Can we finally get playable the high elves?

You had them as faction friendly to the Alliance. Not IN the Alliance. The only segment of the High Elves that joined the Alliance was the Silver Covenant. The bulk of the High Elves, now Belfs have joined the Horde and you people need to get over it.

That’s way too much work for something already available even though it’s on Alliance. :scream: :scream: :scream:

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Look at that. Common sense.

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This is factually incorrect. The High Elves have had members within the Alliance since vanilla. The largest group of which was in the Hinterlands and another group of them were in Stormwind (with minor members found in a few other locations.)

Additionally we gained another group of them in TBC.

Regardless of how you feel about it they’ve been here, and its only natural that people would want to be able to play a group, a fan favorite one, when presented with them over and over and over again.

While the bulk did join Horde, which was awesome in its own right and I wish they’d have remained with that little twinge of harshness they started with, there has always been groups of them in the Alliance. If you choose to ignore that… then well sure I guess. Have fun being wrong.

There is nothing wrong with requesting something. You’re all just weird.


I second this but I don’t think it’s worth the time to invest into this topic. And additionally he forgot about that there is no correlation between population and playable races.

I suggest doing this to more places. Suramar is a lore fitting example. A bit of bronze magic and the world quests and hostile npc’s goes away and the city become truly friendly. The same with Highmountain of the same reason, both were aided by both Horde and Alliance adventurers.

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I reckon VElves getting the HElf appearances is pretty much the final nail in that coffin

We’ll see some HElf NPCs, sure, but they’ll just use the VElf appearance

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I want proper forest elves with like yellow/green skin…

I never ignored that. I just said they were in the Stormwind Alliance for a shorter time than they were in the Horde. There was no governing helf body in the Alliance until the Silver Covenant. The Hinterlands elves weren’t part of the Alliance, they were friendly to it. They were allied with the Wildhammer Dwarves, but not part of the Alliance.

There is when the request is unreasonable and unfair.

How so? The Thalassian Elves are on both sides. This is a fact.

You just feel it unfair, because you don’t want to see it happen for irrational reasons. This has nothing to do with an objectively rightful requests. And you can also find RL-analogies to this, where certain people go extreme lengths to defend their “truth”.

For irrational reasons…

Here come the helfers, demanding they make a Horde city neutral cause… well, cause they are just that dang special and the Horde is supposed to put up with it cause…?

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You really don’t pay enough attention to the topic. I already disproved your concept with the example of Gilneas, so this does not need to be discussed further. Just go with your own Horde-character there and see it for yourself.

The game is changing and you have to accept this.

It would be neat to see many cities and places become “safe” for the opposite faction and expanded for player enjoyment. using a bronze dragon to switch it for when you need to do older stuff is a great concept and I wish they’d use it more.

But at this point in the story the Horde and Alliance are set to never fight again (or at least not for a long time.) Would be nice to have fun in such places.

Forest elves? I think thats Night Elves.

I want Red Elves. I don’t know what that would mean… Felblood maybe? lol

You say this then go on to explain why you choose to ignore it. lol

Given that the high elves in question did not leave the Alliance despite what Quel’thalas chose to do this is also factually incorrect.

Two things here. The Silver Covenant only “govern” themselves and have nothing to do with other Helves. The Highvale for instance govern themselves, and are not governed by the SC. The Allerian Stronghold Elves also govern themselves. I assume the high elves in SW are governed by Stormwind.

As was just explained by Drede this is not true. I just reviewed it myself and yeah… they were Alliance, though still frosty towards them. They even go so far as to ask the Alliance to help them directly.

By Cata any question about their loyalty to the Alliance is entirely gone.

The request to be able to play high elves on the Alliance, the ones we’ve consistently seen is not unreasonable nor is it unfair. You’re just weird.

Didn’t demand this at all. Suggested its entirely possible and may happen. We don’t know what Midnight will entail. Could just be everyone works out of Quel’danas, it just seems silly given the narrative to assume that though.

Take it up with Lor’themar who has been inviting the high elves home I guess… Blizzard narrative suggests that the city may become a Bel’ameth situation. So it would still be Horde, just the Alliance would be tolerated within its walls.

I play a very High Elf most of the time. But then, Bloodthistle’s a helluva herb.

I mean, we are still an expansion out from whatever they’re doing in Midnight, but given they’ve flat out said in the past that Silvermoon never got updated for flying because no one goes there, the implication of a Quel’thalas involved expansion kind of implies that something is going to happen to Silvermoon to make people go there again

First of all, you have nothing aside your presumptions that somehow Blizzard is gonna magically give in to your demands just because you are so danged special. No other reason really.
Second, you haven’t disproven a thing. You used Glineas that was never, ever a faction city to justify the idea that Silvermoon, a faction city has to be made neutral.
So what exactly are we talking about here other than your entitlement?


I’m all for increased choices in player fantasy but like we already have a buttload of elves to play as. Can we get some more racial options first please? I don’t want to play world of elfcraft .

They never left the Stormwind Alliance cause they weren’t part of it. It didn’t exist back then. There was the Lordaeron Alliance. Two different entities.

No they weren’t. Just like the wildhammers weren’t Alliance back then.

alliance high elves are evil, straight up an antagonist to the blood elves that literally wanted to gate their own people from regaining their political status and by proxy supporting the downfall of their own species considering it was almost already all gone. I do a double take whenever I see a silver covenant roleplay guild. Worse than the scarlet crusade.

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“I thought it was a Dark Iron Dwarf before realising it was a Earthen” / “With the good customizations selected on an Earthen, we can play as Dark Iron Dwarf in the Hode side now” / “We can now have a blue skin with the Earthen so we can say we can play as a Frostborn Dwarf”
