Can we finally get playable the high elves?

That is night elf specific.

My bad, I thought that’s what was referred too.

You’re all setting yourselves up for disappointment. It’s cool to think Blizzard would put that much thought in. But they just learned to make a satisfying expansion (minus the bugs) again. Maybe if they complete this one but I wouldn’t get attached to what they might do in Midnight.

This early you should take anything they might do as just random ideas that they’ll probably run out of time for. Blizzard doesn’t want you to have high elves. They made that clear since the high elves have been requested since Vanilla. It’s not that they can’t. They won’t.


Or you’re quite a liar…

It is a fact that they went.
And a fact that you can’t deny.

You’re holding tight to these cope statements that don’t hold ground.

Of course they’re not gone. Not yet. It will take decades or centuries for these to finally fade away.
Still not having their numbers increased, and thus remains as NPCs.

The only faction of High Elves is Horde.
The rest are:

  • small allied race
  • remnants of a race that is considered extinct, only NPCs, fueling new mbmers to the small allied race.


IIRC there is an implication that purple is also arcane overdose in some way or a higher arcane concentration than a regular elf would have, at least for older lore stuff.

It would be funny if this somehow applies - Liadrin is a major hero, Naleidea is a great scholar and who knows, maybe the 20 year old blood elf in the explorers’ league who lied about being 200 is destined for greatness

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I’m not hanging my hat on anything yet. We’ve only just started into The War Within and I’m just gonna let it ride.

Whether or not we get High Elves as an AR or as more customization or nothing at all is of no real concern to me. I want some things; Tattoos, hairstyles, jewelry and the paladin class. But I don’t need anything else for my high elves. I also have a huge desire for more void aspect stuff for customizations as well as things I want for Blood Elves. But if we don’t get it thats whatever. I don’t control Blizzard. :smiley:

About what? You’ve looked what, once? I got different results than you did. Do you really think I’m lying rather than you just missed some?

This is why you’re weird.

Irrelevant to whether or not they could be an Allied Race.

One faction is Horde. One faction is Alliance. And some are neutral. lol

Yes, Hearthstone suggests this and I think there was something in a comic or two? Might have been a book.

Its unclear how lore accurate that truly is or if it was a single instance. But I mean… go with it I say…

My blood elf has purple eyes because he is a very arcane mage sort. :smiley:

Even among the Night Elves the dogma of it is in question. Is it really that golden eyed nelves are good druids or destined for great things? Or are they just pushed by society into those roles because they have gold eyes?

What does it mean for the Nightborne who can have gold eyes now?

I love the idea that it never was greatness but is like tied to Azeroth somehow.

Calling the Blood Elves “High Elves” is going to get you shanked in a bar fight

Blood Elves are no longer High Elves, don’t call them that.

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I imagine that blood elves would be kinda annoyed to watch someone ignore their peoples plight like that by calling them by their old name. lol

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It is a fact.
Even though the Blood Elves do not consider themselves High Elves anymore, they still are for all that matters.

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You have the exact energy of someone calling orcs demon-blood drinking crazed berserkers

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If blood elves were bothered by being called high elves they wouldn’t still call their nation Quel’Thalas.

And yet they literally did, for both the horde and alliance.

Blood Elves are High Elves.
Void Elves have High Elf customizations and can look indistinguishable from High Elves.

Some people just won’t be satisfied until it says High Elf next to their name, which while I’m not going to say will never happen, just it’s extremely unlikely as it would be exceedingly redundant to give both alliance and horde basically a carbon copy of options they already have.

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You sound so condescending but all you’re doing is attacking me when you can’t even debate the fact you’re arguing for. Blizzard stated that Blood elves are high Elves.

So stop with this childish argument if you want to keep engaging in a conversation with me.


The best statement we got on that had them as two seperate groups. Did you just, not do the Suramar questline?

If High Elves and Blood Elves were the same, Elisande wouldn’t have called the High Elves and Blood Elves out seperately in her takedown during Legion. Like, its that simple. Blizzard wrote that whole sentence, if they’re supposed to be the same, then why were the High Elves mentioned seperately?

In fact, let’s just quote that!

  • Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.
  • Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.

I think I’ll take the in-game words of an NPC who knows elves and calls them out as seperate things, above a forum poster saying they’re the same in direct conflict with the in-game text

Its a moot point regardless, they’re neveer going to be playable due to VElves existing, but High Elves and Blood Elves are seperate groups and no longer the same thing


All Blood Elves are High Elves.

Not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

I hope you understand it.


I mean, yes, there is an NPC faction called the Silver Covenant made up of High Elves. This doesn’t make the Blood Elves any less High Elves.

I can explain this as many time as it takes. Most of the High Elves that survived The Fall of Silvermoon (most of whom were not in Quel’thalas as the time), took up the mantle of Blood Elf.

Changing your name doesn’t suddenly make you something different.


Sure, but I think if you called a Blood Elf a High Elf there’s a fair chance that they’d be annoyed at you for it. They changed their name for a reason. No Blood Elf is going to go around introducing themselves as a High Elf. (At least most of them wouldn’t unless talking in a historical context.)

Actually, the only reason the Forsaken attack them is because they where serving as Alliance Scouts and delivering top secret documents and they attack from the Forsaken was to get their hands on those documents.

There are also Draenei living there and “Highvale Vindicator” is one of their units.

They are also very close with the Wildhammer Dwarves, the original Horde quest to kill them was called “Sending a Message to the Wildhammer” and there’s even a story of Human Twins raised by the Wildhammer and Highvale. One of the Warcraft Legends books I think.

So they weren’t isolationist perse but just lived away from cities near their Wildhammer buds.


its still going…

Oh, that fits very well. Some people here have really no real life, why they need to create artificial issues to a video game. I have read through the new +150 postings and it’s ridiculous how much energy people put in here for an already somewhat playable subrace on Alliance.

But given that our world is based on energy, it wouldn’t surprised me that Blizzard will release High Elves as a new race in Midnight, because how cheap they would be to produce.