Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I guess what im saying is, to just kinda accept that.
Dont try and force them in to your ideal. Because they werent made for you. They were made for others who are very happy to have them.

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well my buck is as good as yours. as i said earlier, alliance already uses the helf model and has since wotlk. we have helf guards in dalaran or did have helf guards in dalaran. now they’re running around earthen lands. the only difference between helf npcs and playable helfs, is one makes alliance helf fans happy and the other just serves as a reminder that blizz was not particularly interested in alliance requests unless they coincided with horde requests

horde fans picked alliance races. this is how we ended up with all the least played races in the game, velfs being the only exception as far as player numbers go.

  1. Blood Elf 20.06%
  2. Night Elf 9.43%
  3. Orc 9.35%
  4. Human 9.22%
  5. Troll 5.93%
  6. Tauren 5.49%
  7. Undead 4.69%
  8. Zandalari Troll 4.54%
  9. Void Elf 3.82%
  10. Vulpera 3.43%
  11. Pandaren 2.89%
  12. Draenei 2.61%
  13. Mag’har Orc 2.31%
  14. Nightborne 2.20%
  15. Worgen 2.07%
  16. Goblin 2.06%
  17. Highmountain Tauren 1.86%
  18. Dwarf 1.77%
  19. Dark Iron Dwarf 1.70%
  20. Gnome 1.55%
  21. Lightforged Draenei 1.26%
  22. Kul Tiran 1.08%
  23. Mechagnome 0.68%

they swore they would roll them immediately, and of course most of them didnt, and instead made jokes about them.

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i think people who want playable helves are annoying and that this matter has been settled for years. i also think velves are dumb and have shallow silly lore, and wish they actually looked visually interesting. if you like using the peach skin tones and natural hair colors for void elves because you like high elves, i have no animosity for you. if you like void elves and play one as a void elf, i have no animosity for you. i would like them more if they looked more like this image, though

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well i hope the devs give them more voidy things, cause now that they have fans, its good business practice to address their requests


ay i concur. i think having more choice usually improves things.

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I swear you make up half of your points XD

That aside, id personally use this site

Seems more trustworthy

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like what? i was here when kul tirans and mechagnomes were datamined. you shoulda seen all the horde players raving about them and calling alliance players racists and all the other ists, simply for saying things like…why dont the kul’tirans look muscular if they’re vrykul ancestors or why do the mechagnomes bottom half look so odd

I have never once seen anyone do what you are claiming here, I will say I have seen people and not only Horde people but people in general call High Elfer people racists a few times do you have proof of this?

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Like saying that alliance races were made to please the horde fanbase.
Theres no proof of that at all.


i think the theory was, if all the players are horde now, we’re gonna have to make allied races for alliance to entice horde to play alliance, but hardcore horde fans didnt want to play alliance, in fact many said if alliance ends up just being npcs, that means horde wins. so tribalism was destroying the game

alot of those threads were deleted because they would devolve rapidly

Its magic… but yeah they’re the void elves and they sometimes have tentacles growing on them.

Its not some void entity it is the Void Elf. Not all of them have them but it doesn’t make them a monster anymore than it does a Draenei.

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Azshara hair when?


draenei are friendly monsters and are quite beautiful. conversely, san’layn are unfriendly monsters and beautiful. you likely think monster has a negative connotation, i dont. in fact, its just a commentary on divergence from standard. like, as an elderly woman with advanced rheumatoid arthritis, i’m going bald, my fingers are mangled and my shoulders and back curve down like a forsaken. i am a deviation from the norm, as most elderly women dont go bald or have some of my other irregularities. i look like a monster in a fairy tale but i am trying not to play a monster in wow. reality is grim enough lol.

i just want to play a standard, boring, well ordered elf, who is naturally beautiful so i can escape my grim reality from time to time.

you mean all tentacles? as long as they can be toggled to braids, i agree.

I would really appreciate it if some of you people would start accepting subraces within the given races. This immature “you’re just RPing/pretending” shows the lack of inGame knowledge more than anything else. Especially, when it can be proven again and again.

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Not sure if people noticed but there’s arathi with elf ears… and they speak about the abundance of high elves and humans on the arathi kingdom…

A glimpse of the future? :dracthyr_shrug:

that’d be interesting. might be how forsaken get pallies

I think in their case they’re all so intermingled now they’re one race called Arathi.

Seems it’s basically that they broached the half-elf concept early and it’s been Half-elves breeding with other half-elves to the point they’re neither now. Just their own thing.

But I sure do expect to see that again.

Kinda like the Bretons in Elder Scrolls.

This would be fantastic.

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they have so many races, they’d need to be a third faction, but arent we heading towards a showdown with them? like they’re about to become our new burning legion foes? or rather, scarlet crusade foes