Can we finally get playable the high elves?

blood elves are a core race too just like Goblins and undead. Only alliance players think the true Horde are just 3 races.

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You mean the glorified sidekicks time when Quel’thalas was an alliance member for like 5 minutes? Lmao. They joined last and left first.

which looks just as the same like a normal blood elf with blue eyyes and they said multiple times they will not do it.

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I don’t see why it would?

Its possible that it might include high elves if they were to add them I suppose?

But whats that have to do with the Highvale High Elves of the Hinterlands? Cause
 thats what you quoted me about

They joined second.

Wildhammer joined first then the Elves then the Ironforge dwarves and gnomes. (and the Gnomes were only really supplying engineering machines.)

They were the first to leave to my knowledge though. :smiley:

You must be miffed about the fact that the High Elves left the alliance after the second war, and after the Third War they were “sentenced to Death” by Garithos, Alliance commander.

Stop being apologist for harassment and don’t confuse things. Normal people can separate things about gameplay and faction identity and someone using “roleplay” to harass others.


Tbf, in Dornogal right now you find straight up high elves, not silver covenant, in our little Alliance embassy. Clearly Blizzard feels like they’re part of the Alliance.


Already explained and you keep ignoring historical information:

However, a fraction of the high elves refused to rename themselves blood elves, and while they are physiologically the same race, the difference is only political. Unwilling to lead a divided nation, Regent Lord Lor’themar exiled from Quel’Thalas those who refused to follow the ways of the blood elves, while others chose to rejoin their former allies, arriving to a cold reception due to their previous secession. Since high elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals, they are a rare sight across Azeroth, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.

  • The Warcraft Encyclopedia: High Elves and Blood Elves
  • In the Shadow of the Sun
  • The Warcraft Encyclopedia: High Elves
  • Iridi and Vereesa’s meeting in Night of the Dragon, chapter 11

And we already know this fraction at the very beginning was really really small, and it had less than ~1400 or so. Even less now that most of them went back to Quel’Thalas.

If anything you’re showing that my argument is most accurate that there are very few high elves left in the alliance and they do not justify a new race.


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I know all the arguments from the european forums. Diehard high elf fans made it clear they willnot be happy until Quel’thalas rejoins the alliance just like Alleria wanted it.

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I agree that the name calling is not useful, heck, as an elf player, people have called me all sorts of things, just based on the fictional race i play in a fictional universe


i’m not interested in quel’thalas

points at the high elves in the Alliance

Irrelevant, as Blizzard has as many members of any population as they decide they need at any time. Population in WoW is not canon except in the barest concepts.

Not sure how you draw this conclusion from what I said honestly. I’m pointing out that Blizzard is actively including High Elves within the Alliance forces arrayed to fight. This indicates there are enough of them to do so.

Given that several races, currently playable, in WoW meet similar “population” levels your entire argument to this end is incorrect.

Ok? Thats really unlikely though and not important to people being able to request their customization options or an Allied Race.

Whatever they do with Silvermoon doesn’t matter to playing a High Elf.

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nope the dwarves and other human nations were already part of it by the point.

Let me cite it from the sources.

“The elven kingdom joined the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War, but was a reluctant member at best, returning to independence after High King Anasterian Sunstrider accused the Alliance for the devastation caused to his kingdom. Following the Scourge invasion, Quel’Thalas sought out allies, however, their association with the Alliance resistance was undermined by the xenophobic Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos], whil the reformed Alliance had no interest in fighting for Quel’Thalas again.”


“Quel’Thalas joined the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War , but was a reluctant member at best, returning to independence after King Anasterian accused the Alliance of abandoning his people during the war.”

Hopefully we get them in Midnight :pray:


No, they weren’t (Unless you mean just the Wildhammer but that still puts the Elves second out of four or five
 depending on where you place the gnomes). The Alliance of Lordaeron was formed first and foremost by the seven (or eight depending on the booklet you’re looking in) human nations.

It would later be joined by the Wildhammer as the Horde pushed into what is now called the Hinterlands, and then the Elves of Quel’thalas who were responding to the call to aid from Lothar. (Begrudgingly, which is why its mostly Alleria who shows up with her volunteers.) The Dwarves of Ironforge would not join until the Alliance pushed the Horde back to Blackrock Mountain and took out the Horde forces sieging Ironforge. At that time the gnomes also threw in their lot, though again they were handling something in Gnomeregan at the time.

Keep in mind the Wildhammer and Ironforge dwarves are separate nations. The Wildhammer did join up before the elves did, but only just so.

The First War was only between the Orcs and Humans and did not include the Alliance in any regard. It didn’t exist yet. Its not until the Second War that the Alliance is formed.

Who cares just let people play what they want


several months late on this one, but OP, most-likely we won’t get them. blizzard are too salty about high-elves, and don’t want to give them to us. you’ll have to make due with void elves.

i know, i want playable high-elves too (if only so they don’t feel like they only show-up when they feel like it ) but we’re probably never gonna get’em.

if we ever get them, that’d be great, if we don’t well
 i would’nt be surprised.

and now i go to roll me a void elf, because i don’t have a velf character.

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They want a carbon copy race and that is not possible as Ion said before. All their differences are political.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why people endlessly debate over four little letters.

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Yeah, we already know, people turned their back to their own kin.
I don’t understand why you keep reinforcing my argument.

The High Elves of Quel’thalas are NOT part of the Alliance. You have the people that turned their backs on their own kin.

Blizzard stated themselves their population was drastically smaller than the Gnomeregan Survivors and thus wouldn’t be a playable race.

Your argument is dull and fail.

They have included since TBC, but then again, most of these were the people that turned their backs to their own kin and left Quel’Thalas.

does the alliance have high elves NPCs? It wasn’t even an argument to begin with lmao.


they are a sub group of the main race who gag at the idea that the Horde is allowed to be in Quel’thalas without being KOS.

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 been talking about the High Elves in the Alliance
 I don’t get you at all sometimes. Its like you just have some sort of demon on your shoulder that whispers what you want to hear at you and you assume I’ve said it.

They also gave us Void Elves. Your argument is invalid.

Population does not matter to any part of Blizzard.

I don’t think you know what the argument was at this point. Why even talk if you’re just going to ignore what is being said?

The people who are like that are no more common than the people who are like you.

Ya’ll are ridiculous in how you push a pixel based race war. Its so weird.