Can we finally get playable the high elves?

how did this topic trend? We have two factions of High Elves one in each faction, and now all the hair colors and skin tones are available two both factions, there is no reason to ask for this, and the very tiny number of alliance high elves who hadn’t been infused lost their one and only official home in the game, I’m sure the rest will just drink a bit of void and join with the rest of us.


We have enough elves in the game. Use smug face in options = high elf.

Next up, another Kultiran race - super sized

Please pay attention to what someone writes. Your posting has nothing to do with what I wrote. I skip this part therefore.

Gilneas is a starter zone and faction city of the Alliance. What you actually meant to write was if Gilneas was a hub city for one of the expansions, which it wasn’t. Big difference here. Because of this plunder of yours, you also have unwillingly drawn parallels to Silvermoon City now and how it is basically the very same but for more interactive quests, because story-wise it wasn’t abandoned for so long.

Where exactly comes my entitlement from? Secondly, how benefits my entitlement in a discussion about possible upcoming changes nobody knows of? You brought this point up, so please feel free to point out where I felt entitled in the on-going discussion.

And while it’s not my intention to put pressure on you, I’ll give you one more chance to make a good argument regarding the topic. The time could be used to do something else in life.

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thank you for sharing. You should apply for blizzard and step in as game director.

The Void-Elf introduction questline did that :person_shrugging:

  • Grand Magister Rommath: “This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. ANYONE who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!”

Umbric and his buddies were exiled BEFORE they were transformed into void elves.
They were exiled for simply “treating” with the void.

:eyes: … and last I checked, shadow-priests do a little more than “treat” with the void.

The void is a no-no because of the threat it can pose to the Sunwell with enough power.

^ Thus implying that all Blood Elf Shadowpriests, warlocks and any void users – are officially no longer canon.

:thinking: Supposedly at best, you could perhaps have:

  • Sin’dorei void-users that are exiled from Quel’thalas – Yet still fight beside their people on other fields of battle & alongside the Horde.
  • or even straight up void-elves who didn’t actually join the Alliance alongside Umbric + Alleria, still also feeling loyalty to their kingdom & the Horde despite being exiled from it.

:person_shrugging: But other than that, yeahno … Canonically, as it currently stands: There’s no individuals that utilise any various powers of the void & shadow, who can walk freely amongst Quel’Thalas or Silvermoon.

Whatever. Look, I don’t care how you people mix it up in your heads so it comes out like some kind of justification.

I’m not ok with either faction robbing the other of their exclusivity, including as far as cities are concerned. You can’t come here and say the Hordes should give up exclusivity to their own faction city, that has been theirs for nearly 2 decades just because you really want to.

Seriously, get over yourselves.


No, they didn’t. They did the old Blizzard thing of taking a player request for a very specific race for a very specific faction and twisted it to please as few people as possible. When blood elves first came in, the Horde playerbase were not amused. Same reason why they were also sissified. The males acting like what they went through was so horrifying but not as bad as a broke fingernail. That was a choice, weird as it was. Besides the lore lunacy.

But it did what it was designed for. Gave the Horde a pretty race. They could have easily introduced high elves as an allied race in Legion but instead here’s another poison pill. There are too few high elves who don’t belong to blood elves we couldn’t possibly make them a playable race but here’s a little science club of blood elves that definitely are vast in numbers.

For whatever reason, high elves, as a label, is something they really have an issue with. Why, I have no idea. It’s not like the term was forced upon them. And Blizzard does this sort of thing all the time. Remember when orcs were noble and honorable? All because of the Legion then along comes Warlords of Draenor saying nope, always was going to turn out like they did. The Legion were just a minor footnote in their culture.

What you’re telling me with this is that blood elves are high elves because you can make them look like high elves.

But somehow these don’t cut it…when you can make them look like high elves?

Just having the word “void” attached really does that much damage to the elf fantasy? I’m not seeing it.

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If I was gonna go over the top about that topic like with this topic I’d say they don’t have the same faces, they don’t have the same hairstyles or hair colors, they don’t have the fire hair, etc. all stuff that counts for being a Dark Iron Dwarf and should be available on Horde since we have the model now but again like I said last night before bed that’s way too much work for something that’s already available even though it’s on Alliance because it’s already in game so there’s really no point in putting in that kind of effort to me.

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We already have playable high elves. They are called blood elves and void elves.

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An eclipse well would be funny. Like in Warlords the blood elf contingent had a sunny version of a moonwell as part of the camp; what if both accidentally mix during the ritual to set them up.

Also I’ve had the dumb theory for years that what the high elves called the third moon was the sun. Which sort of fits with the temporal state of Eversong as not only perpetual autumn (which is mostly because it’s based on Lorien as much as it is Gondolin - and Legion lore implies that was caused by the interaction between the sunwell and the high elven big tree) but also in-game it’s in a state of perpetual dusk.

Anyone who is actually familiar with the lore of the Warcraft Universe will tell you, Blood Elves are High Elves. If you ever played Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, you would know this.

So if you want to play a non-void High Elf, the horde is waiting for you.
If you want to play a High Elf on the alliance, make a void elf, many of whom are actually high elves from the Silver Covenant and other alliance friendly factions. You can even customize your void elf to look like a High Elf.

Your problem is you don’t see “High Elf” on the name plate and thus apparently can’t wrap your head around Blood Elves and Void Elves being High Elves.

What you’re asking for is redundant. High Elves already exist on the Horde and the Alliance.

What? In one of the infinite timelines the orcs turned out to be bad people especially when their leaders are being influenced by post-MOP Garrosh? Say it ain’t so.


Yep, in a surprise move, Blizzard forgot the Legion was behind the savagery of the orcs and made it the culture from the start. Who would have thought.

“Not void elves,” but we all know void elves were more or less their answer to that request.

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Theyre not going to give the horde a legit city in the heart of the expansion and then push the alliance off to some makeshift camp.
Theyre not going to have a seperate shared city, giving the horde 2 capital cities in the area.
Nor will they give the alliance a seperate (real) city in some unrelated part of the world.

Realistically there are 3 possible scenarios.

  1. the city is shared
  2. no one gets the city (possibly its a questing area after being taken over by the void for example)
  3. the expansion isnt set in quelthalas after all so silvermoon isnt used at all

Void elves have VERY visible racial that proc from time to time. That racial definitely give them freak status. This is why playing them as high elves is ill advised where any form of action may occur. If you just want to do peaceful RP sessions sure, but anything combat related and it is back to freak status again.

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The actual High Elves, if we’re talking about age, wisdom, longevity and originality. It’s true what Elisande said, High Elves grasp at delusions of grandeur. Thalassians have based their entire culture on the remnant-traditions and beliefs of the ancient kaldorei. that’s not to say that they aren’t a beautiful and unique people in their own right, but the main appeal of “High Elves” is their grandeur and lofty air/status of being “higher/wiser” than their peers… and i honestly can’t see that while in reality, they are a seed-race of a more powerful predecessor-species.

Just going to ignore some of this post…

But if you’d like to avoid the EE effect currently you can make character specific macros that can help. Here is an example for Arcane Shot.

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cancelaura Entropic Embrace
/cast Arcane Shot

Name the macro [.] without the brackets and assign it the same tooltip icon as Arcane shot and you’ll never notice. Do this with all or just your most often used abilities and you’ll rarely see EE if at all.


This could be really helpful for those that want to convert their void elves into high elves. Mods can even change the text saying “voidelf” or those using the mod. And this aura cancel trick could also be added to some kind of mod I suppose. For those that do not want to write a lot of scripts.

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