Can we finally get playable the high elves?

You do not understand the logical fallacy. I am not the one being inflexible.

I can see you are not paying attention or understand the island skirmish in TBC or why both factions sought to kill him…

This is new information, where does this come from? Do you mean the Siphon Magic part that is no longer happening? Because the Sunwell has returned?

What I could find “Mana tap is unique in that it is (or was) one of the few racials not only directly referenced in the lore, but a large part of it. Via Illidan Stormrage, Kael’thas Sunstrider was able to learn a formidable technique by which to sate the elves’ magical addiction: the process of forcibly taking arcane magic from external sources. A servant of his, Rommath, went on to spread these teachings back home in Quel’Thalas, allowing the general sin’dorei populace (of which we the players belong to) to better deal with the pangs of addiction. Prior to its removal in Patch 3.0.2, instruction in its usage (mana tapping the crazed mana wyrms around the isle) was among the first things taught to new blood elf players.”

Now Head Canon my character here is a Blood Elf who remained in Dalaran and hates Vareesa. Though is very much okay with being seen as a High Elf (because he’s the longest lived). Seruldon would be my hardliner and then I have a Farstrider too who just stays neutral and is loyal to Quel’Thalas.

Point being, you can RP to your hearts content.


Good news is, the majority of the fanbase is not in this thread.

I think there is something of a spectrum between fans of specific races, in this case, Blood Elves and High Elves. For people like Galathir whom insist Blood Elves are High Elves, they fall on the spectrum not so much closer to the blue end of it. For them, claiming that Blood Elves are High Elves, to me at least, comes off as a way of, “protecting,” Blood Elves.

More than once I’ve seen posters speculate were High Elves to become a fully fledged playable race, it would invalidate the Blood Elves as a race, and leave them on the cutting board, much as the rest of the Horde gets very little positive development. There is a real (and I would even say not unfounded) concern that High Elves would be this heroic race of victims the Blood Elves abused. As the Blood Elves are one of the Horde’s more heroic races, that’s taking away something unique the Blood Elves bring to the Horde.

The thing about fear is, it’s never rational. You can’t assure someone that their fears are unfounded; they have to come to that conclusion themselves. I could point out the Silver Covenant’s antics in the Purge of Dalaran absolutely precluding them from being a, ‘Heroic Race,’ but that’s not going to convince anyone after the Horde’s been struck by the villain-bat multiple times.

And in the end, I couldn’t guarantee Blood Elves wouldn’t be forgotten and ignored, and all future Thalassian stories be spearheaded by the High Elves. Only Blizzard could make such a guarantee, and they themselves are not very constant. I remember when Ion said Blood Elves had, ‘evolved past,’ blue eyes, and then a few days later we were told they were getting blue eyes.


You think this is my assertion? It’s Blizzard’s and a Dev stating it as such.

More I can go with the flow of the story…

There is truth to this because for some reason, people forget Blood Elves inherit the history of Quel’Thalas as a people.


blizzard needs to just outright tell them the alliance will never get High Elves other than Void Elves.


Thats happened already and yet here we are with people still going on about it.
While high elves exist, their fans will ask for them.


Someone outlined it in another thread. If they are truely fans of the High Elves they would be totally onboard with the Blood Elves in WoW.

What “those” folks want are Tolkien elves.


based on everything you have said shows you openly reject existing lore since warcraft 3.

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Felendren, do you know why Kael’thas was killed in Tempest Keep?

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wows “high elves” are more akin to warhammers. not tolkiens. metzen the dude who written the lore is a massive warhammer nerd.

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Yes and I totally see Void Elves being a re-imagined Eldar in a way.

they are more like dark elves if anything. i like them and their void them. and the fact void elves use the void live in a dead world but are on alliance and distrusted by npc’s while blood elves are in a lively place highly accepted by the horde and use The light via the sunwell. they are the perfect contrast to eachother.


Yeah i dont get it myself.

Whenever people talk about high elves vs blood elves, they always go back to the events of tbc.
But ignoring the part that this was like 18 years ago and that expansion ended with them moving completely away from the fel and demonic and in to the light.

Plus at this point in the game, the factions are basically bffs.
The high elves should either go void or go home to quelthalas and rejoin the blood elves.
Their reason for fighting no longer exists.


game clearly specify who you are. No need make assumptions. Blood elf.

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Okay, you hold a conversation with Ion.


Well and he did said, if you want pretty elf go horde, then after some time they gave “pretty” elf to alliance. And?

This is World of Warcraft not a someones personal game.

You are blood elf. Not a high elf. Game clearly specify that.

People want to play alliance high elves which are like Silver Covenant high elves. Yet blood elves come into this topic and pretending that blood elves are actually silver covenant high elves.

Not to mention, we already got void elves , who are literally blood elf copies. But they are not high elves alliance ever asked or wanted.

The Midnight will bring justice for high elf fans.

I am no member or lover of those traitorous genocidal human loving elves.

WE Sin’Dorei are the rightful heirs to the Quel’Thalas legacy.


The game name tag you are so fond of using in your reasoning says i’m a Pandaren, it doesn’t specify if im a Wandering Isle Pandaren or a mainland Pandaren. So using id tags from in game isn’t helping your case the way you think it does.


Those pretty elves are what kind of elves? What group did they get exiled from before changing their name? You are soooooo close to getting it.

Disprove it if you can

Okay, im still counting, but if this thread is any indication then there are as many in-game high elves as there are high elf fans in this topic you posted…which isn’t a lot since its the same few people posting the same incorrect assertions repeatedly.