Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Anything for you guys to get access in there. Huh?

That nelf settlement, it’s freshly built. It’s not some city that belonged to any race of either faction. And why do the Belfs have to share everything?

It’s funny to me, they said “elf reunification” you people hear “neutral Horde City”.

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Is that why? It’s been awhile since I played through it.

Yes! One of the things I enjoy about the Highvale is their strong likelihood to have aspects of both the Draenei and Wildhammer sprinkled into their culture.

I think, or thought, they were more isolationist in vanilla but it seems they were already asking for help from Alliance paladins even back then.

Good to see they’re more Alliance than even I thought.


The nelf settlement doesn’t belong to anyone? Are you daft?

No one is forcing Lor’themar to open his gates to high elves, he appears to be doing that on his own.

No I hear “Remade Horde City that in the context of the world its in and the likely situation it will end up in will allow Void/High Elves to visit.”

Anything else you assume from my words is just assumption. I neither need your city nor want it. But I’m excited to see what story unfolds given how blizzard has been operating and the cessation of hostilities between the Horde and Alliance.

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Quel’thalas has explicitly welcomed high elves back since Legion (arguably since Mists since Lanesh the Steelweaver has been working as a smith for the farstriders with his blue eyes through several patches of whining)

Also yes if the hub is in Quel’thalas it’s going to have to be shared, same reason Bel’ameth is a sanctuary, fundamentally you can’t lock out one side from an expansion. This is fundamentally an absurdly faction brainwormed perception of how this game is supposed to be and if anything confirms to me that the faction system should have been killed in the crib.

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High Elves. Not the Alliance. Big difference there boss.

And there is a neutral zone in the belf area that has been netural since TBC. Why are you people going for the belf city when that’s a thing?

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They’re not going to use Quel’danas as the main city, that’s ridiculous. I’m consistently baffled by the expectations of people who live and die by the faction system.

But taking a Horde city and turning it neutral when there’s a perfectly good neutral zone right next isn’t ridiculous. Allianceboy entitlement right there.

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Imagine thinking they’re going to redo Quel’thalas with modern tech and put the capital city amenities on an island off the coast rather than the actual literal capital city of the country.

Why can’t they do both?

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Blood elves ar essentially a cultural/political faction of Highelves. That nonsense really should have ended upon Kal’thas betrayal being evident. Fel infested green eyes are no longer mandatory for the bloodelves. As alternatives there is now Light infused eyes AND, the classic blue ones. As such the real complaint isn’t about not being able to play a highelf since you absolutely can. The real problem is the faction divide. Fot that the void elves just do not cut it since they are void infused freaks.

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Oh would you just give it a rest? That’s what was given. Say thank you and shut up. What if the Horde starts demanding they get more access to dwarf stuff now that they sort of got dwarves? I mean they’d be entitled to do that, demand dwarf skins for their earthen.


Dark Iron Dwarf customizations for Horde when?

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I do not demand anything here; I just point out why this discussion is going on.

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I don’t see why the Horde shouldn’t ask if they want to. Since Blizzard has written the Faction divide as non-important now and we’re effectively finally no longer letting it get in the way of actually helping Azeroth there is no need for that divide at all.

Though I feel your dwarf argument ignores that the High Elves have been a long time faction set piece of the Alliance whereas the dwarves have not been for the Horde.

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Dunno, I guess be as vocal as these people, God knows you have a right to be and maybe by the end of this expansion.


Long time faction of the Alliance. My rear. They have been a long time faction of the Horde. 20 years almost.

Right now you can interact with the Worgen capital city as Horde-player and even hearthstone to it, if I’m not mistaken.

Why don’t you know this?

Ignore the High Elves that have been in the Alliance since vanilla all you want, but we’ve had them as a set piece of the Alliance since then in WoW alone. Before that they were very definitely an Alliance faction as they use the Alliance grouping in Warcraft III and II. (Though we can argue all day about the contents of those campaigns in III. :stuck_out_tongue: Clearly there’s plenty of wiggle room there with Kael’thas… lets say…withdrawing from the Alliance. lol)

Remind me when Gilneas used to be an Alliance city hub please.

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So only Alliance cities should be allowed the Bel’ameth treatment? lol

This is not up to debate. You stated a mistake and called it “entitlement”, yet you lack the needed credibility and knowledge to understand where these people come from.

You really should do more research before pointing fingers at others.