You are the one making the claim that the alliance is wrong and won’t work. You are the one in the position to prove your point. If you admit there is uncertainty then you are making my point. Uncertainty means the alliance is possible and can’t be ruled out as you say it can.
You are the one making the claim that the alliance makes sense because of comparisons to real world history. I do not need to prove a negative… smh.
I’m saying it is possible given the fact that we have seen the same sorts of things here. As for the human factor, the characters in WoW are very human like in the way they talk, the way they act, the way they behave. If it can happen here, it can happen there.
Now if you are saying it is not possible, then you are the one who needs to provide specifics.
They still won’t be happy. They want Silvermoon taken away from the Horde, too, and Blood Elves removed from the game.
You should never apply real world examples (physics for example) to a fictional world. It doesn’t work. Hell even in the real world other real world examples can be meaningless.
Yeah in a fictional world, the story is whatever the teller says it is.
Blizzard could say that the light has magically turned all player characters in to badgers if they wanted.
It would be a bad story. But it would be the canon story.
It’s improbable, which makes it not very compelling writing…
Human-like is not human enough. Humans throughout history committed heinous crimes on massive scales over lesser differences than the ones between the Horde and the Alliance… to say nothing of if you compound the destruction of cities that are sacred onto all of that… some grudges like those have lasted hundreds of years! Entire peoples dispersed or wiped out.
Over my dead RL body…
Badgers you say…
Depends on the one you ask.
Only thing on my list of helf stuff is tattoos which could just as easily apply to velf stuff.
Maybe feather based jewelry?
And then, if they got all of that, next on the agenda would be…
in midnight expansion, we are geting them!
Short ears done. Lol
its intresting in stormwind in the cathedral every void elf is threatened by the priests. kinda love that unique dialogue. i am one who thinks the races should double down on their differnces and not trying to make them loook more similar. i want more void aspects for void elves and more customization for blood elves.
midnight most definitely is caused by the void elves as that is like a major reason for their exile them using void around the sunwell didnt go well and the fact they were practicing magic and which was banned because it was made by the elf who sold out quel’thalas to the scourge ya kinda a big issue. and if they do cause the sunwell to go all void well they surely will not be welcomed ever.
Well I have someone saying that something which happens in the real world would be impossible in this fictional world. It seems to me that anything is possible in a fictional world so I just want to know why?
Oh yay, another High Elf thread.
That’s incorrect …
Blood Elves are quite literally High Elves, they just rebranded their name.
Heck your statement is so crazy it’d be like me asking for playable “Defias Brotherhood” then suggesting they’re not humans or undead but Defias Brotherhood
Sure there’s some political differences in their title of what they choose to call themselves & perhaps small degree of lifestyle, but there’s no core differences beyond that …
The Blood Elves & the High Elves:
- Blood Elves & High Elves are identically the same, aside from politics. That’s it. There’s no biological, physical or cosmic differences – Unlike Void Elves have, or Nightborne do to the Nightelves.
- They simply renamed themselves to Blood Elves for political purposes only.
- High Elves & Blood Elves were born in the same culture, kingdoms and share the same history.
- High Elves & Blood Elves were also born in the same time, around the same places, cultures, kingdoms and said-history — Thus wouldn’t even have different accents. The political differences would have miniscule discrepancies to their overall culture.
- The Blood Elves literally just renamed themselves to honour the blood spilled to their kin that died to protect their homeland against Arthas & the Scourge.
The naming of Blood Elves -
- Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims the rise of the blood elves:
“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! … In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!”
Source: WoW lore book - ‘Blood of the Highborne’
So as stated, the only reason for their rebranded name was political rebranding to honour the fallen, along with the honour of themselves & surviving kin as a people.
No, they’re not!
Another factor to address, given it often comes up in these kind of threads …
The Eyes & the Fel-Green Glow:
This CANNOT be used as precedent for argument, as its been confirmed & stated as per sources above, that the name has nothing to do with the fel.
The Blood Elves being named such has nothing to do with the fel, culture or even the Horde. Their name is to do with honouring their people.
That being said, with the restoration of the Sunwell – They have access to a cure of their addiction & reversion of various elements of fel-corruption by those who either:
- Fed directly off its power, other than just the other taught methods of satiation.
- Or were influenced by the radiation which powered the city & kingdom of Quel’Thalas along with their various settlements (What the large green fel-crystals were used for).
So trying to argue the ‘significance’ via the differences of how they managed the former addiction & withdrawal — is just mere medical-history, at best.
You took a complex subject about national identity, politics, religion, and nation building and tried to distill it down to work exactly the same way in a video game. In WoW the factions band together after moments before trying to kill each other to stop the next planetary level threat so they can go back to killing each other and then repeat this cycle for decades. Use WW1 as an example. An assassin from one nation killed the leader of another nation and all out war broke out. On the surface its simplicity would be a great plot to draw from for a game like WoW. In reality WW1 was a far more dense complex cascade of events that were manipulated and orchestrated behind the scenes for years before the assassin struck. You could never take that kind of politically charged multilayered event and use it as the narrative for a game. It’s not as cool as saying Bill assassinated Frank and war broke out which is how most WoW plots go. Thus using your contrived real world examples to say “see it could happen!” leaves out an enormous amount of information regarding how the real world event unfolded.
How do you know what “racials” Wildhammer dwarves have?
Thank you, it’s not a race thing. Took you some time to admit. High Elves are still a part of the Quel’Thalas Kingdom though.
Oh no.
Pay attention to what I reply to.
I’m not against Alliance Blood Elves being playable.
What I’m against is this “True High Elf” wierdo stuff.
I’m stealing your meme
This is gold, bwahahahaha