Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Uh… no.

The only difference between Blood Elves and High Elves is that after the fall of Silvermoon, many of the survivors chose to take up the mantle of Blood Elf in honor of the fallen.

Natural skin tones, natural hair colors, hair styles without void in them, and non-void eye options.

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Will tell you I hate you all… so many amazing possibilities and all you freaks want is a new eye color for elves… annoyingly boring.

Give us damn Ogres or something, tired of elves jumping everywhere.

Aww undead are lonely… Do not worry, I an wearing my undead customization. :kissing_heart:

Orges will be the best thing for a new race that Blizzard could bring in to the fold.

I mean, if you want my opinion, they should really embrace the void side of void elves if they’re going to do any more customization for void elves in the near future

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Either you don’t really understand or you keep moving the goalpost.

High Elves are playable characters for Horde faction.

High Elves are playable characters in the Horde.
Alliance has Void Elves.

Alliance has Non-playable characters High Elves. Very few.

Keep repeating, until you understand it.

Blood Elves are the High Elves.

You know the Blood Elves ARE the High Elves of Quel’Thalas. Anyone calling themselves High Elves at this point can be “high elves of stormwind” or “high elves of silver covenant” etc.

Except you can’t have a race that already existed in the Horde. That is why you got Void Elves.
High Elves either returned to Quel’thalas (and thus became Blood Elves), remained with their allies (because there is nothing left for them todo anyways) or became Void Elves.

Yes - people seem to forget or dismiss this argument, that once the Ren’dorei joined the alliance, several High Elves went to Telogrus Rift to study the void.

These NPCs were in the game until 10.2.7, when we visited the “updated” Telogrus Rift:

Guess what, they were removed. Why? They became void elves.

Even less High Elves for you…


I want elves that aren’t tree-huggers and thin as a rail.

Depends a bit who you ask. High Elf community is varied in what they want.

Most often its just tattoos, hairstyles, jewelry, that sort of thing. Fair number want a different or modified body model for high elves if they do become an Allied Race.

Other contentions tend to be things like an option for the High Elf nameplate to be available instead of saying Void Elf and a way to make Entropic Embrace either have no visual or have a modified arcane based one. And Paladin class for reasons I guess. lol

There are some who do advocate either for the Allied Race to have new racials (because its its own thing of course) or for an optional set of racials for high elf players. But thats normally involved with a concept more applicable for all races across the board than just high elves. (like Wildhammer and Bronzebeard dwarves for example or Bloodhoof Tauren and Grimtotem Tauren options).

I personally think that they’ll just add options to Void Elves myself, but I’m not against a whole new Allied race, but if they go that route I’d like for them to modify the body so its closer to the “night elf” high elf body that we had in vanilla. Made to todays standards of course.

Like I said, it depends who you ask what they want.

We have these now actually. The non sclera eyes are the void elf ones (we started with the blue ones as it happens) and the sclera blues and purple are high elf designed.

Eye color is like… the last thing we really ask for as a whole.

I am all for ogres.

Horde Ogres mind… none of this neutrality stuff.

I think they will.

My bet is we’ll get some tattoos and jewelry when we’re hit again and maybe some more specifically void stuff. Its really common stuff that we’re missing and as it happens it will work just as well for Void as it will for High.

You aren’t really talking about the topic… just random statements about high elves that you believe.

I mean, lets ignore those are blood elves and clearly not what we’re talking about, so what? The Alliance aligned high elves can still be made into an Allied Race if Blizzard chooses to do so. Nothing you’ve said so far stops that from being possible by all the standards of Allied Races that Blizzard has presented.

You can repeat it I just don’t see what your point is. Its irrelevant to the discussion.

But they’re not the high elves we’re talking about in this context. You just keep trying to ignore that.

Review what I said in the post you quoted. Nothing has changed with my statement.

The Alliance and Horde share several races, Pandaren, Dracthyr, Earthen. The only difference with High Elves is that they’re attached to blood elves for the Horde and Void elves for the Alliance.

Honestly its possible they’ll just make them entirely neutral in Midnight and that will be the “Allied Race” we get.

I’m always so amused by how terrified you all are of that possibility. One reason I’m happy I actually like the story of the thalassian elves rather than buy into these weird pixel politics you all play at. I can play my blood, void and high elves just fine. :smiley:

Also those NPCs can still be found hanging out with Instructor Duskwalker.

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I figure Alliance will get High Elves in Midnight and if they’re redoing Silvermoon its probably going to be fractionless making it the best time to bring High Elves in. Possibly by reworking the racials and retroactively making Blood Elves fractionless.

I had always gone with the script that High Elves had become Blood Elves and that was that then they brought in Void Elves which shook me a bit in that regard. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole Worldsoul Saga doesn’t close the book on the Void and possibly resolve the non-sense of void elves.

I personally like the blueberries but they don’t seem to be a real race. They don’t have any buildings to point to. Just standing around on an asteroid, they don’t bring anything into the Alliance and their “leader” isn’t involved in anything. Alleria represents them but she’s just started wearing blue eyeshadow.

And I’m supposed to believe there are more Void Elves than Silver Covenant elves? It looks like Blizzard has some kind of fetish about not having High Elves playable but love putting them everywhere.

And for my own personal complaint, forcing all players to aid the Nightbourne to then turn around and make them one faction only was pretty slimy thing to do. Then you break your own lore reasoning to throw Void Elves to the Alliance because you knew it was slimy.


Yes it is, and you are a filthy orc.

You are here to mock and harass players who are asking playable high elves, your post history just proves that. You should be banned from here. But at least i can put you on ignore forever. Reported, reported moderators for deleting posts and you are Blocked.

Point is to derail topic, while keep reposting CoC. Rules for thee but not for me.

For sure, and finally most of us would be thankful and happy playing the high elves.

i have void elves and blood elves but i would create and play even more high elves.

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then what the heck are the silver covenant? cause they are’nt blood elves. if they were blood elves, they’d be horde aligned. but they’re not, they’re high elves. the actual high elves. blood elves are a cheap excuse not to give the alliance what they want (same thing with void elves).


While I get people having issue with void elves in general. We are a real race, we’ve been trying to keep the void in check across Azeroth, we brought plenty to the 4th War for the Alliance and our Leader is busy leading. >.> Alleria is the one galivanting around doing nothing for our people.

(Your opinion though is valid like I said theres a lot of story beats that have been odd or poorly handled for void elves. Like ignoring us through several void based patches.)

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Silver Covenant explained in short:

However, a fraction of the high elves refused to rename themselves blood elves, and while they are physiologically the same race, the difference is only political. Unwilling to lead a divided nation, Regent Lord Lor’themar exiled from Quel’Thalas those who refused to follow the ways of the blood elves, while others chose to rejoin their former allies, arriving to a cold reception due to their previous secession. Since high elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals, they are a rare sight across Azeroth, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.


  • The Warcraft Encyclopedia: High Elves and Blood Elves
  • In the Shadow of the Sun
  • Iridi and Vereesa’s meeting in Night of the Dragon, chapter 11
  • Taela Everstride’s gossip text

The Blood Elves are the High Elves of Quel’Thalas.

The Silver Covenant (those that remain in the Silver Covenant) are stateless people, with no home (dalaran is destroyed now), with no hope, no future, just waiting to fade away.


sounds like the perfect opportunity for them to move into stormwind, and fully join the alliance as an allied race to me!


Perhaps they’ll move in with the Highvale Elves in the Hinterlands too. Be nice to see both groups join together.

3rd faction = High Elves and Wildhammer dawrfs… Sign me up.

Or just let them fade away. They haven’t been anything aside an anti belf story device, anyway. Let them die out and make room for velfs.


vereesa windrunner leads them. the only way they fade-away, is if she dies. otherwise, they’re stickin around, and should be made playable.

i don’t think they will be, but they should be.

Yeah, gut her too. Hysterical elf chick with no point in the story aside to mope over her Knaak’s pet. Actually, no need to even gut her, do the Married With Children thing, remember that kid from the show, people really didn’t like him so the producers just had him run upstairs in the house during some episode and nobody ever mentioned him again. Something like that.

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Yeah, they can go, they’re just NPCs.
Non-playable characters.

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Halduron will get Vereesa to come home for good in Midnight. (they’re not making High Elves a separate race from the other two high elves)