We can do that part already. I think the main issue for a lot of them at this point is just the nameplate and the rather obvious racial effect. And I guess some people really want paladin.
Well Blizzard won’t just copypaste a new race that looks exactly like ther other two yet again. They made a compromise already and any seasonable fan should take it and leave it at that.
i’m willing, we just need elf hairstyles. we currently have eldritch hair and if playing priest, sw cath needs to stop asking us to leave lol
You have terrorized the community for years mind you. You can’t expect sympathy if you keep asking for eve more things. You want blood elves but better.
like russia v. ukraine. many dead ukranians.
The horses did seem a very questionable choice.
It just made me think of daario at meereen. Killed the horse, the rider fell to the ground and died.
As if those horses wouldnt get killed instantly while swarmed leaving the dothraki trapped and defenseless…
Not as many as russians though. However thats always been the russian way in war. Meat grinder tactics. They neen doing that since the viking times.
I am just looking forward to being able to play a Void Paladin. All those Pally spell animations in a deep blueish purple. It’s gonna be awesome!
i bet those two are friends and making bank on weapon sales while also depopulating the planet
That’s my biggest gripe, personally. I’d settle for a quest that lets us cleanse the void in the Sunwell or something so it changes the visual of the racial abilities. That and there is absolutely no reason why all hairstyles shouldn’t be available to both blood elves and void elves.
Yep. Also horses have poor night vision and if they trip the men behind will pile ontop of it. Horse charges at night are typically a bad idea.
Especially a head on charge. Which is exactly what you never want to do with shock cavalry haha.
i think pally gold mixed with void purple should be a pretty salmon pink…with sparkles hehe
I didnt even consider there could be a domino effect with them… thats even dumber than I realised! Haha
there is. To keep them distant enought instead of just being a copypaste race.
Like i said. That last season and especially that battle specifically make me unreasonably angry xD.
Like brah whoever directed this clearly never looked at actual warfare and how to properly wage it.
eep. not a plan. thinking…
The next thing they will ask is being full access to Silvermoon you know it is coming.
I CANNOT wait for silvermoon to get the update that glorious city deserves!
Its my 2nd favorite behind stormwind and its such a shame it was never really utilized.
I rather keep it in 2007 before they turn it neutral for no reason. Keep it in the past.
I liked the last season.
I just pretend there are more episodes that i didnt see that built up to things more.
Like for the most part, it ended as it should have. It just felt they rushed to the finish.
…I also pretend sam died as he had no business surviving that show…