But it’s an artificial distinction anyway. They shouldn’t even be classified as a different race, just a cross faction race like the Pandaren.
I mean… full access to silvermoon has a very strong chance of actually happening.
Midnight is kinda set there…
With earthen id like to see high elves become an allied race for both factions. However since most differences between HE vs BE are political/symbolic idk if that would happen.
They shouldn’t. There is an actual POLITICAL reason why the high elves are no longer welcomed in their former homeland. Instead of getting the hands dirty to get out of their problems the elves faced they hogged to the humans. Vereesa surley feels comfortable on her high horse from where she looks down on all blood elves and I am still annoyed any time I see her stupid face.
And it shouldn’t happen. It is a faction locked STARTING zone of a core race. And no teldrassil was not shared it was just destroyed.
I’m fine if they just add a few more things to Void Elves. Honestly I don’t mind what I have now, but I’ll defend others right to ask for what they want. I also just like being in these talks sometimes.
Oh yeah I forgot about the hairstyles. That one doesn’t even register on my radar most of the time as I don’t see them as eldritch hairstyles. lol
I hope they give us the option for void colorations for void elf paladins. The Eclipse Knight we got doesn’t seem to use shadow. Appears we’ll get some sort of shadow and light balance setup.
Still I hope we get to choose.
I think they can just put an option in to squelch the visual.
Also yeah Hairstyles should be shared between most races really.
I don’t want it but I wonder if they won’t do the Bel’ameth thing with it. Alliance is allowed in but they’re “being watched” like a hawk.
I am excited to see the reworks to the region and the City though!
They are welcomed now though. Lor’themar even let Arator back.
I mean blood elves are in a way traitors. Traitors who signed up with the very same people who butchered their entire kingdom.
That said obviously forsaken didn’t have free will, but it was their bodies.
Yeah that’s my point, the differences are political and superficial at that. There is absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t be a cross faction race. That’s more true than ever now with the faction divide basically nonexistent.
No other fandom asks for that much so not they do not have that right.
Should or shouldnt though, its probably going to happen unless quelthalas is just one zone and not where the expansion as a whole is based.
They aren’t traitors. They pulled up their sleeves and worked a way to solve all their issues on their own until TBC ruined it via Velen redemption. Traitors would imply there is some greater moral responsibility to never leave the sides of the alliance which is stupid since Kul Tiras and Gilneas also left them when it was conveniant. The Blood elves did nothing wrong and came out victorious at the end of it. Which is why they are still my favorite race. Every other franchise with elves keeps them lame. Yes even Noldor.
We all have that right… its a video game and people have opinions.
Quel’thalas right now has 3 zones and 1 raid. You can’t make an entire continent from that I am afraid.
I shared my thoughts of the awful Horde story many times and people sitll tend to insult me over it. Grow a thicker skin.
Nothing wrong? So siding with the burning legion wasn’t a bad move?
It may just have been kael’thas and his group, but they were blood elves who betrayed every race on azeroth.
It doesnt sound that hard tbh
It would of course be its own seperate version distinct from the belf starting version, but yeah, very doable.
We just have to wait for more info about midnight though as other than quelthalas and uniting the elves, we know nothing else yet.
That is just a general trend of the Horde at large and not tied on the blood elves alone. In case of the emergency of being in need of more mobs to kill for the players just villain bat any of their races and call it a day. That is what went wrong. If gameplay wasn’t the holy grail for Metzen and co. Kael’thas from WC3 would have never done anything like that.
I wish he hadn’t lol. I really loved his character and was sad to see what TBC did to him. I wanted him as our king!
Instead we got lothemar that literally never does anything cool. Bro couldn’t even marry another blood elf.
I say it again. Starting zone. Stuff like that should be timeless and not wasted on endgame content only to be forgetten afterwards. Blizzard can not afford to s:hit the fans of the most played race into their mouths and think they can get away with it.
As i said, i imagine it wouldnt replace the starting zone. It would be its own seperate thing.
Kinda like we have 2 dalarans and 2 draenors.