Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This is false. All high elves (and blood elves) have an addiction to magic.

The only thalassian group we don’t know if they retained that addiction is void elves.


different magic, affected and changed them differently.

everytime i’ve read descriptions of vareesa and the silver covenant elves, it always describes them as not having the addiction to magic, due to them being in outland when the whole arthas-destroying-the-sunwell thing happened. most-likely from not having the sunwell’s magic at-all for years.

You can have ogres, Alliance gets high elves.

Alleria felt it across the cosmos.

It’s also the reason the high elves in the hinterlands are swearing off arcane, trying to get off the addiction.

It’s why the elves in the Alleria Stronghold in Outland survived off of mana gems.

Vereesa also used mana gems in one of her stories.

It’s a very well established lore that all thalassian elves (again we’re unsure about void elves) are addicted to magic and are eternally connected to the Sunwell.


look… i’m done arguing about this. all i know, is folks want high elves on the alliance, not some blood elves dipped in void-ink that blizzard has been using as an excuse, but high elves.

again, literally called-out by elisande as separate from blood elves at the siege of suramar. i don’t need to say anything else other than that, it’s in the frikkin game that they’re seen as separate. therefore: they’re not the same race.



They like.
They already available in Horde.

You already have. Void elves.

Correct, because they are playable in the Horde.

There is no need to change. They already belong to the Horde, it is completely destroying faction identity just giving in exactly the same characters to the Alliance.

There is no way to justify a handful of current NPCs suddently becoming like 80% of the alliance faction players. It is unreal and people are delusional to think that.


Some folks for sure. I’m not against that at all. I’m good with what we got but wouldn’t mind if Blizzard added high elves as their own thing. (though I really want more void options…)

this post has unlimited lives

Nonsense. It has 5000 lives before Blizzard takes control of it against our will. :smiley:

I thought N’Zoth escape was where the Void Elves would finally get a storyline to explain them better than “we did bad drugs so they kicked us out of the house”. What kind of effect did that have on them? We’re they keeping him from doing worse than he did? But nothing. The one time they could have been showcased.

I honestly think Blizzard knows they were a mistake. Or at least knows they handled the introduction badly. But then they couldn’t even bother when they could have shined.

guffaw Rare unless you open your eyes. I think if you counted all the NPC high elves they’d rival all the NPCs in Silvermoon.

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I don’t think Blizzard sees it as a mistake, at least from what I’ve seen from them I don’t buy that thought, but I do think they concur that their introduction was handled poorly.

I’m betting we’ll get plenty if not with Midnight then before hand in one of this expansions patches. We got a lot of love during the Dark Heart questline and the people who worked on that truly care about us from what I can tell.

I think we just need to give a little more time.

That… sounds like a kinda fun game to do actually… might start counting later this week. :joy:

Elves already have 4 toons in the game, more than any other.

Dwarves just got a third.

Undead, Goblins etc old school and still just one toon.

So before Blizz adds another elf to the game let’s think of the rotting players please.

If they do in fact add another elf toon to the game then we should all form our own faction and take over.

Just a thought.

I’m not as optimistic. I could see them do a reunification of the elves and forget the void elves or say they couldn’t be involved because void oh the void.

I’m sure they’ll do this honestly. But I’m betting it’ll turn out that Void Elves are important to clearing the Void OUT of the Sunwell.

Remember it was a void state naaru that was used to purify it. They haven’t fixed that yet.

I also think Azeroth is somehow going to empower the well and make us all stronger…

You don’t quite grasp the reality, do you?

Old world isn’t updated.
Dalaran is gone.
Alliance high elves went to Telogrus Rift and became void elves.
Silver Covenant survivors are in few numbers in Dornogal right now, and there is 2 high elf magi in the alliance embassy.

And these few npcs do not justify opening a new race for the alliance stealing basically the uniqueness of the Horde. Just to make Jhaeth and his other alliance friends happy.

It is over.

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That’s true, but Blizzard also added official subraces to their main races. Look at your avatar, as an example. You are no “Draenei”, you’re still a Man’aari with wrong racials, as it is with other races. Orc-clans are also pushed into this narrative, as Trolls, Dwarves and the High Elves in the Void Elves are.

well first of all, i am grateful that they at least tried to give us an approximation of the high elf appearance. now they just need to give us helf hairstyles and make them different from belfs, so you can tell automatically, that its a helf not a belf or velf. to do that, the best solution is to give the velfs new tentacled hairstyles and make the tentacles togglable into braids and also some non widows peak male hairlines. thats two birds, one stone

but theyve already abandoned customizations, half way thru giving them out.

if ya didnt already get them, you may be without for the rest of the game, up until the game is shut down. as a result, only newly playable races like earthen, got new appearances. the rest of us just have to hope they make helfs a legit, newly playable race cause it may be our only chance to get helf hairstyles.

velfs seem stuck with only the same hairstyles they started with nearly 8 years ago, and i dont think thats gonna change, which means alliance helf-velfs are also without.

some may say,

but you got more customizations than mechagnomes and kul’tirans,

and my reply is,

which is evidence, that now, if you werent born with it, you may never see new versions. i think they fired the customization dept or put them elsewhere, cause mechas and kts wouldve gotten new customizations by now. no new customizations are planned for tww, according to a dev, sad to say.

if its because its too political and causes too much IRL bickering, perhaps a series of hats with built in hair that anyone can use, like a cosmetic, which, admittedly, destroys the idea of uniqueness but might actually allow all of us to get new hairstyles and may be the only way we would get new hairstyles - i dont think they fired the cosmetics dept

but void elves and blood elves are not the high elves people ever wanted to play and been asking playable.