Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Strictly speaking it did change a lot actually. The majority of high elf fans have slipped away happy with what they have.

Many of us here only want a few more things even if that and not as a requirement.

There are some people still left who want more and can be rather extreme about it but they’re hardly a huge majority of the high elf fan base.

Most who still want things want things like Tattoos, feathery jewelry, the option to change EE so its either more helfy or has no visual.

Those things aren’t so out there overall. Many of them would apply to Void Elves just fine.

There are also some people who want paladin, which by all accounts is on the way anyways, and a name plate option. Which honestly isn’t the worst thing around and one of them could be useful to say the Wildhammer or Sand Troll or Man’ari players as well.

Those who expect an AR are hopeful but I think even most of them realize that high elves are more likely to be just added further to Void elves.

I don’t know. Its not the entire community and those who are on the extreme are just as weird as those on the extreme of the Blood Elf side imo.

(Also I feel compelled to state that my only high elf wants personally at this point in time are tattoos and feathery jewelry options. And I think those work fine attached to Void Elves in general.)

Also this.

While its entirely possible that Blizzard might give us high elves as an AR in Midnight… its probably unlikely.

Especially since we do see its resting point in Legion. T_T


I honestly don’t see how. First of all why would they do it? Cause the same 5 guys keep bumping the EU thread? Or the other 5 guys on MMO champion (at least some of them are from the EU forums)? So for a handful of overly vocal types they add another elf race that is esentially identical to belfs?
You want helfs, roll a belf. You don’t want to be Horde then roll a velf and use the helf customizations. Come on, for the love of God. Enough is enough.


I don’t know. Why’d they add Earthen with exactly the same story as the existing dwarves when they could have added Wildhammer and Ogres at the same time and made a lot of people happy?

Blizz does things. Its clear they have no rules or regular setups for how they choose an AR. So its possible, however unlikely.

I assume this is directed at those who are asking for the AR specifically and not me, but I don’t think this level of appeal will ever change anyones minds.

Either Blizz will listen to them or they won’t. Its not in their hands or yours or mine. Why worry so much about it?

Yeah, I was talking in general. Not pointing the finger at you. I was saying people have options and therefore it’s pointless. And yeah, Blizz can do anything they want, like the Earthen which were received rather poorly from what I see and I don’t think they want that.


War Within = New Dwarf Race
Midnight = New Elf Race
Last Titan = New ? Race

I for one would love to play as a ?
Imagine the heritage armor quest for ?
And you could add the new class # and it could be a tank, augment, dps we wanted Evoker to be!!

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I literally said this too. However, the reason he allied with the Legion is he went insane. Furthermore, Kael joining the Legion doesn’t invalidate anything I’ve said.

You’re not and don’t really back up your assertions except with more baseless assertions or ones with invalid bases. No actual facts. Keep telling yourself that though. Talk about distortions.

My generalizations are backed up by facts. I have listed some in this thread, though not directly at you, while others I just didn’t think I had to list given they are/were pretty numerous and blatant.

An example of an assertion with an invalid basis, in this case due to you misrepresenting/misquoting me and my arguments.

I never asserted that all blood elves have always acted a single certain way. Again, talk about distorting facts.

My argument has always been three-fold: Originally, nearly all Blood elves (MAYBE besides Farstriders which only started getting any portrayal in tbc, and don’t ever truly prove to not conform, just having a different focus narratively) acted a certain way. Something backed up by not only the WC encyclopedia, but also in game with numerous examples I didn’t think I had to list to show it wasn’t just an assumption given they were so prevalent that I’d have an easier time listing the few exceptions, such that you and others even tried to invalidate my supposed assumption by referencing how the end of TBC changed things. Which it did, just not as much as you argued. Which brings me to the second part of my argument. After TBC to present there’s instead mostly TWO ways blood elves behave. Those that still cling to the old ways not shared by High Elves (ways forced into being by them clinging to their Arcane heritage, and essentially an aspect of their culture) refrenced in the narration upon creating a new blood elf and depicted in BFA with green eyed blood elves seen feeding on troll blood magic through typical draining methods (there’s probably other examples, but I can’t think of them) and those who embrace the new Sunwell. Those who embrace the new Sunwell are closer to being little more than renamed High Elves.

“Mostly” being a word allowing me to acknowledge that a few individuals deviated from the typical depiction in important ways, that set them apart as special, not representative of the majority, or norm. In Valeera’s case, I actually acknowledge there are aspects to her depiction that fit with most other blood elves, especially pre-wotlk, but she is such a messily portrayed and written character (mana addiction triggered at a different time from other blood elves? Fel green eyes even before said addiction was triggered?) specifically written as especially individualistic, and independent from the rest of her people, that even if she does largely fit with the characterization of most blood elves during that period of the lore, the parts that don’t fit are so integral to the character that they make her an exception, and not an example representative of most canon blood elves.

This is an exact situation where a generalization makes sense because my very argument is that generally speaking something is true, based on things I thought were obvious. Begging the question would mean I don’t even believe or care for my argument to be supported by anything. Which is just an assumption you made… again, even though for some reason you argued against the argument prior to that suggesting you recognized its veracity.

This brings me to the last part of my argument, that not only aren’t belves not helves, they shouldn’t be. Or at least that’s not how they should mostly be portrayed. Warcraft’s elves should be thoroughly distinct from the elves of other franchises in their depictions. That’s fundamentally better for Warcraft because that gives Warcraft even more that people have to come to the franchise for specifically. Blood elves essentially just being high elves precludes that. High Elves should remain the largely unoriginal part of the PAST of Warcraft’s lore. Blood elves should be the thoroughly distinctive present and future.

I also haven’t called any blood elf depicted in game as “not a true blood elf”. Mostly because I haven’t had to. Show me an example of one I either have, or one you think I will. Besides your PC you RP lol, given that by nature of it just being your oc, your depiction is not officially canon. I also did not say Valeera is not a true Belf. Only that due to her being a rarely depicted, or even unique exception of an example, due to the degree of indviduality and alliegences, she does not weaken my argument as it is wor In addition, I already stated how appeal to purity is not applicable here. I can elaborate as to why, but frankly given you have already shown your true colors by stating you’d prefer if the Sin’dorei ceased to be a thing, and it was all just Quel’dorei… I am not sure there’s a point. Someone who wants the Sin’dorei to cease to be, doesn’t get to define what a blood elf is.

And how am I being dishonest?

Yes you said that when the example you gave of me being pedantic isn’t an example of being pedantic at all.

When you misquote someone, or misrepresent their argument, you are misrepresenting facts. Not being factual.

None of this is strawman. It all has important bearing on our differences. But by all means, stop responding. I don’t really trust the integrity underlying your arguments.

He wasn’t insane until after his first defeat at Tempest Keep.

As I said, not going to play in to the strawman bits.

I didn’t say you were wrong.

Again, it’s funny when you choose to be pedantic. (Thank you for catching my typo)


Who knows, the story may make them far more interesting.

I know that’s why I main a Zandalari :slight_smile:

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Basis? Npc’s suggested he had become demon crazed before his defeat in Tempest Keep. Obviously he went even nuttier once we nearly killed him and he got revived with fel magic.

Not a strawman when this is a possible example of you not being factual, with that being important to the overarching debate between us.

It isn’t pedantic. It’s parsing facts.

Pfft, we all know that LFR & Normal difficulty forum fact parses don’t matter, Mythic difficulty forum fact parses are much more impressive. To say you are normal parsing facts just makes you sound like a sweaty parse lord. :rofl: :joy:


Warcraft 3 Spell Breaker voice

Very clever.

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Again… here we are making assumptions…

I dunno if he’s looked up the word or not. shrugs

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It’s a pretty safe assumption that this is a possible example. It is not an assumption that it is important to our argument whether or not you are being factual.

I dunno if you’ve a valid purpose for even saying that. Helfer.

Maybe. I just feel like resources could have been spent on the things the Horde and Alliance have been asking for for years.

Ogres and Furbolg, Wildhammer proper, Forest Trolls, Jinyu, Hozen, Taunka, Frostborn…

And those are just ones that are more or less already allied with their respective factions.

I’m not going to judge the Earthen though until we actually get to see em fully. Right now I’m just miffed about what could have been. lol

Fen… where are the Naga in that list…?

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I didn’t know this about you but that’s totally cool especially with how strong of a defender you are for Blood Elves and the fact they are the High Elves. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Either you are a strong defender for Blood Elves, or you are a strong defender of them being High Elves. Can’t be both. Traitor.

Especially if you outright admit you want Blood Elves to stop calling themselves Blood Elves and call themselves High Elves instead.

Some helfer spy/sleeper agent bs. The lot of you.

I am both, I’m a High Elf fan because Blood Elves are the High Elves renamed, this isn’t a hard concept, the fact people in these threads try to push for a race that’s already been available since 2007 just because it’s not on the blue side is absurd and something little like being able to pick either High Elf or Blood Elf on our creation screen would solve those problems deal with it.