Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Eh, blood elves are high elves. Void elves are high elves. Theyre all the same people at the end of the day.

(Side note: youre starting to go a bit overboard with the forum rp youre doing)

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Literally can not be both. These are mutually exclusive. By the very nature of a race being nothing but a rename you don’t actually support that race, or even the group regardless of whether they are the same race or not. Just the race/group that was renamed. That’s garbage. People who actually like and prefer blood elves being unique have a better claim. Gross helfer.

It wouldn’t. Deal with it. The same people calling for them to be playable would continue to do so, using actual appeal to purity as their reasoning.

Their cousins, but I have argued, with evidence and thorough explanation, that they are sufficiently different peoples culturally.

(Disagree. I think it’s good just as is. You are not entitled to me toning it down. I’m not trying to hurt anyone, and there is nothing inherently wrong with my behavior.)

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All I read here was get high and play an elf

Actually it would because then it would reinforce what lore already says which is that the Blood Elves are the High Elves and so us being able to pick to either be a Blood Elf or a High Elf would be pretty cut and dry because either you’d pick to be a Blood Elf Warlock for example or a High Elf Warlock but you’d still be a Horde player and that’s the whole reason people have such issues with this is because it’s on red side not blue side.

Lore does not explicitly say any such thing, and even if it did, what exactly would reinforcing that solve? People would still demand it be changed or for the whole damn race options be made neutral. Sure hope that isn’t something you advocate for.

All these years later and this sentiment is still strong, fascinating. I bet Blizzard thought themselves clever when they came up with Void Elves as a solution but just stepped into another quagmire, even giving them regular skin tone options and such isn’t enough. I guess not being able to be an Elf Paladin in the Alliance is kind of a bummer?

Not just elf paladin… they want a specific kind of elf paladin. Depicted a certain way. It’s madness. And some people who think or claim to think they are helping with their suggestions are only feeding said madness.

Maybe you should go reread the Blood Elven lore since it says that we are the High Elves renamed Blood Elves then goes through and reiterates that we are the High Elves multiple times and our race doesn’t need to be neutral those people got Void Elves as a compromise and most of our customizations so they could play pretend on Alliance. End of story.


Most people dont seem to care these days.
There are a few people who are still hardcore about getting regular alliance high elves as their own race. But most moved on and just accepted void elves once they got their white skin, blue eyes and blond hair.

Soon all races will have paladin so anyone who wants that will get their wish.

It’s hard for us to tell how to take you.

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Yeah, pallies for every race was all but confirmed as happening due to the Tyrsguard stuff. VElf’ll get pally along with the other ones without it, just like we got monks and locks for everyone

Bloood elves are those who kept to the ways of Quel’thalas and honoured the fallen
Those who still call themselves High Elves are the human loving traitors


Nope, they are Void Elves.

They could have been High/Blood Elves though. :yum:

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Theyre still high elves. Just high elves with a particular interest in the void who may or may not have a few tentacles sprouting out of them.
(I really wish we had more short hair cuts with tentacles… :frowning: )

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I will just say, aside from the fact that, no, we’re not getting Wildhammer as a seperate race (Blizz listened to feedback for once on Mag’har and Lightforged, and the feedback was “Don’t do this again. please”, same reason Eredar and undead elves are options), Earthen were requested. Mostly as an Alliance one, but ever since Wrath and Cata, there have been a few Earthen requests

Just, they weren’t popular of a request and moreso a “Yeah this’d be nice I guess”

It says we were High Elves renamed. Doesn’t reiterate that at all.

Doesn’t matter if we need to be neutral. Helfers will keep asking for that or for the race to switch factions entirely regardless of what they already have. You genuinely do not get to decide when the end of the story is lol. You can only learn to hold the line where we’re at and hope to fel that Blizzard doesn’t make any more concessions, because the more concessions they make, the easier it is for helfers to get blizz to make them. You aren’t solving anything Naughtymoon. You are just letting more corruption seep in deeper.

Who is “us,” and what exactly would how you take me change anything? Hm?

Exactly. Important. Cultural. Differences.
Nothing else is needed to consider two peoples to be of different races, even if only in the loosest sense of the word, aside from maybe for a people to choose to consider themselves such.

Good to have you here, brother.

I understand your point, and partially agree, but both groups were culturally similar until very recently. It’s only been 35 years in game since the “split”. Sociologically that isn’t long enough for the two groups to have the radical social and cultural shift you describe, unless that schism existed before the events of Arthas and the scourge.

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I would rather no more playable races that look like the ones we already have. if they want to add a new race it should be something unique. How many dwarfs do we need? How many orcs or elves do we need? etc.

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I don’t remember saying that I did, I follow Blizzards lore which is that the Blood Elves are the High Elves deal with it.

I’m not trying to, I’m trying to get it to the point that this request dies out because Blood Elves are High Elves that’s pretty much the bottom line, you don’t have to agree with how I’d do it and neither does anyone else I’m still entitled to my thoughts and my opinions on the topic because it’s a public forum.


The best expansions of this game include Alliance Faction High Elves (As notably distinct from the Horde Blood Elves) who are called out as being seperate. So, no, Blizzard lore isn’t “High elves and Blood elves are the same”

Wrath, MoP and Legion went to pains of going “Yup, they’re a Different Thing”, you can’t really use the lore defence on this when even people locked in Suramar for 10,000 years call out the differences


Alliance doesn’t have a faction of High Elves outside of a few here and there it’s mostly 1 NPC here or there, get real and I didn’t say Blizzard lore is that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same I said it’s that the Blood Elves are the High Elves because we are just renamed it doesn’t change our race just because we get a new name and for future references learn to read.