Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Honestly I want Druids of the Flame (Which can just be customization, maybe even for Non-Night Elf Recruits like Worgen.), San’layn, and Felbloods (Also Customization options.) (Naga as well if we are counting them.). Dark Rangers for Nightbourne (There is 0 reason why Void Elves can but Nightbourne can’t. You can’t tell me Sylvanas didn’t go around stocking up on Nightbourne bodies during Legion.).

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It’s a good joke. It’s a great joke even. But I’m gonna have to ask you to stop.


Honestly I’d argue that while the average high elf pro does kinda see their elves in that light, the high elves we’ve been left with post third war are not really that.

The SC for instance is all but a militarized group that committed a genocide for crying out loud. Hardly a good guy elf group.

The Highvale literally told the Alliance “we’re allied but get off our lawn” while also just taking the brunt of magical addiction to the point of swearing off any magic.

The high elves of Allerian Stronghold are grizzled veterans who not only were already defiant of Silvermoon but then survived in a hellish wasteland world for years with little hope of rescue. Not counting them being the first group of Thalassians to find out the blood elves were now working with Illidan…

And all of them have an ideological difference of opinion that precluded them from going back home for years.

They’re actually a really interesting story. Which is what drew me to them alongside the Blood Elves. (and like I really love my blood elves too.)

I think folk, especially on the high elf side, who see them as just the Tolkien esc elves are horrendously under selling them.


His damn axe should have been a warrior artifact weapon.


You are forgetting the most important difference. Their culture and average world-view. Which obviously you can rp away from, which is the point.

High elves have no mystique. The people who want them added just have an irrational obsession even worse than the one I have with Naga.

My MAN :slightly_smiling_face: be sure to be on the look out for the megathread i’ll be making!


I sometimes wish we could see more in the likes of alliance elves insofar as Vereesa Windrunner and others that have remained independent or with the Alliance.

One of the most frustrating things is that I don’t recall any significant thing that involved her specifically. I’m kinda sad that she’s constantly living in the shadow of Alleria and Sylvanas.

Culturally different. But they each share the same history.

Yo, playable Naga sounds heckin cool. I’m worried though, that Blizzard’s version of playable Naga will undoubtedly include two working legs, very muscular. With kneecaps and feet.

Oh the feet.

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They could be like Night Elves but with scales, tentacles on faces, and etc. They would be sea elves in a way just without the tail.

If you are talking about my suggestion above, then rest assure that NOTHING would change. A void-human however would get their racials twisted to become similar to yours but not identical.

Remember when Blizzard added the high elf customizations to void elves, and then added even more of them and the HE fans said “Ok, we’re happy now”
That was pretty funny right? Those HElfers had a lot of us going. I actually believed them for a time until I remembered “Oh right, these are elf fans we’re talking about”.


Yeah and? I was against that too. :joy:
:person_shrugging: Honestly, Void Elves should’ve just been a skin option for Blood Elves like Man’ari were for Draenei.

  • Heck myself along with many other players have already voiced that, so I didn’t see a need to bring up a conversation up for the buzzilionth time — Afterall, that’s more something you wannabe-Helfers do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As I said earlier in the thread, the best additional compromise I could think of is to wipe out the name ‘High Elves’ from the game & have Blood Elves simply declared neutral.

Wrong. :tea: :slight_smile:

Majority of their race & the entirety of the kingdom are sided with + playable on the Horde. :smiley:


Hey now — Careful puffing that copium, you might overdose …

  • “Unification of the Elves” – Doesn’t translate to – “High Elves will be a separate race, playable for Alliance only!” :joy:
  • Nothing’s been confirmed yet.
  • Heck, for all you know Blizz could pull a UNO reverse card on your mindset and after the ‘Unification’ simply give Blood Elves the option to have ‘High Elf’ as their mouse over & leave Alliance with nothing from the story outcome. :joy: :joy: :joy:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’ve literally listed reasons, lore and sources more than anything you have :clown_face:
— You just chose to ignore it, because you can’t accept it. :joy:

Cope harder.

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No, either they are Snake people or nothing.

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i was against void elves getting high elf appearance i love the void aspect of void elves but it was a mistake giving them high elf appearance because i knew it would change nothing for those who demand high elves they would still even proclaim what those in this thread have. blizzard should quadruple down and remove the “high elf” name from existing npc’s and have them be called blood elves or have them become void elves and just outright tell the playerbase they wont get “high elves” other than void elves and blood elves. because frankly the people begging for playable alliance high elves will never listen to reason they openly ignore the lore because it is against what they want and even when void elves were made as a high elf alternative compromise they still rejected this.


it happened, despite you being against it. So this is a same story. High elves are happening in the midnight expansion.

Best will be high elves playable, sanlayn playable, third faction elves, all elves under one faction.

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Name one and explain how it refutes a single thing I said. I see literally nothing I haven’t addressed.

What tf is with these people trying to get more elves at the expense of people who actually want naga?!


Well if you do, then I hope you see a lot of the generalizations you are doing and begging the question.

Yet I found it.


I of course do, now why did we kill him in Tempest Keep?

The rest you are being facetious.


You have no proof of that. And it makes no sense what so ever with belfs and velfs. You people do this all the time, you hype yourselves up over nothing.

That’s not a compromise genius, you can’t ask for a compromise then after you get it, you demand another and another until the other party making the compromise is forced to give it all to you. But then again, you expect the faction system to be remade because, well, I’m not sure why you think you are that special for them to ignore the fact that you have belfs on both sides and just break the faction system to create a third faction. Why?


A lot? There is only a couple, and generalizations aren’t inherently fallacious. They can be entirely valid. Also, no, I have not made the assumption of truth part of my arguments.

What you listed is not what I was referring to.

Firstly, I said mostly for a reason.

Second of all, Valeera’s practically a traitor, which ironically is somewhat in character for a blood elf. However she is still an exception that does not disprove the rule.

Did you even read my posts? I answered this before the post your post here quotes.


Hmmm… still not seeing your logical fallacies then?

You said he went insane, that wasn’t the reason we go to kill him.

It’s interesting when you want to be pedantic and then not.


They want World of ElfCraft.

Yes, because there are no logical fallacies there.

During TBC that was the lore. Everyone used to complain about the laziness of it. Everything he did that lead to us entering tempest keep to kill him was because he went mad. More recent lore has tried to make it more nuanced, but it amounts to the same thing. His mind was compromised both by his apparent mental incompetence in dealing with his circumstances and his inability to handle fel energy properly, now also depicted as being utterly callous, and gullible.

Not being pedantic. I am not convinced you understand what that word means. Making important distinctions using words is not pedantic. That’s just language. Given your intellectual dishonesty it makes sense you’d seem to not understand that.


At the very least a legendary…

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He allied with the Legion, this is why the Blood Elves rebelled against their prince.

I’m using the words quite well, I notice when others lay down the facts, they get distorted by you.

Generalizations are not good when not supported by facts, this is where the distortions happen.

Begging the question, you assume that all Blood Elves act a certain way (your assumed conclusion/truth) and then say when one doesn’t “they are not a true Blood Elf” or are “exceptions to the rule.”

This again is a No True Scotsman fallacy, those who keep proposing High Elves are a separate race keep doing the same fallacy.

Accusing me of dishonesty and then being dishonest. I said it’s interesting when you choose to be pendantic.

Show me where I am not being factual and I’ll concede.

Otherwise, I am done having to strawman all the time with you.