The forsaken priests are founded on an order of discipline priests, have canonically shown both Shadow and Dsic in their order. Risen undead commonly utilize holy spec and there are some stories and mentions by Blizzard of the Holy spec being used by Forsaken.
They even go out of their way in a Cdev interview to talk about how they experience using Holy Magic.
LMFAO! Well for what itâs worth even though personally I hate the idea of say Undead Druid, Void Elf Paladin or Mechagnome anything Iâd give all races currently lacking Druid, Shaman and Paladin them but I donât get to make those decisions so.
I stand corrected. Blizzard lore is terribly written lol.
However even if you could it would still make absolutely zero sense, no matter what blizz says i still find it incredibly weird that in wc3 they would die to light magic but now with no changes to the magic that raised them, they can use said magic that killed them before.
Strickly? Do they have to only use the Light? Our own Holy Priest characters use the Shadow as well as Light.
Here is a Banshee that is part of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow who uses shadow and Light magic just fine. As many of the cults members are Disc priests.
Here is a Risen priest that uses only Holy spells.
Again, Blizzard has already explained that the Forsaken can and do use the Holy Light, they just donât like it much due to how it affects them. Makes them feel the worms and such crawling through their rotting skin.
The Light seems to kill perfectly living beings just as well when I use it on my Paladins. lol
Just because the Light has an issue with death that they tried to very poorly explain in Shadowlands⊠doesnât mean the dead canât use it. Just that it sucks to do so.
(Also they retconned that back when WoW came out.)
We know from the Sylvanas book that Paladins among the Quelâdorei were rare and not really a big thing. There were a few but not a big thing. Then the whole Blood Elf thing happens and all that and you have them get their Blood Knights which is cool.
And since then you see the High Elves that remained Alliance very slowly get more and more Paladin representation in every instance of their story. Like theres a trainer in Dalaran in Wrath. Cool so at least theres enough that they need someone to train new ones.
By Legion youâre training sometimes up to three High Elf pallies at a time.
Its still incredibly weird to me however. Retcon or no. A better way would have involved a questline that changes the magic used to raise them.
Arthas himself in wrath couldnât stand on holy ground during the DK intro. That retcon just makes absolutely zero sense, its also further proof if blizz wanted to they could retcon VE and light too.
Its common for folk not to know bout the retcon and think its weird⊠cause it is. Retcons are usually kinda weird as a result of what they are.
Aye. And Revendreth really hammers home that the Light chooses to burn the Undead generally. That was a directed attack specific to them being hateful of what happened.
Which means the Light only hurts undead the way it does because its angry that someone in another realm did something they didnât like. Like that story or not it makes the Light seem really petty. lol
This is not about the race. This is about them not being part of the alliance and it shows. You want the privilige of pretty pale people without being forced playing with the Orcs and undead. I call it entitlement.
She went from competent ruler, to a ruler who sent her SHOCK cavalry charging into the night against a army of the dead then burned her ancestors city for literally no reason.
As a fan of medieval warfare sending shock cavalry directly at a army that is much bigger than yours makes me mad. The dothraki are not a heavy cavalry. They are ment to hammer and anvil the flanks. /Rant off lol