Can we finally get playable the high elves?

well thats interesting data. i assumed the velfs were so bereft of customizations and starting zone amenities, was because they were a last minute addition

Theres plenty of interest.


I think they did. What wasn’t planned were the nelf knockoffs the Horde got. How do I know that? Cause the NPC models and the player models are two different things. No, they wanted to give you the belf model, so they paired it up with the skinny nelfs which they created, I suspect, on the go.


I’m sure there is, but as much interest there is in velfs, there’s interest in cloning belfs and you fellas are locked in a tug-o-war. One step forward, two steps back. I mean look at the stuff that’s being asked. Right? The Silvermoon stuff.

Give us Silvermoon, they say. I haven’t heard anyone say - hey let’s use that Velf city. See it developed. Nah, they want Silvermoon.

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That is why I keep saying.
They are in this bad trip since 2007 and they cannot move on.
They want so bad to get High Elves, delete Blood Elves and overtake Silvermoon.


not for me. i’d prefer a house in sw as a helf or further dev time on telogrus rift with like some ethereal domes. silvermoon is nice but i dont want to live there at the expense of belfs. i dont want to destroy the game.

move to where? i dont want silvermoon, i dont want belf hairstyles. i’m surprised you arent complaining that alleria, veressa and the silver covenant use the belf model… but if a player wants to, its the end of wow

they can come stay with us if silvermoon is destroyed. maybe then telogrus will get some dev time as belfs suddenly realize its just some rocks in space lol but its likely theyd go to suramar with the nightborne. suramar is the best piece of real estate in wow. why would belfs wanna hang out with wormy exiles on their dusty rocks when they could be in lovely suramar with the nightborne

Move ON from “playable high elves race” in the Alliance.


Lol, the Blood Elves are the High Elves which is why Alliance didn’t get High Elves as the Allied Race they got Void Elves so deleting the Blood Elves would effectively also get rid of the High Elves, I wonder if some of these people actually think this stuff through or don’t know the lore or whatever but damn.


so just be a velf and the devs then feel compelled to create more helf stuff, cutting dev time for voidy velfs in half. voidy velfs will despair even more. i dunno why this is a sticky point for you, since we’re already belf clones, why not let us be our own race so voidy velfs can be their own race, then just give us different hairstyles than belfs/velfs.

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Just let this thread die!

let it die!



Hey id love to see telogrus be expanded in to a full void city. That would be badass.
Not sure if you saw how hyped we all got when the harbinger quests updated the place.
(Although i do miss when there wasnt randos questing in my home)

High elf fans wont ask for that though obviously as they sadly dont want the void. If they did, this thread wouldnt exist.
And honestly, the last thing i want to see is telogrus gain high elf themed stuff, so im glad they dont ask XD


well i’d abide with an ethereal city. i think that would be cool. are you thinking more like the dark elf cities in dungeons and dragons?

No i like what we have now.
Id just like to see it expanded.
Put like a bank and auction house and stuff on one of the inaccessible islands.
Put a barber and transmog on the other one.
Show more npcs living their lives there.
Put the storm island to good use and show new recruits becoming void elves.
Show it as a place the void elves actually make good use of.

the aesthetic is already perfect. They just need to go bigger.


Actually might wanna go in a bit of detail. Show off some of the things the velfs do. A place for example the velf priests, or an enclave for velf void scouts, a place were the velf leaders gather, set up a basic structure for a functioning city that makes sense, not just a few velfs walking around and some action house.


it seems a bit odd, like living under the sea and not needing oxygen, we floating in the twisting nether and dont appear to be lacking oxygen

Love all those suggestions!

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Just curious on what your hypothesis would be. Not doing the Nightborne, what race do you think they were going to do?

Many believed it was the Gilgoblins.

It’s because they won’t accept that Blood Elves are High Elves. It’s that simple.