I said were tainted by Fel, not are tainted by Fel. You’re allowed to still be.
Are your reading skills impaired???
What was that you said very condescending earlier… hmm??
Just give void elves a way to turn not turn completely blue and allow them to become paladins.
BAM high elves.
Edited 3 times before deleting it, buddy?
I hope you’re doing well
That’s already given in the current TWW story with the Eternal Flame and the Lamplighters. That is how the Void Elves will become paladins and so the Forsaken and other races too. They’ll use the Eternal Flame. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Eternal_Flame
Because she is a high elf using void elf powers.
You are such a troll its unreal.
Night elf.
And Alleria is a high elf using void powers. Unless she will be portrayed differently in-game like other void elves, for now she look and is a high elf.
This is why there will always be strife on this topic.
People who are against playable helves literally can’t fathom the idea of wanting something without taking something away from someone else, unaware that it’s entirely possible and feasible for both sides to exist.
Make neutral Thalassian Elves. Pick your faction at creation like you’re making pandaren or dracthyr. Donezo.
That is the thing. People cannot grasp the fact that giving High elves to the Alliance is literally taking them out of the Horde.
Except that’s not how that works in any conceivable world.
That is exactly how it works.
They are exclusive to the Horde.
If you want a High Elf, you create a Blood Elf in Horde faction.
Giving them to alliance removes the Horde identity.
Pandas, Dracthyr, Earthen, they are meaningless, irrelevant.
Blood Elves are the majority race played in Horde and across both Factions.
They are part of the identity of the Horde and shouldn’t, NEVER, be part of the alliance.
You got the void tentacles, great, enjoy, and it should end it right there.
Honestly yeah… I don’t get why folk get like that.
get what? An orc pig come to complain about the elves asking playable the high elves?
No mercy for orcs! For Teldrassil!
This is not the RP forums. You can’t simply call people names and make it up that you’re RP’ing.
You continue to engage with continuous harassment on the forums, uh??
I already told you to stop with this innapropriate language. This is not RP forums for you to RP like I’m an Orc talking to you as a night elf, moreover even if that was what you were trying to do you already lost this argument when you joined a thread about “playable high elf” since when night elves play world of warcraft, etc.
You’re just using such excuse for harassment. It is not OK. Once again, stop with this, and please moderators, these posts have been flagged already, please enforce the CoC.
… you know, I would have thought this whole “We want playable high elves” thing woulda died after they made it so you can literally make a void elf that looks like a natural non-void infused elf… but I guess I was wrong.
For most high elf fans it did end there. Many of us have accepted that High Elves are being given through void elves and the most common requests that remain tend to be things like tattoos, hair styles and jewelry type stuff. All of that can easily be given through additional customization for void elves as a whole without detracting from either.
Some people also wish for a nameplate option and some way to change the EE effect to either be more arcane or just not visible. Both of these requests also aren’t really that much of an ask.
Very few high elf fans are unreasonable and want things that are just out there.
Then you sure must be miffed about the slew of high elf NPCs that have been featured in the Alliance since vanilla through 'til present day.
Your idea of “Horde identity” is pretty weak if it can’t handle an Alliance race (circa WC2) being playable by the Alliance.
You go on about people roleplaying, while also raging about the mere idea of playable High Elves.
Maybe you should stop roleplaying as someone who actually lives in the Horde, Mr. Zugzug. The Horde isn’t a real faction. People playing elves while wearing blue isn’t going to suddenly make your favorite make-believe group evaporate. Belves and people who play them aren’t going to suddenly cease to exist.
(And IMO, orcs, trolls, and tauren are the heart of the Horde, not the eternal elves who live in a magical city.)
Right now Quel’thalas is the blood elf starting area and that will hopefully never change.