Can we finally get playable the high elves?

They gave us customizations for both blood elves and void elves that literally make them look like they could be high elves. I feel like this answered the call enough. If we had high elves, no one would play anything else. Having Alleria and Sylvanas be high elves means something when it comes to the lore. If we could all play high elves, it would ruin a huge part of the game and the lore. This topic needs to be dropped.

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I wouldn’t call it a mistake, as the vast majority of people who wanted alliance high elves went “eh
 good enough” and just let the topic go. Now we just have vocal fringe minority who can’t get over the fact that their high elf doesn’t say High Elf on the nameplate.

I mean, I am all for blizzard leaning into the void customizations full tilt for void elves for the foreseeable future. Maybe the occasion high elf thing thrown at void elves, but mostly void stuff.

ctrl + c = copy
ctrl + x = cut

The 1st batch of void elves were infused with void energies but as far as I am aware there is no void critter living in their head.

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Holy hell, these threads still exist?

Burn it already, both sides have pasty blue-eyed elves.

Nobody’s getting the name ‘high elf’.

Void or Blood.

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I thought the same thing when I came back to wow recently. I thought this kind of thread topic would have died when void elves got the high elf customization. Yet here we are today.


I’m glad you’re happy with what we have now, I am as well, but trying to tell others what they should “drop” or not is cringe as heck.

Honestly aside from the nameplate and EE racial stuff the vast majority of the high elf requests work just as well for them as they do for void elves themselves. Tattoos, Jewelry, more hairstyles.

These things would be fine for void elves regardless.

You never said what part of playing a void elf as a high elf wasnt RP.

You talk about options for wildhammer on dwarves and how an ironforge dwarf wouldnt use them.
But you never said where that was on void elves.

What part of playing a void elf as a high elf isnt rp?

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This i cant fully agree with.
Void elves are thalassian elves so of course there is some overlap.
But high elf fans seem to want to look pretty and elegant. I cant say thats what the majority of void elf fans want.
And i dont get the impression that the high elf fans that haven’t already moved on, wont move on, until they have a full range of pretty elegant options comparable to any other base race.
So i personally would say that their interests are in direct opposition to mine.

The requests do work, but only for a small subsection.
If we got 10 new hairstyles and 2 or 3 were ones high elf fans liked, that would be fine.
If 7 or 8 of them were suitable for high elf fans, thats not fine.


You have to understand where I come from: The official tattoo descriptions for the dwarves signify the actual region they are from. There is only one region based on Ironforge. Every other tattoo choice is a Wildhammer choice. Regular dwarves don’t wear tattoos, this is unique to Wildhammers and Wildhammers only. There is no point to argue against it and even the official developers would agree with me here. It’s blatantly obvious.

Regarding the Void Elves: They can be anything or anything in-between. There is no limit to this. You can either play them as High Elf-High Elf, Void Elf-High Elf or even Void Elf-Blood Elf due some transmogs. The limit is the sky.

I wasnt arguing against your points re the dwarves.
I was saying there was ground to say they make the subrace.

I was following on from that saying there is nothing on a void elf thats like the dwarf customisation.
Every single aspect of void elves apply to void elves.

You could make two identical characters and call one a void elf, and one a high elf.
What would be the difference? How you rp it.

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Fair enough.

With hair I generally see it as ridiculous that all the hair options aren’t shared between all races that have it at this point anyways but I also don’t see Void Elves as unable or unwilling to have “elegant” hair anymore than the hair they get. I also don’t buy into the concept that their hair is somehow greasy that I see thrown around a lot
 but thats me.

Regardless they are still thalassian elves and any thalassian format applied, especially now that all our options are canon, is void elven just as well.

Now if on our next pass we get 10 new hairstyles and only 2 or 3 are clearly designed around the void elves (lets say have a tentacle toggle for instance and use the current hair texture type) yeah I’d see that as anathema to Void elf design schemes. I’d be happy for high elf fans I suppose but I’d consider that a pass without the void involved.

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I mean, I get the impression at this point, that the High Elf fans who haven’t said “Good enough” by this point will ever say “Good enough” until they have the official “High Elf” race name on their nameplate.

So basically they’ll never stop because I don’t see Blizzard ever adding “High Elves” as it’s own race at this point.

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There’s always going to be some that won’t be happy until they can use a time machine and have the blood elves be Alliance, but we shouldn’t judge the majority on those few who can’t move on from change.

Oh I don’t, especially in this case. I was one of the vocal people who were advocating for Void Elves to get the High Elf customizations. And true to my word, after they got them, I let the topic go and have since only tried to help those that can’t see it that they already have access to the high elves they are looking for and stating I think Blizz should add more void options for void elves.

Youre not wrong, but at the same time, if you dont look like an emo kid ripped straight out of 2010, what even is the point? XD


If you follow the track record it will never stop because it went from just wanting the model on Alliance to that they wanted our skintones, then our eye colors, then our hair colors, now it’s hairstyles and jewelry and being able to shut off the glowy proc and have access to Silvermoon.

For someone that actually likes Void Elves for Void Elves it’s cringe because I’m still waiting for stuff like N’Zoth/Azshara eyes, permanent glowing skintones and hot pink hair color.


And I am all for this stuff at the point.


I want a skin tone like this

But with more purple splattered across the torso and face. Make it look like the void is creeping in and corrupting.
If its hidden by shoes and gloves, its not corrupted enough.

With eyes like this

And then finally, some short hair styles with tentacles that actually look good.
We only have one and
 yeah, its not it.


well we could have 2 or 3 helf hairstyles and we could have velf tentacle hairstyles with a braid toggle. this means both velfs and helfs get a larger set of options, as velfs can use helf hairstyles and helf tentacle toggle as well. it shows various states of transistion also, since helf-velfs are at different stages of the void process and so are belf-velfs

helfs and velfs never got a hairstyles pass. we are still stuck with just the choices we were given nearly 8 years ago when we were created. we also got no tats, markings, necklaces, hair decorations, headdresses, bracelets. armbands, and etc, they just copied-pasted hair colors and skin colors and stopped. meanwhile all the other legion allied races got a full pass. we have 1 page of options. granted we have more skin and hair colors than other allied races. and i am grateful for that. still the hair is strictly void.

they did give us a toggle to toggle off tentacles but they arent replaced with anything so you have holes in your hairstyles if you use toggle. the males have receeding hairlines and the females look like they didnt bother to brush their hair in the morning. so you put together an elegant transmog and your bangs are clipping everywhere and your pony tail looks like someone ripped half of it out by the roots.

and the bummer of it all, is they say no new customization passes for tww either. and we have some bfa allied races that didnt get a single thing and the devs have stopped customizing. being a new playable race may be the only way anyone will get new hairstyles and other customs. witness dracthyr, who have more customization combos than all the other races combined

This is why you use the melancholy one if female or flayer one if male, female wise you can also maybe use scandal but the rest are meh, however given they are Void Elves and are supposed to have tentacle’s it makes sense somewhat why they’d be flawed if not using them.

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