Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Its the racial name they want.
Every other thing exists, but they cant have it and have the nameplate of their choice.

I would be more sympathetic to their request if there was any other difference. Any at all.
If they asked for something that didnt apply, or couldnt apply to blood elves.
But they dont. Because there are no differences.

High elves would be the most redundant race choice they could ever add to the game.

Unless they wanted something like they did when they added kul tirans where they got a completely different model in basically every way.

If they asked for this

And not this

Id be way more supportive


Don’t see why Blizzard can’t give that option really. Be helpful for a few races.

I prefer if they do a new Allied Race rather than customization they change the body model like that old workup someone made where they were more human in shape but I think it mostly used bits of the night elf bodies.

Makes them look more like the vanilla version but updated to today’s standard.

What I don’t understand is why those who are unsupportive choose to be so antagonistic. Though that said I don’t get why those supportive feel that need either.

Request what you want.

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Honestly this has been going on for so many years at this point, i think everyone is just done with it.

Fortunately i believe that whatever comes in midnight should put this whole thing to bed.
Dont know if that will be playable high elves, high elves adopting the name of blood elves and so not existing any more, something else entirely.

But i doubt blizzard is completely ignorant to the situation and if ever there was a time to address it, it would be the quelthalas expansion where they said theyre going to “reunite the elves”


As a high elf super fan id be ok with void elves finally being allowed to become paladins. Dont get me wrong id love the “High Elf” tag on my character, but at this point id settle for being able to play my favorite race as my all time favorite class (paladin) on my absolutely prefered faction.

I miss stormwind so much :*(. With the stone dwarves being an allied race i am hopeful midnight will add high elves as a allied race possibly.

I believe this too. Whatever happens, Midnight is likely going to tie things together to end this. Whether or not that will be enough for people to stop requesting though I’m less sure on.

well, hairstyles more in keeping with elves and less eldritch monster. not having my velf priest verbally abused if she goes in the cathedral of her faction and class. seriously, not fun

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Yeah but those differences are just blood elves :stuck_out_tongue:

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Honestly I could careless if Void Elves ever get Paladin or not personally but due to the fact I do support all classes for all races and I have a lot of friends that want different races of Druid, Paladin and Shaman I’m supportive but whether they ever do that is up to Ion and Blizzard and Ion already said even if they are expanded it that it will require lore and will be somewhat limited so I don’t know if Void Elf would be one of the ones to get Paladin.

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If they can make forsaken priests, considering 2 of its specs dont actually exist in the lore, i feel like void elf pally isnt much of a stretch.

I mean forsaken are the same undead from wc3. The very same undead that died when holy light was cast on them.

In the lore they are all shadow Priests though where for gameplay reasons they are allowed to also be holy and discipline.

Paladins and Priests also aren’t the same, that’s why when people always say any race that can be a Priest should have Paladin makes me laugh because they aren’t the same at all.


Fair, however the fact 2/3 specs could never exist but do makes lore a very background issue.

Either lore is respected or it isn’t. They can write some reason why Ve pally works.

I never said they can’t, I was pretty specific about if they would it would be up to Ion and Blizzard because Ion wasn’t and isn’t exactly a fan of Void Elves or them having the options to pretend to be High Elves.

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not if they gave us elf hairstyles. blood elves have 90s hairstyles. i’d like traditional elf hairstyles. long hair with braids, poofy updos, like the gibson. ya know, traditional elfs

Im also of the mind that our characters should be outside the ordinary for our respective race.

Personally id like to see every race opened to every class, but thats probably just me. I couldn’t care less what someone else plays, so long as they are happy.

I’ve said that same thing myself, it doesn’t mean that Blizzard and Ion won’t limit that still given he was pretty specific in that interview about it that certain race/class combinations wouldn’t make sense which means he clearly doesn’t want it to be all races for Paladin, Druid and Shaman.

that is incorrect. People asking alliance elves, which are the high elves playable. Noone asking playable blood elf in the alliance, we already literally got them, they are void elves.

we want the high elves who are in the alliance playable. thank you.

Yea i think i remember that too. It makes sense. I just miss stormwind. Tired of opening my ogrimmar door every day and seeing some rando tauren defecating on the street.


Forsaken priests in lore have shadow, holy and discipline vocations.

People just keep pretending they don’t.

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No stop asking.

They do not. In lore undead only have shadow. Calia is the single exception since she was raised with the light.