Can we finally get playable the high elves?

The majority of what the High Elf players ask for I think works rather well for Void Elves as well. (Customization wise anyways).

I don’t really put a lot of stock in the ones asking for Silvermoon to be Alliance. Thats a silly concept that just isn’t going to happen. Best they could hope for is a Bel’ameth setup where the Alliance is tolerated more or less.

Its really too early to be making assumptions about Midnight though.

If you go to the bottom sections of my Velf customization thread I linked you’ll find that we do in fact ask for the Telogrus Rift to be expanded into a void elf city. :smiley:

I feel like people on both sides regularly forget the history of the High Elves as a whole honestly…

Without the Blood Elves we don’t have things like the Silver Covenant. Without the Silver Covenant there isn’t much of a reason for the Sunreavers… There isn’t the back and forth that makes a lot of people feel high elves in general are so compelling.

Without either groups history we also don’t end up with Void Elves.

I feel like there is a way for all of this to work for everyone, and I don’t really feel like another Allied Race is needed for that. (Hell I don’t even think Silvermoon should be important to it)

We need a place for those Riftwalkers who check in on the Void activity across Azeroth to be operating from.

I want a place for priests like you say where they help to make sure our people remain stable, reinforcing their minds against the whispers.

A blacksmith area where we see them generate and work with Void Crystals and build it into armor and weapons…

A place where we keep our rangers and their pets. >.> Preferably with voidscarred versions of several common hunter pets?

There is a lot we can do yet to make the Void Elves really built up. :smiley:

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Yes, Void Elves need better development and further Void customization, keep the existing high elf customization because some High elves became void elves, but move away from copying more from Blood Elves.

I can get behind that.


I keep telling people… Most of what’s being requested would work just as well for void elves.


If you’re doing actual content that might cause that to proc in 99.99% of cases you aren’t RPing anyway. I mean, I know some people RP dungeons and in game combat, but the vast, vast, vast majority of cases, people who are doing combat RP aren’t doing actual in game combat.

The nightborne didn’t drink demon blood for 10k years. They drank mana wine. If they had drank demon blood for 10k years, pretty sure being thinner than the night elves wouldn’t have been the only side effect.

I mean, it was a little more complicated than that. The Highborne lived with the Night Elves for 3,000 years and weren’t allowed to use arcane magic. It eventually came to a head when they caused an arcane storm in Ashenvale forest. Then they were exiled rather than being executed.

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you already have high elves. blood elves are literally high elves in all but name. they even gave you the high elf eyes!


I could be wrong, but I think we are as close as we are going to get with High Elf customization options on Void Elves. That in and of itself is Blizz admitting they made a mistake with the Void Elves. They won’t come right out and say they screwed up, but giving VE’s the HE options is it.

They should have just done HE’s from the start, but at least we got them in the round about way. Good enough for me.

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adding void elves was kind of ridiculous because it was like a slightly worse alternative to what all high elf wanters wanted and on top of that all the excuses given for why “high elves won’t make sense!” were completely replicated in void elves - identical silhouettes and appearance to blood elves, extremely small lore population, not a ‘distinct race’ or whatever the people who hate high elves say, etc etc.

i do believe they’ll add them in midnight with all the alliance high elf npcs being added in TWW and the premise of uniting the elf tribes - or at least they’ll do it when there’s a another drop in game popularity and they need to pull out something that has had high demand to entice players back lol


I like when my little elf goes full blueberry when using an ability. Instead of ate up with the void they always should have been just touched by it and shown in such a way. The blueberry customization should have been a later addition as they become more and more involved in the void. But what’s done is done.

And again I remind people that nothing based on lore is concrete. They will and have changed it as they see fit. At one time the Broken Isles were completely underwater and Suramar was destroyed and filled with ghosts. How rock solid was that lore? Or Illidan was killed. The Eredar seduced Sargaras. It goes on and on.

Lore can be completely changed. So, using lore to say why high elves can’t exist is just mistaken. Just like it can’t be used to explain why they should exist. This is all up to Blizzard and they’ve said you’re in our world now so get used to it or quit. They do not want you to have high elves in the Alliance. Void elves were their knife twist. Which is the Blizzard I remember way back when.

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No. Gnolls first. MON ARK FOR PRESIDENT.

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no more elfs
:elf: :selfie:
i said no dang it!
:man_elf: :gun:

:woman_elf: :elf: :man_elf:
they keep poppin’ up!

God that notion annoys me.

They should have done what from the start? Crapped on the Belfs from the get-go? The point of Velfs was to NOT be an exact copy of Belfs. The belf paint job was never supposed to be added. Ion said it, but because of the scandals at Blizzard they panicked and just added everything they could add to save some face.

The addition of Velfs, was not a mistake, the mistake was the belf paintjob they got.


okay, follow along. alliance people who liked high elves in their tbc and later appearance, were not fans of the baddy elf (point #1), but they were fans of their appearance (point #2). many became belfs but said if blizz would let them be alliance instead, they would faction change in an instant (point #3) . what this meant was many players were playing in a faction they didnt want to be in, just to have access to a race they liked the appearance of.

so fast forward to void elves. they finally give alliance their request, but what is this?? they’re baddy elfs and their hair is all goofy with tentacles and they appear to be oxygen deprived. they resemble high elves in silhouette only, otherwise they are monsters . in addition, you have to work for 3 months to get access to them. not many horde helf fans switched factions to play them unless they liked the baddy elf concept. these people wanted san’layn but would lower themselves to be alliance, for the monster elf. so essentially velfs were a horde type race

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Youre running on the assumption that void elves exist as an attempt to make you happy.
Is it not just as plausible that they exist because they thought alleria was cool and wanted to give players the void fantasy?


alleria was made void to introduce void elves.

this actually makes sense though. velfs werent for alliance players to be happy. when they added helf colors, then they were making alliance players and horde helf fans happy

Just to be clear, you mean alliance high elf fans when you say “alliance players” yeah?
Because void elves made lots of people happy.


well 1) silhouette, just hide your tentacles under a hat, 2) new race, 3) oh alliance got something cool for once, 4) alliance monster fans were happy cause if it isnt dk levels of grotesque, it aint worth playing, 5) how to repopulate alliance in 1 easy step - give alliance a race that horde monster elf fans will like

the monster elf fans didnt carry the alliance helf torch for 14 years. they wanted san’layn or at the very least a return to the days when belfs were cruel, vengeful and vindictive. they’d settle …well not settle, but be temporarily entertained by crazy monster elf on alliance. a distraction if you will

p.s. worgen were cool in the same way velfs were cool, in fact horde monster fans rolled them and were perturbed they werent a horde race

BellularGaming is an insider and talked about what really happened behind the curtain and why they were added.

The “new blood” in the team asked to add the High Elf options with the 9.1.5.-patch and the head developers agreed to it.

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wow. :sparkling_heart:

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/looks in the mirror

Am I not a High elf?

yes, yes you are.

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