Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Are you?

That’s for you to decide about your character.


This 100000000000000000000000000x over.


look at this!

This is one of those things where, to make it sound cooler, they leave out a lot of important context or just flat out get things wrong.

I hate it.

Pretty though.

We just need more void stuff honestly, I am still hoping for that hot pink hair color and permanent glowing skintone/skintones honestly.

And maybe N’Zoth/Azshara eyes.

If I can be more scary I’ll be happier. :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:


yeah i am just looking at the graphics. this person or group has several wow videos, including one where wow is set in the future, with high tech. some of the remakes of prominent characters are cool. i wouldnt play it because aesthetically, its too much like a post apocalyptic earth with ai messing everything up. but the high fantasy old world stuff is brilliant.

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so what you want is the UI to say high elves? cuz blood elves are literally high elves that just changed their name because of a terrible event


^ see now this is a person who enjoys the monster elf concept, which is fine, its a fantasy game afterall. but trying to squish ordered elves in with monster elves is not working out so well for either side


All I have to say to that is that if these people were as huge fans of the elves as they claimed, they wouldn’t have cared which faction they are part of electing to ignore or refuse to accept the development of the elf culture in WoW.


Void Elves need to get new and unique hairstyles.


To this I’d say; If someone was a huge fan of the Quel’dorei in general they’d accept that the story has split since WCIII into Blood Elves, High Elves and now Void Elves and accept and be interested in all three at least in some capacity. Ignoring one because they’re smaller in number or not the main “country” is to only read half the story. lol

That said I do wish more High Elf folk liked Blood Elves and vice versa (and Void Elves). It feels so often like people are ignoring a great story for their faction bias.

That would be fantastic. With the tentacle toggle as a concept from the beginning. (Also entirely tentacle hair option?)


I didn’t know ctrl+c ctrl+v was ctrl+x ctrl+v

I’m learning so many things from you!

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He’s got a point.

The moment Silvermoon was mentioned as a potential neutral hub, it’s all I’ve seen from the majority of that crowd. I imagine Alliance Helfers won’t be happy until they have ever last Belf feature for themselves.


Bah, plenty of us want to see the Telogrus Rift fully fleshed out and built up. They had a good start with the Dark heart quest line but we need so much moar!


You gotta understand that you are within the minority here that actually want some development for the Void Elves and make them distinguishable and better rather than just rip of things from Blood Elves.


I don’t think he’s saying there aren’t people that actually want to flesh out the rift, but rather that Void elf players generally use them as a sort of foot-in-the-door/slippery slope for themes that really should belong to the Blood elves.

Every aspect that defined, or made Blood elves unique has been handwrapped to Void elves, and now even our capital is likely suffering a similar fate.

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Sure, and I get that thought, but if no one says anything to the contrary people start to believe it really is all of the void elves just want whatever it is.

The more you hold up the loudest and least reasonable people’s views the more people will begin to think thats the majority.

So I make a tiny bit of noise alongside when I can to remind folk we’re still here too. Not to mention a lot of the high elf community isn’t nearly that gung ho. They can take Silvermoon or leave it, heck a lot of em are ok just using TRP for the nameplate. Most of em really do just want a few things that are easily and plausibly going to come through customizations.

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Blizzard releasing the upcoming Dark Ranger transmog would be a perfect time to release High Elves as well.

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On a side note, did you see how Void Elves will become paladins - wielding the Sacred Flame like the Lamplighters?

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I saw you mention it but haven’t seen it anywhere myself.

We already have a canonical paladin. Calls herself an Eclipse knight.

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