Can we finally get playable the high elves?

sadly, this can be proven since entropic embrace and race title says we are void elves. its not that big of a deal to me, just as long as when blizz gets around to distributing allied race customizations, if they ever do, they dont forget to address our subrace, such as a toggle for tentacles that makes them braids instead and maybe a couple pretty/handsome hairstyles that arent so scruffy

The normal hair colours and skin tones are canonically customisation for void using void elves as shown by their npcs.

So now that we know that there are no void elf customisation that do not apply to void elves, lets look at all the other aspects.

The nametag? Void
The voice? Void
The voice lines? Void
Heritage? Void
Blood? Void

Where does the lack of void come in to play?
As far as i can tell, its only in rp

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with rp.
Pretty much every aspect of everyones character is rp.
I rp my void elf as a half elf. Thats rp, but it doesnt mean i see them any differently.

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Preferably after they added actual races people want (not at the expense of existing races) like Ogres. Then we can start adding half-races.

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I would love to see Ogres finally added. I’d really like Blizzard to start by adding in all the races that have already joined either the Horde or the Alliance. They’ve got a fairly long list at this point.

Though for the Arathi I suspect they might just do that as a customization option for humans and thalassian elves. The Arathi use all the same body types and really it just ends up being an ear choice. (Though I’d love it if they added glowing eyes to humans. >.>)

Another thing I’d like to see before half races is body types, yeah. Wish they’d get on those and add them casually, not as some kind of expansion feature.

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ogres and san’layn were the top 2 requested allied races by the horde, followed up by forest trolls and somewhere in there were naga

San’layn got added by way of customization, and the problem with ogres is that they’re the most popularly requested race that barely anyone would ever play (also their player model would probably cap out around Kul Tiran in size to be able to fit through doors)

tauren size is fair

I’d play them. I’ve been waiting to make an ogre warrior for a very long time.

Interesting because I have a not seen a single void elf with monster hair that eats people yet or atleast with 3 eyes.

I have a feeling we’re gonna see a lot of Forest Trolls in Midnight. Curious to see if they become a playable race or something.

soooon lol
voidberg is hungry

they are and have been a popular allied race request for horde, though ogres #1 and san’layn were #2, it was back in legion that the polls were taken

If we go by this logic, then the Man’aari are also only “RP” and not canon, despite them being a subrace, having a story, where they join the Alliance through the Draenei uniting questline and on top of that, they got also a new hearthstone effect. Same goes for several races. The Darkfallen for the Thalassian Elves, the Wildhammer Dwarves, the Mag’har Orc clans, the Sand Trolls, the human nations and everything else. I don’t think this is the case for the Tauren though.

The Draenei haven’t gotten any new voice lines too - and yet, the Man’aari are part of the Alliance now. The whole logic collapses by the RP-argument simply because Blizzard always tries to cut corners if they can.

I’m not sure it does
 they’re all still there for RP.

The Man’ari are the most effort Blizzard has ever put forth for a “sub-race” sort of thing. (Which I applaud them for mind). But like
 its still the race it was. You just look like you’re a man’ari and have a slightly different colored Gift of the Naaru which is still called gift of the Naaru.

Only in a few minor interactions does it recognize you as Man’ari and most of those are in the heritage questlines.

Its a far cry from more than RP. (That all said I really wish they would implement some sort of sub-race system or at least an expanded talent tree for racials so we have more choice.)


They at least have exclusive customisation given to them and a fel recoloured racial.
Those are 2 things that dont apply to regular draenei.

This isnt something that applies to void elves in any way.

Manari might be a far cry from being the whole package and just rp tools themselves but
 you know
 at least they have stuff thats not applicable to draenei


well we have helf customizations but it isnt exclusive, which is good for voidy velfs too, because it increases their options. if we ever get pink eye glow, we could make full blown dark elves with the dark blue skin, white hair, elf ears and pink eyes. but first, blizz needs to get back to customizing, as i said before, if they fired their customizations dept, we might be able to get customizations via cosmetics, like hats/headwear with hair attached, sleeveless shirts and glasses with eye glows and tats/markings attached. maybe.

velfs have no jewelry other than their starter earrings, so robes/shirts/tabards with jewelry attached, like necklaces, would also be nice

I’ve been wanting to play a High Elf Warrior for 20 years


No offense, you two, but your arguments hold no water. They went with the easy route on almost all identical races but the Dark Iron Dwarves and Mechagnomes. The last one makes sense from an animated standpoint. It wouldn’t wonder me if we get just Gilgoblins assets on the current model either, because it’s the easiest way to do this.

Besides this, you can easily confirm the most blatant subrace through the Dwarves. The Wildhammer tattoos. There is not a single reason to give the Bronzebeard those options. Not one. Everyone using those tattoos (but for the one) is a non-canon Bronzebeard dwarf. Discussing the Orc clans is bit more complex though, which is why I skip this part.

Because this was almost half a decade ago. They learned from the discussions here and are aware of the constant personal fights people have. The wow team has at least over 200 people, and they do post and visit the forums anonymously. I’m sure they will update the racial effect of the Void Elves in the future. Blizzard developers have a tendency to release changes years later. And they have enough of it, otherwise they wouldn’t even alluded to the green eyes on the Void Elf character. Sooner or later the Blood and Void Elf assets will by exchanged.

Our argument does hold water. Those sub-groups are only represented as an RP option. You’re not a Wildhammer dwarf if your racial and heritage is entirely dependent on Bronzebeard dwarves. You can just look like one.

Its RP at best. Again the Man’ari are Blizzards best attempt yet to actually give the Sub-race but even that is little more than RP. They need to do a lot more for it to actually be a sub-race system or more than RP. (At least thats my opinion on it. And I do want them to do more. Its a shame they haven’t really.)

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