Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Until it is, Blizzard operates under the assumption that what is there is still there.

But much of its people survived, including the Silver Covenant who appear in large numbers throughout Dornogal.

Some of them did perhaps. We have no information on where exactly they come from. Also as noted above they are still there, so many are either not through the process or have only just started learning even now.

Pretty sure the Embassy actually respawns on server restarts with different random members technically, but ignoring that, the Silver Covenant are all over Dornogal. They clearly survived in large numbers.

Void Elves

Really didn’t have any npcs prior to their introduction so thats not a bar to people asking for and receiving high elves.

You have all these requirements for Allied Races that just are not requirements Blizzard uses.

And yet these threads exist, suggesting it is in fact, not over.

Sure, I just went to the Isle of Quel’Danas and I see that Brutalus is somehow alive and Madrigosa was brought back to life.


Source needed. We saved a lot of “named people”. And I think you might’ve seen a lot of your silver covenant dead on the ground. Since they are not named NPCs anyway.

Where and how many may I ask? :slight_smile:

Alliance aligned high elves, which are those that were from that very very small minority. Those roughly 1400 initially might just be close to 200 now. You said yourself “where are those void elves coming from” and you just got your answer.

I stand correct. I counted wrong, there are 3 as there has been since the embassy has been established. :rofl:

Didn’t you called Alleria a Void Elf a couple of posts ago? Isn’t she a Non-Playable Character?

Except that High Elf is a Horde race and you don’t have to take it away from the faction to give the alliance just because you’re not happy enough with your void elf.

The threads exists, because people don’t have the maturity to accept things they cannot change and move on.

So we keep reminding them.


I haven’t read all the replies, I don’t have time.

But, I do have a question kind of…

High Elves are Elves with yellow eyes which makes them High Elves. They look exactly the same as the current Elves in the game, at least the High Elves currently in the game as NPC’s do.

We have the yellow eye option now for Elves. Which makes any Elf a High Elf.

I’m legit curious as to the reason people want Blizz to duplicate a race that is already in the game, that already can be a High Elf.

I totally understand wanting to play a High Elf, but we already have that ability, so what I don’t understand is why so many want Blizz to again, duplicate what is already in the game and call it High Elf?

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Sorry forgot I was dealing with someone who can’t understand simple concepts if they don’t support their biased viewpoints.

Whatever is in a region except for the things we explicitly kill (this does not include average mobs) or deal with is always still there.

Even things like the Tournament Grounds are still running their tournaments for no reason at all and still manned by the Argent Crusade and Silver Covenant and Sunreavers despite those organizations not really being involved there anymore. Hell the Argent Crusade was rolled into the Order of the Silver Hand in Legion.

Any time we go back to a place Blizzard keeps the same mobs and goings on, unless it directly needs to be updated for the story they’re telling at that time.

I don’t remember seeing terribly many and I’ve run the scenario like five times now… (trying to get that nice 25% xp boost.)

So far only a scant few people have been confirmed dead even out of the named ones. Most of which we see within Dalaran. We know a great deal of them got out and are being cared for in Dornogal. We see a great deal of Silver Covenant (and Sunreavers) hanging around Dornogal as well seemingly doing rather well actually.

Walk around the city…? I told you its in Dornogal… I suppose closest I can get to getting you closer would be nearer to the Council chambers is where I tend to notice them the most.

They don’t elaborate on where they are from so while we can make assumptions I cannot say where they are from. There are plenty of high elves who are neutral as well as in the Alliance. Either way its not likely to be all of them since we see contemporary Silver Covenant members in other areas. I have no reason to assume that “all high elves” have become void elves.

Again, still fairly sure that it changes based on reset for the non-named characters. Or they just changed the amount between PTR and Live.

Either way they’re there and I’m not sure why you think this helps you?

“Really didn’t have any npcs prior”

Yes I did call Alleria a void elf. Its what she is. Shes also the only one prior to the Void Elves recruitment scenario. Therefore they really didn’t have any npcs prior. Few NPCs or in fact no NPCs does not indicate whether or not a race can be an Allied Race.

Point in fact; I am happy with my void elves, over the moon honestly, I love them and think they’re awesome as heck.

High Elf is not a Horde race. Only a faction of high elves are Horde. Another faction are Alliance.

Yet another faction is Neutral.

The thread exists for the same reason all of them do. Some people are not satisfied with the attempts Blizzard has yet made to provide a request. That request has not been met for enough people who care enough to make threads.

The immaturity being shown is not with them. Its with you, who regularly tries to bother and demean people for asking for something they think is cool, just because you don’t agree with it.

I’m not saying you can’t comment mind, just that you’re a total butthole and should know better than to treat people the way you do. Nelfas too mind…

High Elves have blue eyes generally not gold ones. The Gold eyes are a result of the Sunwell having holy energy within it now alongside the Arcane. Supposedly only the faithful high and blood elves show golden eyes.

Blue eyes.

The reasons are often varied but the base line is that they don’t want to have to deal with the void as a requirement to play their high elves and they often want a connection directly to those high elves they’ve seen working alongside the Alliance such as the Highvale and Silver Covenant.

And for the most part the majority of the community around high elves are perfectly happy to use void elves. Some want some additional things like tattoos, hairstyles and jewelry though. Many also want an option for changing the nameplate to high elf and for a way to change Entropic Embrace’s visual or turn it off.

Strictly speaking blood elves were very much that to anyone who actually played Warcraft 3. That the faction system got in the way of making it satisfying for some players is not a problem with the blood elves.


I just proved you were WRONG and then you attack me personally.


There is 2 Silver Covenant NPCs with this name.

I found more sunreavers, like 4, and many Sunreavers/Silver Covenant NPCs now named as “dalaran Survivors” still with their tabards, and together (which is not usual for Silver covenant / Sunreaver.

Oh yeah not all became void elves, most went back to Quel’Thalas.
You’ve got even less of those NPCs left now.

It has been argued here that “there is a heavy presence of high elves in Dornogal and thus it means something” :rofl:

Just no.

The Overwhelming majority of the High Elves are horde Playable Characters.
It is a fact.


Absolutely. I think most of the “real” high elf fans recognize that.

What actually changes though is that we’re routinely shown high elves that do still work and operate within the Alliance. Blizzard made a poor choice I think by adding groups like the Highvale and Silver Covenant if they wanted to truly make the Blood Elves the only thing. Thus we’re where we are.

Mind, I don’t have any issue with the high elves in the Alliance despite that opinion above. But it is what it is and thats one of the big reasons this request has been so strong. We’re regularly shown these things.

You…misunderstood, I believe on purpose given this response, so I pointed out how you constantly ignore whats being said to complain.

You’re rather blind ain’t you? lol I’ve seen many more than that just earlier today.

An assumption you continue to claim without actual proof or the understanding that this isn’t how blizzard operates. lol

I don’t think anyone said 'heavy". They’re there and theres many of them compared to the other represented groups. Its clear they’re not gone or going to go away anytime soon. You can draw what you want through that bias of yours I suppose.

And yet.

One faction of High Elves is Horde.
One faction of High Elves is Alliance.
And another faction is Neutral.

tbf I think Midnight’s reunification/save Quel’thalas together plot is probably going to remedy that. Already I think Dorn showing Sunreavers and SC cooperating more after the disaster is nudging this way. Whether it will be done in a way that makes people happy remains to be seen.

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Oh yeah! I’m quite excited to see how that goes exactly! While I don’t greatly have high hopes for it to end the request, nor do I expect it will stop high elves from operating within the Alliance, I am very interested to see how Blizzard goes about it.

I’m betting its gonna be a Bel’ameth situation. In Lore the High Elves and Blood Elves and Void Elves all become allies/friends/Thalassians(Countrymen not race) again. But anyone who is Alliance is able to be there with a “we’re watching you” sort of deal.

I’m also betting that the Void Elves will be important to cleanse the Sunwell of its inherent void state from the Naaru Core that was used to reignite it and show that void elves themselves are not a threat to it but its creation was inherently flawed because of the Naaru state and needs correcting. (Probably allowing it to be a well of Light, Arcane and Void.)

Very curious to see what happens! (Hopefully with enough customizations for Blood and Void Elves to satisfy all parties involved.)

Thank you for that answer. I understand now. :slight_smile:

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One thing I hope they do is take account of race; I kinda wish Bel’ameth did it to by keeping the debuff away from neutral races - so similarly void elves might not get the debuff but a human would.

I think helfers are doing that thing they keep doing. Hyping themselves up over nothing. Midnight, may not be exactly the answer to all your prayers, just like nothing else was.

There’s probably not gonna be another belf clone, because it would be pointless. They aren’t gonna take an existing faction race or city and turn it neutral, because aside it being pointless, it’s also very annoying.

You are hyping yourselves up over nothing, again. And when it turns out to be nothing, you’ll act like you were robbed, cheated out of something you “deserved”. Helf textbook.


That would be cool. Would love that.

I don’t think they will make a race neutral, though at this point I wouldn’t put anything past them. I think a Bel’ameth setup is possible though.

I’m going to use a bit of logic and theorycrafting here:

Metzen is back - He said that in Midnight the “Elven Tribes are going to reunite” - We already know that Silvermoon is getting a much needed, long time coming, rework.

I also think he was giving us a juicy hint: The factions are going away entirely - Factions will become an identity instead of a limitation.


  • New Capital City
  • Neutral
  • Will be home to both the Sunwell and Moonwell
  • Home To:
    – Blood Elves
    – Void Elves
    – High Elves
    – Night Elves
    – Highborne
    – Dark Rangers
    – Possibly: Harronir – If they are truly the theorized Elven progenitor race
  • Sylvanus will Return – Will unite the Dark Rangers
  • Tyrande will Return – Will unite the Night Elves
  • Alleria will Return – Will unite the Void Elves
  • Vareesa will Return - Will unite the High Elves
  • Silvermoon will be the first city with player housing
  • High Elves will become a playable allied race.

Additional Theories:

  • Horde and Alliance exist, but Races are no longer limited by faction
  • PvP will still remain due to “Loyalists” which occasionally leads to civil skirmishes
  • Calia Menethil rebuilds Lorderon - Hub of Forsaken / Lightforged Undead
  • Greymane opens Gilneas - Hub of Worgen / Kul Tiran
  • Gnomeragan is reclaimed - Hub of Gnomes / Mechagnomes / Goblins
  • Dwarves are United in Ironforge - Hub of Dwarves / Dark Iron / Earthen
  • Zul’aman is reclaimed by the Trolls - Hub of all Troll Tribes
  • Deatholme is reclaimed by the Death Knights - Hub of Death Knights

Notice a Trend?

Something crazy happens in War Within - I think Xal’atath is successful, and she consumes the Essence of Beledar giving her the power she needs. She ends up returning to Silithus and with all the power she absorbed from Dalaran, Galakrond, the Old Gods Blood, and Baledar, she is able to manifest and begin rebuilding the Black Empire on Kalimdor.

She stops the ebb and flow of time utilizing the Arcane power from Dalaran. The Sun and Elune are no longer orbiting, Azeroth no longer rotating.

The Hour of Twilight - The moment the Sun sets, and never returns. Locked in the peak moment of infinite darkness, void of the Sun’s light. Kalimdor, the Land of Eternal Starlight, trapped in Eternal Midnight. – Living up to its name.

The Eastern Kingdoms aren’t immune to the effects. When the Sun and Elune were frozen in time. It was at the exact moment, Elune eclipsed the Eastern Kingdoms. – While not totally void of the Suns light, Azeroth is shielded from the Sun’s purifying rays that keeps the darkness at bay. Elune, a Guardian of Azeroth, has now been used as a shield for the very beings she dedicated herself in holding at bay.

With the light no longer able to hold the Deep Ones at bay, the Empire begins to rise again from the Deep. – Xal’atath as their Harbinger, as their Queen.

“Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be. It appears the prison of N’zoth is not as strong as it once was. What you see is a tiny growth of the behemoth that may yet consume your world. Almost completely gone, as if it never existed.” – Xal’atath is the Behemoth, N’zoth was her target, You were HER weapon… She wielded YOU. – You then took her prison, the Dagger, and locked away N’zoth. Removing the last Pawn standing in her way from Checkmate.

Why was Sargeras aiming for the “Chamber of the Heart”, because he wanted to destroy the machine that Xal’atath is going to use to manipulate time itself. The Dark Heart is going to be inserted into the machine, filling the void from which we receive, our “Heart of Azeroth”. Sargeras knew if he destroyed the machine, it could never be used by the Void, by the Titans, or anyone else. He missed – This was the victory that Ogmot refers to as the one not see.

So what happens due to all of this?

This is the type of threat that forces the Horde and Alliance to join forces both in story and in game-play – The Horde races are forced to abandon Kalimdor due to the encroaching darkness of the Black Empire.

Great Turmoil Creates the Greatest Unity

  • Sylvanus Returns after Atoning for her Crimes - Tryande and Malfurion make peace with her - Calia resurrect Nathanos as a Lightforged Undead
  • Arelia reunites with Turalyon in Silvermoon
  • Vareesa reunites with her sisters - Bringing the Windrunner clan back together.
  • With the horde exiled from their homelands, yet again. They make peace with the Alliance and the Alliance leaders welcome them in
  • Horde and Alliance loyalists still draw blood time to time, and still battle for control over forgotten territories – The Arena keeps their blades sharp and allows them to take out past aggressions in a constructive manner.
  • Trolls reclaim the Zul’aman ruins and establish it as a Hub for the Troll Tribes.
  • The Tauren and Harronir establish camps and defenses near the Dream Portals Stormwind, Feralis, Ashenvale, ect - This is to protect access to the Rootlands and Emerald Dream - They also work together to purify the land in the area.
  • All Elven Tribes reunite in Silvermoon City
  • Gilneas makes peace with everyone, and decides now is the time to unite - despite tensions between him and Sylvanus despite her atonement. Kul Tirans take the opportunity to utilize their port, unifying them with the main land.
  • Through Magni, Moira, and Dagran - The Dwarf Clans unite in Ironforge
  • Gnomeragan is reclaimed with the help of the Mechagnomes and Goblins - Establishing an underground trade route directly to the Undermine, with a new, totally safe, high speed, underground tram.
  • Orcs settle at various locations based on thier clans - Some in Zul’aman, others in Stormwind, some settle with the Tauren to protect them as they heal the land. - Shamans spend much of thier time in Arathi where they can tune themselves with the elements.
  • Many Horde decide to remain in Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff in attempt to hold off the Empire as it encroaches northward.
  • Khadgar returns to Karazhan to study everything he can on the nature of the Black Empire - Reclaiming the tower, and calling out to Medivh for guidance.

The whole expansion is going to be based around attempting to defeat the Black Empire which takes over the entire continent of Kalimdor.

Sorry got carried away…


  • Blizzard is probably going to finally give us High Elves and they can be played by either faction.
  • The reason they only gave “Customizations” is because they had to wait to give us the actual race when the story would allow for it. – All hands point to Midnight.

How do you mean?

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I mean, I’d be down for an elf only faction.

Incorrect. The glow of High Elf eyes depends on the kind of magic they are regularly exposed to. If it’s fel, their eyes glow green. It it’s holy it’s a yellow glow. Arcane is blue, void is purple, undeath seems to be red, and not really sure what life would be.

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I’m just waiting for Midnight news like Quel’thalas finally being on the Map with HD Graphics. I could see Two Playable citys one near the coasts of Quel’thalas for the alliance and other is Amani City.

I think it’s plausible that instead of a neutral Silvermoon it may be setup where the Alliance can be there but not really use it’s services and such.

But I also don’t know… Obviously.

First, we don’t know what causes purple. Void elves started with blue without sclera.

Second while yes the color depends on the magic, gold was specifically stated by devs to come from those who were faithful, as the Sunwell was otherwise feeding their arcane needs. The faithful are the ones who instead of getting blue got gold.

(though blizzard is also on record stating that player choice trumps any lore. So why your specific elf has whatever eyes is why.)

Golden Eyes are very rare and are considered a gift for an Elf that is destined for something great.

Illidan - Gold Eyes
Azshara - Gold Eyes

For Night Elves, sure but it’s also been said that golden eyes for nelves means they have an affinity for druidic magic.

We’ve seen that belves’ eyes change to golden after the Sunwell was restored with the Naaru.

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