Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Ah what could have been which was super cool race instead became bargain bin Blood Elves with bad hair.

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but thats not my intention and thats the issue - rather than just give us what we asked for, they messed up velfs and blamed it on us lol. no silly widgits, you could solve all this by just making helfs playable on alliance, so our requests dont mess up your innovated void elves

I dont think im much of a blood elf myself. And certainly not bargain bin! :stuck_out_tongue:

And as for the hair… i want more dirty grimy styles. Theyre half the appeal XD


Hey i would love that. For the requests for high elf stuff to go to a more appropriate location.
But i also struggle to find a way to make high elves not be completely redundant as a playable race.
Outside of rp, theyre just blood elves. Or void elves without the void.
Theres nothing unique about them. Most you can do is a haircut and that feels like a pretty artificial difference.

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Lol, I can see that given your character actually looks like a Void Elf is supposed to and you aren’t putting on the fair skin, blue eyes and blonde hair to try to pretend as much as you possibly can to be a bargain bin Blood Elf.


It still can be, but there’s simply no interest invested in it. They don’t have to give them tentacle hair, just get a damned idea of what they want to do with them, who they are, then start from there. Look at the elf chick, what’s her name, the human zealot’s wife. They had some idea what to do with her and developed a look for her, something like that but at a larger scale.

Personally I’d start developing their architecture, give some idea who these elves are now, define a more generic image of their environment then work out the details from there. They like, I don’t know, um, some creature of the void, instead of eagles like belfs do, so instead of them eagle wings used as decorations, I use the new thing. Stuff like that. But like I said, no interest.

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well, allow me to extrapolate-- lets say they allowed us to play arathi half elves, many use the thalassian body type and in gear, would look just like a blood elf using shortest ear mod. the only way to differentiate is hairstyles. yet rumors keeep floating on exchanges. exchanges will make it worse

That would not only be ridiculous at this point, but also very much pointless. You have so many options right now, on the Horde, on the Alliance with the belf paint job. Helfs would be pointless and only serve to annoy the hell out of the belf players.


I will admit that i do use the white skin and blue eyes for rp purposes when im doing old content.
If im questing in pandaria then the void hasnt happened to my character yet. Its like 6 years too soon for that. So im just a regular elf.
The skin tones are helpful for that.
But im also sure most people arent weirdos like me who worry about what their character canonically looked like during certain expansions haha

The most we are going to get for arathi is ear customisation for humans.
But in a world where arathi did become playable, they would have access to 6 body types and i think that would be pretty cool.

well void-helfers already do that and its annoying velfers too because they are missing out on customizations also. and its all because they introduced allied races back in legion and asked us what we wanted then proceeded to ignore it almost entirely by giving us baddies…we, the holier than thou, goody two shoes elf fans, get corrupted elfs with soggy hair, worms growing out of our heads like eldritch monstrosities and when we go to temple they kick us out lol its just really bad customer support…or top notch trolling

No, you people did this to yourselves. You are still doing it. You figured that if you can’t take Belfs from the Horde as a whole, you’ll just take them piece by piece. The idea of an elf-like race was thrown around a lot during those times, go look, there are year old threads that keep getting bumped by the same few people.

The idea behind velfs was a compromise, what the belfs got out of it, I’m sure I don’t know, but the Alliance got the model. Then they started asking for belf cusomization options and obviously they didn’t want to give them to you, Ion even came out and said it.

Then you got a lucky break with the Blizzard sex scandals and they gave you the belf paint job.

Basically, at this point, you just need to get rid of your racial, which is being demanded and take over Silvermoon, which is also being demanded.

So yeah, this is on you. On the Helf wannabes. Too much lying, too much bs.


not lying one bit. i was here for the whole thing. i asked for half elves with different idle stances and different casting animations and different hairstyles than belfs. but i dont think they originally planned on giving us velfs, i think they were working on the broken draenei and lightforged draenei for alliance, but when they saw how many wanted high elves they compromised and gave us blue tentacled belfs. i dunno what it is about alliance and tentacles

Where are my Broken? :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Void elves were datamined before allied races were even revealed as a feature. And when allied races were revealed, void elves were there.
There was no time period where we knew about allied races but void elves werent one of them.

It is possible that void elves werent originally planned when they made argus. They did say they made void elves because they thought allerias story was cool and wanted to give that to players.


theyd be another interesting though tentacled race. something unique but sad

but were void elves datamined as playable or just story support for alleria

As playable


so someone knew we were getting new playable races but didnt know theyd have to work for them

At the time no one knew anything about it.
Just that there were 4 new race names in the files.
Nightborne, Highmountain, lightforged, and something called a void elf.

Blizzcon came around like a month or two later and then it all made sense.