Both have DND elements… and DND has Tolkien elements and Tokien has Northern European mythological elements…

You have the roots yes, the culture, maybe. Depending on how your character became a Void Elf would depend on how much you honor it.

You are a wholly different race though.

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If void elves are a different race, then so are blood elves :stuck_out_tongue:


Absolutely not, you have changed dramatically so much you are a danger to our kingdom! Any Sin’Dorei who chooses that path, chooses to turn their back on their heritage.

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It’s weird to me that people try to act like Blood Elves just changing name from High Elves to Blood Elves is the same as infusing yourself with void so you literally glow blue, bleed blue, sound weird, etc.


Sin’dorei you say
Not quel’dorei :stuck_out_tongue:

You also got yourself poisoned from fel radiation to the point where your eyes turned green yet we all choose to ignore that haha

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Using something as a source of energy vs infusing is still drastically different, I don’t remember Blood Elves glowing green, bleeding green, sounding weird, etc.