Can we finally get playable the high elves?

quel’thalas belonged to the Amani, right? then to the helfs, then to the belfs, exclusively

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It does not matter. Silvermoon will be accessible by both sides with its rework.

Depends, the High elves of Quel’lithien Lodge did not maintain ties with the Alliance after all, and preferred to simply live out their lives in isolation instead, this tells us that given a choice between rejoining the Alliance and neutrality or isolation, some High elves would choose the latter.

But even then the Highvale Elves have simply remained in isolation, and have never involved themselves in any of the affairs of the faction conflict. While I agree they’re friendly with the Alliance and permit them, I do not think that means they are committed to them.

I think with the Sunwell, and the Blood elves turning more now to the light and opening their doors to the high elves is a more promising prospect then them rejoining the alliance out of the blue, especially with the idea of “void elves” residing among them, as we haven’t really got any idea of how light-abiding elves see Void elves, but if the Stormwind Cathedral is any example, I wouldn’t be surprised if their reception wasn’t the best.

They’re simply the most extreme example of High elves not favoring the Alliance, I think the fact that most decided to remain neutral or isolate themselves tells us that many were not happy about simply rejoining the alliance. Some High elves even left Dalaran when it was still affiliated with the Alliance, stating that while they thought Kael’thas working with the Naga was foolish, they could not condone Dalaran’s role in imprisoning and attempting to execute their people.

My point is that the High elves have reasons to be reluctant on joining either side, and examples and arguments can be made for this being the case.

I would say they would likely dislike the Forsaken, rather than the Horde overall considering the forces that attacked were comprised exclusively of Forsaken troops. They’ve had no problem with the Blood elves, and I imagine they wouldn’t shirk returning home because of a forsaken attack almost a decade ago.

I would definitely agree that High elves like the Silver Covenant would question the idea of returning to Silvermoon due to it’s affiliation with the Horde, but they’re sort of the other extremist example of high elves to the Privateers I mentioned. One of the few groups to willingly participate in warfare, and have shown a outward distaste for the other faction.

Yeah but even then had any High elves actually returned to Stormwind from the stronghold I imagine we would have seen her with them in some capacity at this point? Especially if it were done to impose the point of their loyalty to Alleria, but our last time seeing anyone from the Stronghold is at the Sunwell with the Blood elves.

The way I see it is, when the edicts went out to leave the Alliance and return to Quel’thalas around 90% of High elves chose their kingdom over the Alliance, the High elves in Outland were not given that same opportunity, and taking in consideration the homesick vibes I got from many of their dialogues I would say that I think a larger portion would likely be eager to return home to their families, and loved ones than a city full of humans.

Speculation: Heck we even see a high elf wearing the Scryer Blood elf gear on Sunstrider Isle (Astromancer Darnarian) and even Lanesh Steelweaver seems to be wearing portions of Scryer gear, possibly implying that he and Darnarian were likely High elves that joined the Blood elves via the Scyers in outland during TBC, and then later officially.

High Elves were added in the Burning Crusade expansion in 2007.


You’re guessing that is how he thought, because you don’t have that information and you’re no Umbric.

Basically what happened: he was told to not pursue that, he ignored, he thought he was better than Rommath and that he knew better. But he was wrong.
Then later he says “I never liked the Horde anyways”.

Either Umbric is a really good scholar and knew the dangers, pursued that anyway, or he didn’t knew and he’s dumb AF. Either way, doesn’t look good, specially because for (1) and if lied about all of that, what is to make us believe that he isn’t lying about everything else, including his Horde anti-sentiment?


Yes it has, because otherwise Blizzard would’ve completely ignored this “allied race” bceause it has nothing but a nuisance for them to appease the group that can never be appeased.

Fact is, this loud minority will never be satisfied until the Horde loses the Blood Elves, they join the Alliance, and starts making instagram posts saying "how my new boyfriend faction is better than my ex-boyfriend previous faction.

It is the utmost and undeniable truth, and it is the reason for most of the bad writing around elves.


Stop asking.


Exactly. Even after Silvermoon becomes neutral those people will never be happy.

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Even “if”. A big “if”.

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The majority of posts on each is explaining what a bad request it is.


There is no other option for an obvious neutral city hub. Really.

Nah, maybe they just get a portal outside of an area etc, no need to bring their dirty bags over this sacred land.

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if so, can you show your high elf character in armory to prove this claim? Emh, yeah, which is writen high elf , void elf or blood elf does not count they are two different elven races.


So by that logic you can’t play a Stormwind-resident since it won’t say “Stormwind resident” or anything like that?


Stormwind Humans are playable. High elves are not playable.

but it doesn’t say stormwind. So therefore they’re not from stormwind using your logic


Good news! You can play high elves they’re just called blood elves now. I do think they should give an alliance elf race paladins, probably void elves, and you could role play as high elf.


You play one of four types of humans, with the main being from Stormwind (hence the Stormwind-themed heritage quest and annoying yell-announcement).

This is incorrect. Both sides have Thalassian Elves, but only the Alliance has them labelled “High Elves”, which are a subrace.

Blood Elves are former High Elves due political constrains.


no, high elves that are i alliance , called high elves not playable yet.

if you want to play a high elf, the horde is waiting~


Yes, we’ve established that there are some groups of High Elves that remained calling themselves high elves but also became Neutral.

Dalaran as a whole is mostly neutral, save for the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers who both chose sides between the Alliance and the Horde respectfully. Or the elves of Quel’lithien who left unwilling to consume living things mana to survive or the scattered group of pirates.

The High Elves in the Alliance though are Alliance and represent a fair number of their remaining people. At the very least the Silver Covenant and the Highvale alone would make for fine factions if Blizzard chose to make an AR as both groups meet all requirements. (Though again for those reading this I’m more on the I’m good with what we have now and at best expect more customizations for Void Elves not an AR. Though I also won’t be mad at an AR.)

There are neutral examples of every race these days and I don’t see much why it matters.

This is a silly claim with no basis.

They are labeled Alliance and attack Horde players on sight. They’ve engaged in conflict with the Forsaken as well. Even the world views them and they view themselves as Alliance.

Whether they like them or not. The Night Elves don’t greatly enjoy the Alliance either but they’re one of its main pillars.

I do not see why people believe this would end anything? The issue of the Horde being in Silvermoon still applies to many of these Alliance aligned elves war or not.

A portion will go home for sure, but not all of them. Even more will not be willing to leave their new lives either. These peoples will remain existent whether or not they are able to return to Quel’thalas.

I see no reason to believe it was “most” remained Neutral. Dalaran is the largest neutral group and even a large portion of them did not remain neutral. Otherwise the Silver Covenant would not exist as it does with enough forces to participate in three to four conflicts.

Also I’ve never seen a high elf leaving because of the purge before? Can you link me the source on that one I wanna see it! (Honestly it’d make me feel a lot better overall as no one leaving them because of it was the bad kind of wild to me.)

The only issue I have with your point is that in the conversation overall (to the thread) is that its meaningless. We’re talking about the High Elves that remained Alliance, of which there is a large portion of high elves. Which is why people request them so damn much even though we have the options to RP it as we are now. (Could use some neato tattoos and maybe some feather stuff to call back to the rangers everyone wants to play em as. lol)

Their original reason for being Alliance is because they can’t stomach the Horde being allowed in Quel’thalas. Their secondary one is the Forsaken attacking them en masse because they’re Alliance.

They’re not at all like the pirates…

Their foil is the Sunreavers.

And assuming they’re the only high elves who would fight the Horde is wrong on the fact that the Allerian Stronghold, Highvale and any other Alliance aligned high elf will attack the Horde on sight.

There will be members who remain Alliance, as will there be members who remain unwilling to fight the Alliance who go home.

Lor’themar is making his populace neutral, which I think will end up factoring into Midnight. Blizzard saying the “tribes of elves” will reunite or whatever. (Note for those who care, I don’t really expect Silvermoon to be Alliance. I think at worst it will be like Bel’ameth.)

The story is seeing the high elves as a whole become a people but that doesn’t indicate that the Alliance doesn’t have high elves at all anymore.

Sure if Blizzard cared about this as much as we do. Blizzard continually reinforces high elves in the Alliance by putting them in the Alliance in expansion after expansion. They take it as read that there are high elves in the Alliance, playable or not. They’ve done a good job at keeping the Void Elves as their own thing and not directly making them a “high elf” narrative.

But because Blizzard doesn’t care the way we all do, we don’t see that. The only time they’ve used any of the Allerian aligned elves (not the stronghold just someone who was specifically one of her soldiers before.) was for the Dark Ranger we find in the Rift with the Void elves meant to make those options canon to them.

While I expect the Allerian Stronghold elves to be a strong candidate for returning home now that there is peace and Lor’themar is calling them, there is no reason to think they are not still aligned with the Alliance and would refuse to fight the Alliance in a general war. (I assume they would defend their home directly if the Alliance were to siege Quel’thalas or something though of course.)

I think a lot of us (The forum people on both sides) put a lot more focus on the faction conflict than is warranted at this time. Just because someone returns to Quel’thalas doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly be all for the Horde. It took the Blood Elves time to feel comfortable and as though they were truly a part of the Horde too.

Its already known Canon that the Scyers have had members return to Silvermoon. Thats not in contention at all.

Yes but they were called Blood Elves and this did not account for those elves who remained Alliance. The people requesting High elves for the Alliance tend to be asking for the Alliance ones.

There is a significant political and cultural divergence of both groups as well as their allegiances that divest them from one another and make them two separate factions of the same race fighting for the opposite sides. Much like the two groups of Pandaren we’re given from MoP or the Dracthyr.

For most of us the Void Elves having options for rp are enough but there are still some who want something more impactful.

Some of the more common options being wanting a nameplate choice to be labeled as High Elf, additional hairstyles that are more contemporary to what we see on other high elves, tattoos like Alleria’s, some people want the paladin class really badly for some reason or another and a way to disable or change the Entropic Embrace visual.

These could be easily added to Void Elves though some players do just want to see another Allied Race to be done with it.

Could be any number of places… Theres a strong possibility we’re going towards Zul’Aman during that expansion so could be there… could be in that spot above Strath. Could be the Isle of Quel’Danas which was already neural ground once before anyways.

Lets wait till Midnight comes to really bother worrying about what it all means. lol

Given the people involved if it wasn’t given to Void Elves I don’t see the point. This request is for high elves, which we can play through the void elves.

People would still request if it was given to the Night Elves for instance.

This ignores that the high elf they want to play is Alliance aligned. They want to play with the tribe of them that remained within the Alliance (or technically joined in Wrath more likely…)