Can we finally get playable the high elves?

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all elves united. +Sanlayn and Queldorei playable.

Been asked for almost 2 decades (old forum topics on the matter.). I think it is safe to say by now that Blizzard doesn’t like elves.

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You do realize that there is no physical difference between Blood Elves and High Elves right?

After the fall of Silvermoon, most of the surviving High Elves took up the mantle of Blood Elves in honor of the fallen.

Those that still call themselves High Elves are only different from blood elves in a political sense.

Sounds like it’s unnecessary considering you can already make an alliance High Elf via Void Elf customizations.


It’s time to bring the high elves to the alliance. After all, the horde can have dwarves in it now with the latest allied race.

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The alliance has High Elves already.

and we already had gnomes, yet we got mecha gnomes, draenei and LF draenei, oh wait dwarves? Earthen dwarves again. humans? get fat humans from Kultiras.

Yes, not playable yet.

This topic, regardless of EU or US, has been going on for as long as I can remember.

Blood elves and void elves can both have blue eyes.

What more would you add to this official “high elf” race that would differentiate them from blood elves or void elves?

They’re identical. Literally the Silver Covenant high elves in-game use the blood elf models only with blue eyes. If they give void elves blood elf hairstyles and give the option to remove the void affects, it’s perfect

The fact that this topic is still so popular over text on the character’s nameplate makes me wish Blizzard had just added “High Elves” in Legion with optional void elf customizations. Then the issue would be officially resolved.

Perhaps they can just change the name of void elves in-game and have the starting area for both blood and void elves be an updated Sunstrider Isle. Problem solved.

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100% playable already. You can make your void elf look like a “high elf”.

just cause you can make something look like something else, that does’nt make it into what you made.

i can make a pile of clay look like a cake, but that does’nt make it one.

it’s not a high elf, until it says high-elf when you hover over it.



As it turns out, not every Void Elf are super infused with void like from the unlock chain. Many of them are Alliance High Elves that learned to control the void like Alleria. So if you make one that looks like a High Elf, it is in fact a High Elf.

You’re not going to get something that has “High Elf” for a race name because it’s redundant because you already have what you’re asking for, you just refuse to accept it.

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you see, you say “high elves” playable, but asking to create a VOID elf. The high elves, like Silver Covenant high elves are not playable.


Except they are. If you don’t want to play the alliance version, you can play the horde version.

Make a void elf with High Elf customizations
Make a Blood elf

thems your options for high elves and they are high elves, whether you accept them or not.


hey, i don’t play void elves. it’s not that i refuse to accept it (although, i’m currently arguing as if it i refuse to) it’s that they’ve had non-void-using high-elves aligned with the alliance since wotlk.

if the silver covenant did’nt exist in the first place, i’d accept void elves. but as it stands they’ve been around for years and years, only showing-up when blizzard remembers they exist.

high-elves, void elves, and blood elves may all be similar races (like how pomeranians, shih-tzus, and corgis are all dogs) but they are’nt the same, and have been treated as seperate from one another on many an occasion (or atleast, blood elves and high elves have been, with the seperation of silver-covenant and sunreavers, the assault on suramar where they were called out individually from one another, etc).

long winded explination out of the way; i don’t care. but i feel like there’s folks within blizzard (much like us fans) who see them as seperate, and there’s those who don’t. the problem is they’re inconsistent with it, saying they’re the same, but then calling them out seperately.


Oh yes, mark this post. High elves are going to be playable in the midnight expansion.

It would be funny if midnight does elven reunification as hard as possible and picks a council name like “High council of the elves” to be cheeky (see it has high elves in the name)

The literal only difference between “High Elves” and “Blood Elves” is the name. They aren’t a different race. Literally only a difference in name.

The only difference between High Elves/Blood Elves, and Void Elves is the ability to control the void and how much void has been infused into them.

They’re all at the end of the day High Elves.

A Cheesecake is still a Cheesecake whether it’s plain cheesecake or a blueberry cheesecake.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

nope. blood elves have a magic addiction, high elves do not. …and in older lore they had different eye-colours, but they changed that.

void elves also have the magic addiction, which they quell somehow by using the void, which confuses me. (i mean, the void’s a source of unspeakable hunger, how’s that fixing their magic-hunger?)


You realize having an addiction doesn’t make you a different race right?

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it does in a fictional settings. for example: look at bioshock. if your addicted to adam in that game, your no longer human, your a splicer.

was gonna say something about vampires, but they’re undead so… that makes them different from humans.

point is, it can make you a different race. or… species. or… whatever.

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