Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Ah, cute. Insults because you got proven wrong and showed that you have 0 knowledge of the game.

I would pity you, but you aren’t even worth that. Blocked.

You don’t have anymore knowledge than they do.

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i don’t know what this means. the heritage armor stuff? because i did that. this isn’t my only character, fyi.

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So, you have 0 knowledge of the lore as well as having no idea why Quel’dorei are still the #1 most requested race even after Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei were released.

The Quel’dorei are also listed as their own Elven Tribe for the Midnight expansion. Not Sin’dorei. Not Kal’dorei. Not Highborne. Not Ren’dorei. Not the Vampires either. Quel’dorei.

Blizzard clearly sees them differently.

Who said anything about surrendering?

Dalaran has been an ally to Quel’Thalas for countless ages, and is a second home to the race. High Elves have been a part of Dalaran since its founding. I think its safe to conclude its the one place on Azeroth with any sort of meaningful population of the remaining High Elves.

Dalaran need not directly involve itself in this alliance, just the High Elves whom dwell there. Heck, Kalec just stepped down from the Council of Six. Put a High Elf in that seat and there you go.

i’ll volunteer. i’m a high elf :slight_smile:


You’re hired!

Anyone would be better than Aethas, after all.


Sin’dorei are the same race they were when they called themselves Quel’dorei. Being addicted to fel magic didn’t chage them into a new race any more than being addicted to alcohol changes a human into another race. To put it in easier to under stand terms, they called themselves Mets fans before Arthas and the scourge attacked and decided to call themselves Yankees fans afterwards. They were still the same New Yorkers they were prior to the attack. Further, not every single blood elf became addicted to fel magic.


didn’t they give him a chair back? i can’t remember

Where? They’ve given no further information on this expac.


No, they aren’t.

They’re an entirely different Elven tribe. Blizzard has no problem seeing that they’re different.

Only Elf haters cannot.

Not according to Blizz’s actual lore.


Last I checked, he only peddled a national treasure to the Kirin Tor in exchange for an, ‘Admit One,’ ticket back in Legion. Never heard anything about him getting back onto the Council of Six.

[Edit]: Right now the Council of Six consists of:

  • Khadgar (Head)
  • Ansirem Runeweaver
  • Karlain
  • Modera
  • Vargoth
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That’s not entirely true. A lot of High Elves live in Stormwind canonically as well.

Dalaran and Stormwind are the High Elf hubs, as the Lodges were greatly dwindled after WC3 due to the Scourge and Blood Elves hunting down/brainwashing/exiling/imprisoning any High Elves that refused to take in the Fel juice and become Blood Elves.

No, they are genetically, historically, culturally the same. Nothing changed but the name. They didn’t instantly become a fel addicted new race the second after Arthas threw a lich in the sunwell. Nothing was altered but their name. And different tribes…can be made up of the same group of people. Cheerokee weren’t a different race than Apache.

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Sorry, but Blizzard disagrees.

Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei are listed as separate tribes for Midnight.

I do have knowledge of the lore

You are viewing this as a binary “is-arent” distinction when that is not how any of this works, in lore or in the real world

Race and ethnicity in warcraft does not mirror how it works in the real world.

ok i am sat back down

so, if you were to ask a blood elf, recently after the events of the Fall of Quel’thalas if they were a high elf, they would probably say “yes.” If you ask them now, they probably more closely identify as sin’dorei, but the response would be mixed

its like if you ask someone from Georgia or Armenia if they’re in Europe or Asia. There is ambiguity

However, the distinction between Blood Elves and High Elves is nearly purely political, and that’s where the point of contention is. Both sides would probably believe the other betrayed Quel’Thalas, blood elves think High Elves betray their race, High elves think blood elves betray their faction.

I still do not think we need high elves as a race because void elves are functionally high elves depending on the customization. it would be unnecessary. you have all of the tools to make a high elf.

if you want more questlines and such, i understand, and you will probably get something in upcoming xpacs. But your character itself is a perfectly fine high elf


The only thing that changed about blood elves was that using fel batteries to power cities turned their eyes green. And blizzard has outright said that it would wear off with time (and it is wearing off with time, because they added new eye colors)


No, actually Blizzard does agree with. Its literally in the chronicle’s books, campaigns in WC3, quests in WoW, gossip from NPC’s. You just are finding specific words difficult to grasp. Are all High Elves Blood Elves? No, but all Blood Elves are High Elves. The leader of the High Elves was Kael’s father. He is 100% a High Elf, as was Kael until a sad Thursday when Arthas killed 90% of the High Elf population and Kael decided to go emo and rename the survivors Blood Elves.


I dont disagree, but i also dont agree.

Unique stuff is cool and fun and i hope the customisation does come down the line. (The sooner the better)

But it only makes the races stand out for the players who use the explicitly unique options.
The options to look identical exists already so the races can never actually become different again.
Theyre forever connected as “basically the same”