Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This needs to be a thing on the US forums as well, some of the necros I see are super cringe like 3 or 4 years later ugh.


That is, elves cannot have that should they wish, or at their will, as stated by Veressa.

Hardcore agree

If the discussion has ended, it has ended.
Its time for the thread to close.


It could happen but I think it should be for the threads with 6 months or more.

You have no reason to suspect at all. You’re jumping to an assumption because you want to pretend they can’t reproduce. When has the void ever shown that an organism it affects can’t?

Heck its the curse of flesh alone that turned creations that couldn’t reproduce into ones that could. There is so much evidence that the void is unlikely to produce infertility compared to any evidence that I can see that it does.

This is an assumption that has no basis on their capability to do so though

I never said they were faster at it.

I also have no clue where you got this from?

I only stated there is no lore or reason to think that the Void Elves cannot reproduce themselves as Void Elves.

I also stated there is no evidence to say they can either, but its more sensible and realistic to assume they can and that it just hasn’t come up in the story because Blizzard doesn’t really have a good reason to do so.

I’ve yet to see any canonical population numbers for any of the races in WoW.

All races will have the number they need for whatever Blizzard wants them to.

Void Elves are an excellent example of this actually
 Despite being a small group of researchers they fielded several different and significant (relative to those around them) forces throughout BfA.

Those ain’t elves though, and that the orcs can reproduce suggests that power infusion does not lower fertility.

None of this is covered in any lore and is entirely an assumption and head canon on your part.

Right? I don’t at all get where he got some sort of ridiculously high birthrate?

Void Elves are modified by the void.

Even the racials shows that it is not just the “study” of the void but they’re infused with it.

So, yeah, I have reasons to belive they were physically and biologically modified by the void. So yes, at the best they have the same birthrate of former High Elves, at the worst, they can’t reproduce.

It is not an assumption, it is an analysis based on F A C T S.

Orcs curse of Blood has been lifted already, it is not like Void Elves that are consistently infusing themselves with the void.

It is again analysis based on existing facts.

The only head canon here is yours, after all


blood elves, not the high elves.

But what are you basing the Void removing their ability to procreate?

The Void has not been shown to do this.

Its an assumption based on your viewpoint of facts. Thats not the same as an analysis. You’d need to have some specific reason to think the Void would remove the ability to procreate.

Again you’re making an assumption not an analysis.

What I don’t understand is what you’re basing the Void creating a sterile creature on?

Imagination. It’s a fantasy game. Of course they can procreate, it’s one of the basic fantasies of teenagers to find everything sexy and desirable. They will never remove the thirst-factor.

that’s right, blood elves are not high elves.

procreation and recreation are not synonyms. hehe

correct. Blood elves are playable since 2007, void elves since 2018, high elves will be playable since 2025 since war within will be a total failure and a filler patch before the most important one, THE MIDNIGHT expansion.

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some horde players wanted night elves many alliance players wanted high elves. blizzard compromised, and created the void elves a branch of blood elves aka high elves and a type of night elves highborn branch was a faction during that time aka nightborn which became the hordes night elves. so alliance have had their high elves since end of legion early bfa and horde has had their night elves since legion early BFA any discussion asking for the races is just trolling at this point and instead the conversation should be about customization options which there exists a thread for that on the forums.

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what makes the elves high elves?

they evolved from the highborne. Now most notable high elves are Silver Covenant with leader Vareesa Windrunner in the alliance. People been asking playable high elves since WCII.

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Other than the lore, explain to me what is the difference in game? blue eyes?

Why does it matter what the difference is?

Because what’s the point? to add just another blood elf’s lookalike just to give them blue eyes? really? we already have Void elfs for alliance and blood elfs with the BLUE eyes customization on it’s there
 I really don’t understand.


What is the point of anything if you decide, arbitrarily, that the reason they want it doesn’t count?

You asked what the difference was beyond the lore, irrespective of the fact that its the lore that is the reason people want this on the Alliance.

What does it matter to you if people want another blood elf lookalike? Don’t play it if you don’t want it.

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There isn’t a difference the whole point of any of these threads is certain people want a 100% copy/paste of Blood Elves on Alliance only with a blue background instead of a red one, they aren’t happy with the fact they can already play a fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired Void Elf.