Just because Lordaeron was ruined for some patches ain’t mean the alliance got access to it. The Forsaken took it back and it is now again a Horde PVP zone. This would be a very ugly prescedence and open the way for other bad story options a two faction game can’t afford.
Precedent has already been set with the night elves and the worgens cities being neutral.
They aren’t lore wise. And Bel’ameth is just temporary.
I would imagine in lore we are only there for the expansion as well.
Personally I dont care either way about silvermoon being neutral or not. I just think it’s highly likely it will be.
I can tell you what will happen if Silvermoon is the next Dalaran. A whole bunch of female archer elves RPers will plan an official marriage ceremony with their male human paladin RPer friends and take a selfie while doing so and post it on Twitter with the # “Glory to the alliance!”. That must be avoided at all cost.
hehe!! eek, lol
It seems you don’t know the high elf RP community very well. that is like their most common concept straightly copied from Alleria.
well i guess they’re embracing windrunner lore, as all 3 have human partners
They’re going to probably expand Quel’thalas to include that little bit above Strath or something. Its been on the map and untouched forever. We also know they indicated they wanted to greatly expand the range of the land as they update the world to better work alongside Skyriding. They’ve also suggested that the Amani lands that we can’t get to yet will be opening up possibly.
All of it vague of course… but theres a lot to play with up there.
I’m not particularly bothered. Sorry if I gave you that impression.
Regardless of if you or anyone else agrees with you or anyone else we all still have the right to share our opinion in a game forum though.
Blizzard gave you the best compromise possible without forcing the blood elves to fully leave the Horde. that is as far as they are willing to go.
Speculation. They never did that before to any starting zone and I hope it stays that way.
Uh… Ok?
Like I said earlier I’m good with what I got. I wouldn’t mind tattoos like Alleria’s I suppose.
Well yeah… They said this was a different way they wanted to do world revamps going forward.
And I doubt they’d reveal what they have planned fully a whole expansion early.
Benefit of doubt means you trust people and I lost that ability after BFA.
I don’t base my ability to trust off of a video game company.
What you’re stating isn’t relevant to a group of elves seeing Quel’thalas as formerly Alliance.
You’re claiming that because they became void elves and dislike the Horde that they don’t count. Which is ridiculous to claim invalidates their view about allegiance.
I think you’ve gotten confused on what I was saying.
Vereesa seemed to just be looking for a reason. She sees the Sunreavers as Horde and nothing else it seems.
Just want to point to this too cause wth.
It’s a game and playing RP baddies is cringe.
But you did bring that topic, not me, so you started a discussion with me about something that I didn’t state.
They didn’t become void elves because they hated the Horde.
And again you’re putting words in my mouth that I haven’t said. I didn’t say the Void elves hate the Horde. In fact they were part of the Horde very recently, and if anything the Void Elves despised the Alliance because, they were blood elves not long ago.
I said the Silver Covenant hates the Horde, and they do because they’re militants, and they would put their blind and immoral politics over their own kin.
You keep making up arguments that I haven’t said, that doesn’t count any point for you, bub.
To me it was just bad writing as everything that was done in MoP (mostly) and as bad as it was the retcons in Chronicles v3.
No, again that part is irrelevant.
What is relevant is that they are a population of Blood Elves that see Quel’thalas as formerly Alliance territory.
In fact Umbric states they never liked the Horde.
It was your words…
No argument there. Vereesa flips opinions on dimes the way they write her.
I know it is irrelevant, which is why I never argued it. you did!
No, they don’t. They could’ve walked away any time and joined the alliance before. Why didn’t they, I wonder.
But again, source?
He could’ve joined the other High elves in the alliance.
I would like to hear Turalyon’s or even Anduin’s thoughts about someone studying the void within Stormwind. Totally safe xd
But also can’t blame Dar’Khan Drathir’s follower. But then again, dude follows Dar’Khan Drathir’s teachings.
Umbric… In the Telogrus Rift.
I’m unclear if that version of him still exists, but probably does if you start a fresh void elf.
Sure. But he remained a blood elf until his exile and still sees Quel’thalas as formerly Alliance.
I believe they have him wary of them in the before the storm book. But I’m unsure if it’s come up.
Wasn’t one of his followers… They just took his research after they stumbled upon it after their exile. It had void stuff in it and references to a void locus so the void researchers looked into it.
Still, looks like a stretch to me for him to say that right after he is already banished from stormwind. Like I said, he could’ve walked away anytime before.
Seems something he said only to appease his new allies because otherwise he would’ve been left alone and without support.
How can you trust that is what he thought when he could’ve walked away anytime, just like anyone who thought the Horde was bad and the alliance was good.
Isn’t what the elves that are with the alliance did?
So if someone stumbles upon the studies of a former chanceler of a certain german kingdom and started using his studies for… his own “good”, that would be seen by everyone like a positive thing, right?
PS: rhetoric question, it wouldn’t.
I think its reasonable that while he didn’t agree or like the Horde and wished his people would return to the Alliance, he was also more interested in helping and protecting his people and didn’t want to leave. Thus despite studying the Void, he had to be Exiled to go.
Seems a lot more likely than hes just pretending to like the Alliance now. lol
I think its a reasonable thing for all the Alliance high elves to have significant concerns about the Horde. Many would have lost families to them and wouldn’t have been present to see what happened to Kael’thas. Coupled with where Kael’thas’ story went, the people of the world would easily see that as bad stuff going on in pursuit of power.
The high Elves having their bias and being unwilling to return to Quel’thalas while it flies Horde banners makes sense, at least early on, then after that its just bad blood between some groups. (Not that the Blood Elves staying Horde doesn’t make sense for them.)
I can trust what he says because there are absolutely no indications in any capacity that he’d be lying.
No but thats not what I said either.
You called him a follower of Dar’khan Drathir. Using their research doesn’t make you a follower of that person.
Otherwise the US itself would be a “follower” of that man you just mentioned.