Can we finally get playable the high elves?

lol no way.

If we are unifying the elves that means we could finally see san’layn at long last.

This is correct. He talked about this in the recent interview.

The story basically writes itself.

Void elves took up the powers of the void to protect silvermoon. They got banished for it.
Umbric says multiple times about his desire to be welcomed back.
In midnight the sunwell gets attacked by the void.
The void elves will save the day with their void powers fulfilling their origins.
Blood elves are now comfortable with them as they proved themselves.

It’s just the logical story progression.

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Yes. The story is very basic to follow. We will see a new age for the Thalassian Elves coming, which will be a setup for the expansion after The Last Titan.

but the only purpose for allowing non belfs to access quel’thalas is the sunwell and yeah no way

the devs said no we arent gonna merge the factions

And he was also a consultant back then, now he’s the big boss of the Story. Look, I don’t know what went down there, but obviously someone didn’t like the direction the story was going to such degree that they purged the old writing team, or at least the big names. Something to consider.

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metzen is tip toeing thru a political mind field.

There is no need for this. They will simply exchange all the cosmetics with both races.

Why would they do that?


this would be a high point, as belfs were originally more san’layn and less helf, and many have expressed a desire to play wicked elf instead of ordered elf. personally i like the goody two shoes elf, but i think the vamp vs werewolf concept would spice it up

Pretty sure it will end with Azeroth empowering the Sunwell and making it a font of her power not just Light/Void/Arcane.

But I’m betting the void elves will be integral in dealing with the darkened Naaru heart within it.

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yeah, i mean there are some belf hairstyles i love, but not to the point of stealing them. helfs/velfs need their own

Velfs will never own their own style when people keep wanting to make them look like belfs.


if we cant have helfs as playable race, then the devs could design styles for velfs that have a tentactle toggle that replaces tentacles with braids

Very sad and very true.

well its not our fault they were like nope, nope, nope for 14+ years, then said yeah but corrupted with void, which by itself is innovative and interesting, but why at the expense of the initial request and now its messing up the innovation as well. my gosh

Yeah but just because you didnt get what you want doesnt mean the race that did get implemented should suffer, and the void elf fans should lose out.
Its a shame. Void elves should get stuff for void elves. If it works for high elf rp as well thats cool too, but that shouldnt be the goal.


No way to visually distinguish High Elves from Blood Elves enough so that they could be their own race. Its an issue of adding a race that would be identical to one that already exists.