Can we finally get playable the high elves?

San’layn too as well. Dark Rangers are a Undead favorite with Undead Players.

no i dont begrudge void elf players who like their monster elves and want more development, in fact i dont blame them. it may be the only way helfers will ever be allowed to play, is via void elves, and if so, bring on the void elf upgrades

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Can we just call them void elves? Like we already make the distinction between void, high and blood.

We don’t need to claim “monster”…


well void elves are based on eldritch monstrosities, and have void critters living in their heads, other wise the tentacles would rot and fall off. for goodness sakes, you want a stomach mouth lol

void berg is not a monster, hes a lovely butterfly :grin:

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I’m convinced Alleria was originally meant to be a one-off like Turalyon is a one-off lightforged human. The void elf thing was tacked on after the fact because the focus of the story was the light/dark thing for that part of Legion. Otherwise there would have been more than one void elf playing a role during the Argus campaign as a way to set them up.

Based on sure, but hardly monsters.

We don’t have nothing living in our heads! We just hear the whispers from the void.

And what on the tentacles rotting and falling off?! How does that make sense?

Well I can be a monster! Doesn’t mean void elves normally are!


That’s “beautiful” butterfly! Lol

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with one photoshop job void elves have turned into something i’d be interested in playing…

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notice dear readers, thelgrim and fenelon fit the alliance monster fans i mentioned earlier. in fact, hair tentacles are not gross enough, they want face tentacles, multiple eyes and stomach mouths lol helfers asked for lovely elves and blizz gave us critters from the abyss, so naturally, we were like…WHAT THE FREAK? lol

exactly. those tentacles are attached to something besides a belf scalp. unless you mean to say velfs bodies are growing tentacles of the void all on their own?

Fens right, theyre not monsters. Theyre void elves.
Some may like different degrees of void effects, but dirty hair and purple skin does not make you a monster. Unless of course night elves are mosters :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, people want void stuff for their void race.
Thats perfectly natural and normal.

Theyre not regular high elves. Theyre void elves.
People who request anything different to them are the ones making the strange requests.

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AND tentacles extruding from their heads, and under constant threat of going insane. i got a brain infection IRL and it slowly drove me crazy. it was the most excruciating thing i have ever experienced. i certainly am not interested in enshrining that misery in a fantasy video game

Fantastic, play a different race then.
Void elves are void elves.

i am. i’m a helf. no tent

Youre rping a different race.
Youre not playing one.

ty for clarifying that.

so when can we get playable helfs? lol

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Thats not up to me.

I think theyre completely redundant because blood elves are high elves through and through.
But honestly, it might be worth getting a high elf race on the alliance just so people stop trying to destroy the void elves from the inside out.

well you can see the issue. helfers asked to play silver covenant elves but we got the compromise from the abyss.

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I can see youre not happy with them but personally i dont think its an issue that you didnt get your way with the race.
Not everything is meant for everyone. Clearly these were not meant for you.

high elves are already playable on both factions.

well i think i mentioned that earlier. they werent made for alliance helf fans, they were made for monster elf fans., people who asked for san’layn and wish belfs didnt morph into good guys