Can we finally get playable the high elves?

The Quel’Danil Lodge Elves are elves that chose to remain closer to their allies after Quel’Thalas pulled off from the Alliance of Lordaeron.

They want to take away the High Elves out of the Horde.
They want to take away Silvermoon from the Horde.

They are hurting and bleeding since 2007 and this wound will never heal because they will not allow it.

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The Shen’drelar were reduced to living in a ruin drinking demon blood to stave off the need for a magical source for 10 millenia while Silvermoon flourished (also high/blood elven longevity is in the millenias too, and the last bastion of diehard Azshara supporters on Azeroth does not get to pretend they’re wise).

Incidentally what Elisande says about the Quel’dorei is specifically about the various elven diasporas in the EK, not Quel’thalas.

I was actually not specifically referring to the Highborne. while they do form the basis of my point, the Kaldorei, even the druidic variety, surpass Thalassians in longevity (last i checked, without magical intervention, thalassian lifespans naturally range from 400 to 500 years, 500 being very old) . and by virtue of age, wisdom and expierence as well - seeing as there are still a number of kaldorei that recall the old empire and the events of the war of the ancients. and although I don’t believe it’s been specified, it would be natural to assume that the kaldorei, while albeit a different people culturally-speaking, still adhere to many of the same ancient traditions that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with arcane practices. And i would hold those ancient ways up against the rigidity of thalassian culture any day.

Aye, I use it on my two high elf toons. You don’t have to write a whole lot honestly you can copy and paste it easily enough and just change the ability names. :smiley:

Using TRP and this my two High Elves are more than high elf enough for me, but I’m sure folk who are finding it hard now as they wait to see if Blizzard will fulfill their request for high elves, will be able to use this to help their current void elves they have trouble with now.

I don’t think most people want that. They just want to play their high elves.

Seems most people are just speculating on what is going to happen in Midnight rather than anyone trying to take Silvermoon from the Horde. lol

When are my night elves getting green eyes for druids (Like malf) and Shen’dralar who should have green eyes from feeding off the fel runoff of a demon for 10k years… >.>

(Also they weren’t drinking the blood just siphoning its energies to power their home and themselves.)

No different then the fact that we got pandaren on both sides.


How is that so?? It was a race that came in neutral.
It is totally different.

You’re taking a race AWAY from the Horde, and a capital AWAY from the Horde just because spoiled players feel entitled to something.


No, the Allience loyal high elves would be those that was already there in Allience service and those that choose to defect upon the other becoming blood elves. There have always been highelf npc’s in the Allience, not only in the lore but also in WoW.

Most of the population would of course stay in Quel’Thald and as such be sorted into the Horde.

Its so weird that they can’t tell this is the reason people still request them. High Elves have always been a part of the Alliance format, and when Blood Elves went Horde they became part of the Horde too. They’re two factions now of the same race, which is the exact same thing as our playable Pandaren and Dracthyr and now Earthen.

I’m still dubious that they’d do High Elves as an Allied Race at this point in time but it should be really easy to tell why people are under the impression thats a possibility.


If fel green had become a customization for nelves before the timeskip I’d probably have used them for my nelf mage for an expansion or two to reflect the sheer amount of ambient fel you get blasted by as a mage in Legion (by the end of the questline there’s a fel energy reactor basically providing power for the Tirisgarde iirc)

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Copy and pasting is taking away now?

News to me.

Strange. Here I thought the Night Elves would had gotten green eyes by now since Shen’drelar are night elven mages and was using more magic besides arcane.

Nelf lock would have been perfect for this too since this basically sort of implies playing some of the shadier shen’drelar

Already explained why it cannot and why it will not be.
Furthermore, you got Void Elves just to make sure that you understand again that High elves in alliance are just NON-PLAYABLE Characters.

There aren’t high elves left for that.
Many went back to Quel’Thalas already.
Others became void Elves.
A lot died too.

And since they do not reproduce, there are no new Quel’dorei.

If that is how you think, I believe everything must be news to you, including being honest.


Why would they not reproduce?

I’ve never seen the “too many elves” argument as valid in this case due to how long the request has existed and how poorly Blizzard has handled it. The surrounding context makes the customer service part of my mind say “they’ve tried to circumvent the request and not fully succeeded, now it’s better to just do as specifically requested and move on”. Honestly, the way Blizzard has gone about this is absolutely baffling to me.

My stance on the matter is yes, high elves should become playable (there was a giant thread with several great ideas on how to implement them). Sadly, the timing is not there anymore. I get Blizzard did the half-baked quest to try to explain draenei warlocks, but doing a similar disservice to high elves would leave a bad taste in my mouth. The Suramar campaign was the perfect time to make high elves playable, since that was one of those rare moments that can believably bring great change (something intrinsic to the Legion expansion).

Right now, I don’t see an opening for it, especially since Dalaran was blown up (so no Silver Covenant; at least, I haven’t seen any of them around so far). You’d need the Hinterland elves and the ones from the Allerian Stronghold to show up, and pray that the Silver Covenant elves are among the Dalaran survivors. You could make them a major force in rebuilding Dalaran (assuming Blizzard plans to do something a la FFXIV’s Ishgard Restoration with Dalaran) and use that as a reason to make them unlockable.

For clarification, I say all this as someone who is not an elf fan. I was also originally against high elves becoming playable when I saw the requests in vanilla and TBC. My mind started to change after Wrath because of the Silver Covenant.

According to Vereesa Windrunner, high elves seldom give birth and very rarely give birth to twins.

-The Well of Eternity, chapter 2, pg. 30

So: they don’t have a home, their numbers are shortened (high elves returned to Quel’thalas, others became Void elves, the rest are ridiculous small amount that is even less than when Blizzard stated that they wouldn’t be playable because they had overwhelmingly less numbers than Gnomeregan Survivors at that time.

You can’t justify such “allied race” being added like that with no numbers to feed. Furthermore, there would be a huge shift of Alliance players to high elves that would be crazy that majority of the faction is suddenly an allied race that has been considered extinct by Blizzard for years.

Anyway, it would also be a copy-paste from Blood elves which means that would be a STEAL from the Horde.

Nah, enjoy the void elves, which was a big steal already.

No, I mean “Forest Elves”. But, if they can have Night Elves to have yellow/green skin, I’ll be OK with that.


I know, most people know. They aren’t as smart as they think they are. I’ve been hearing this crap for a long time.

Oh just give us the model, we’ll be so happy forever. After that. Now give us the belf paintjob, cause we are not happy with the velf options. After that. Now remove the velf racial cause it makes us blue in combat.

They didn’t even wait for the last request to come true, they went for the other objective cause they figured it works after they got the belf paintjob. So now they want to take over Silvermoon. Neutrality is just the latest lie. After they plant themselves there, they’ll start pratting on about how the Horde has to be removed from that city cause they don’t feel helf enough with the Horde there. Annoying people, but very predictable.

But I’ll be honest, I’d love to hear how they’ll sell neutral Silvermoon to the Horde.

Yeah, we just gave the Alliance two new cities, while you got the finger, so it’s only fair for the Horde to lose one of their cities to neutrality cause… well, cause sod you. Something like that.


Given that Blood and void elves are just flavors of High elves and both blood and void elves have customizations for the high elf look, you are basically asking for a new starting zone, and DK eye glow on non DKs kinda thing…