Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I’d be very surprised if we didn’t get them in some capacity in Midnight, especially with how present high elves and the Silver Covenant/Kirin Tor are in TWW they’re definitely cooking sumn up. I’d be happy if they were a new neutral allied race or something based on the Belf skeleton (or alliance gets them and horde get amani, w/e)

It’d be so cool if they did, high elves are like peak warcraft fantasy for me :3


Yes, imagine people who left their home, their friends, their own kin behind to be with their “former allies” and then get shocked “how dare they join the Horde? They should’ve followed Garithos orders! Alliance are the best xoxo” ahhahahahah

Yes, NPCs. They have existed, historically, we all know this.

An allied race, which we all know sometimes can be quite smaller. And it was a way to give you “light skin elves” without giving you High Elves which already belong to the Horde Faction.

Has mattered and reason why you have an allied reace called void elf and not “high elf”.

Because the high elves in the alliance are people who turned their back to their own kin after the second war and went to live with their former allies.

Very small fraction of the population and totally negligible.


You say this as though it means something? Can you elaborate?

So this just says that yes high elves would be a prefectly viable Allied Race. Thank you for getting it.

Population is not a concern. (nevermind high elves have so many more than the void elves started with.)

If it mattered we’d not have darkspear, gnomes, draenei, void elves or pandaren.

I’m unclear why you think this is important to whether or not they could be an Allied Race…

You just agreed this was not an issue for an Allied Race.

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I play on both factions because I’m not a fanatic devoted to a fictional sports team. My highest character, as of right now, is a tauren shaman. You’ll also notice my phrasing as “heart of the Horde”, not that they’re all the Horde is. I’m saying if you removed the orcish/trollish/tauren influence from the Horde, it wouldn’t be the Horde. If you removed the blood elf influence, it’d still be the Horde.

Funny, the high elves who are still around Stormwind never got the memo. Quel’thalas as a nation left by the word of Anasterian, but high elves as a whole did not. See: Alleria flipping the nobles of Silvermoon the proverbial bird and her Farstriders going to Outland.

The entire Orcish Horde in the 2nd War attempted genocide, versus a single human commander who was going to kill Kael’thas, not all blood elves.
Then Garrosh was deliberately throwing blood elves into the proverbial woodchipper in MoP because he regarded them as little more than tools to get what he wanted. He was treating them so poorly that Lor’themar was very strongly considering joining the Alliance.

But this isn’t about them. It’s about the high elves who have been a part of the Alliance and never left. But by all means, keep doing those mental gymnastics to try and justify why the people who are standing right there in Stormwind and have been around since WC2 shouldn’t be playable.

And I’ve said it before, but I don’t think High Elves will ever be playable. I just find your bull-headedness regarding the whole thing aggravating. It’d be like if I were crowing on a rooftop about why Earthen shouldn’t be Horde-playable because they look like dwarves, despite being part of a “new” faction that has no longstanding ties to Horde or Alliance.

The core behind your argument is, “I got mine.” It’s self-entitlement at its purest.


I believe Goblins, Forest Trolls and Ogres formed the Horde much more then Tauren or darkspear trolls.

That is on her and a handful of volunteers.

They didn’t even make it past Silvermoon. If the intent countedt then Jaina too should be put on trial.

Who commanded the whole alliance by that time. Double standards again. It is anti Horde racism.

And then he didn’t.

Same race as blood elves by word of Ion. Politics don’t change your race or culture.

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You mean the goblins who were only in it for the profit and the forest trolls who also left the Horde the moment they weren’t useful to them, or the ogres who were enslaved and forced to join up?

Jeez just being that much of a jerk to the Tauren and Darkspear who have actually put their time and effort into the Horde… The Old Horde didn’t have the allegiance of any of those other groups.

They didn’t make it to Silvermoon due to a greedy warlock and then a stupid military blunder in the name of honor.

They sure as heck intended originally to assault and destroy all the elves as that was what the “alliance” between the Horde and the Forest Trolls was.

She should.

He commanded the remaining forces in Lordaeron. Much of the rest of the Alliance was already splintering, and probably had little real knowledge of what was going on. That was on him if Alleria’s group was on her. (since she was ordered by Anasterian to assist to get her out of his hair. lol)

But it does change your faction. :smiley:

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I know this reply is late, but one can easily RP as Silver Covenant by making a Void Elf with non-void skin and hair and putting on the SC tabard.


High elves in the Alliance are Non-Playable characters, just like the Mag’har Orcs from Outland are part of the Horde, just like the Stonemaul Ogres are members of the Horde.

That would be the case if High Elves weren’t already in the Horde.
They were not a “neutral race” like Dracthyr, Earthen or Pandarens. They joined the Horde for a variety of reasons and one of them that the Alliance didn’t want to help them and the Horde stepped in to help them with Quel’Thalas after the Third War, not to mention that word of how the Alliance sentenced to death Blood Elves spread around.

So, yes, considering that if there was no Quel’Thalas kingdom left, no survivors, no Blood elves, perhaps yes they could’ve been an allied race.

Since they do exist, and they are high elves, and they belong to the Horde as playable characters, it means the alliance will not get them, and reason why you got void elves instead. As bad as it looks, I can’t care less for void elves.

It is. It has been quoted before as a concern and reason. You keep dismissing because it doesn’t help your argument.

It mattered because as stated the Gnomeregan survivors was the race with least survivor members and as stated by Blizzard already, High Elves survivors (outside Quel’Thalas) were in even smaller amount than Gnomeregan Survivors. And since Elves seldom give birth, that means they’re dead as a race with those numbers. Without home, without leader, without purpose, yeah. but those that wanted to prosper they went back to Quel’Thalas already after the call from Lor’themar Theron. So, those small numbers that you had are even smaller now. So all you have left are those few NPCs left.

It is important to highlight that these have no identification whatsoever with Quel’thalas nor do care about their own people. I think it fits perfectly in the alliance.

Already addressed - High Elves are already playable by Horde players. There is no need to add this as an allied race to the alliance because it belongs to the Horde.

You keep arguing for them to be an allied race and you keep ignoring the fact that they are a Horde race

Isn’t that what driver your argument?
You want because you want :baby: :baby_bottle: :sob:

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OK. But how does that relate to the conversation? We already know this information and it’s not a bar to an Allied Race so how does this matter? What is the point you’re trying to make here?

Since there are both high elves in the Alliance and neutral ones as well… They kinda are for one…

For two, this isn’t a bar in any way to make them an Allied Race if blizzard decided to go that route.

Those are the blood elves not the high elves we’re talking about.

I mean… We did. That’s why we have the options on both sides to look like one.

Like I’ve stated multiple times I’m fine with that and I also don’t mind if they decide to do an Allied Race.

I don’t see why you think this bars them though? It’s still entirely doable.

Because Blizzard dismisses it. It’s irrelevant to whether or not a race or group can be an Allied Race.

And yet, void elves. So… Irrelevant. Like all population based arguments.

Wow does not care how many of a race or culture exist. It’s whatever blizzard decides to make an AR.

So it’s not important at all to the conversation… Got it.

Those are blood elves. You’d have to intentionally be obtuse to confuse the two groups in the context of this discussion.

High elves are a separate well represented faction of disparate elves that remained in the Alliance.

I think the main argument tends to be along the lines of “we want to play the elves we consistently see and work with in the Alliance because that looks cool and the interplay between the two factions of thalassian is cool too.”


Well, that settles it. Nightborn are the true elves. :joy:

True elves are the trolls


Which was kind of my point. There are already playable high elves on the horde side aka blood elves, and on the alliance side you can make a void elf that looks like a high elf.

You already have them.

Blood Elves are High Elves.
Void Elves have High Elf customizations.


If Blizzard wasn’t so biased and put in effort then Silvermoon and Orgrimmar might had become the greatest cities by now. But they never spend any resources on Horde stuff but surley could revamp half of Stormwind when Varian died.

Looks at void and blood elf customizations… They are?

Like… Other than racial abilities they are.

You’re so weird.

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No Just realistic.

To be realistic you’d have to view it realistically. You view everything as some slight against you for a bias that doesn’t exist.

I tend to agree but the only “real” High Elves are very few Alliance sided elves.

Receding hairline?

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I’m just confused because it would literally just be slapping new racial abilities on Blood/Void Elves… Unless people are trying to get the Vanilla WoW High Elves added …

Of course it does. That’s why all cool Horde leaders are dead.