Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I support this.

Get high>>>Play on a belf>>>Problem solved.

I think these discussions have no point. It’s one of those aspects that never gets explored and because of that there are always gonna be “enough” of whatever species. Specifically as many as the story requires.

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Very true with void elves.
Unless they do massive time skip, right now any void elf babies would be, well, babies.

Void elf members grow from gaining new recruits from blood and high elves. Numbers are nice and vague.
Enough to form an army, not enough to make a dent in the high/blood population.
Does that make sense? No. But we roll with wow population numbers anyhow :stuck_out_tongue:

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there was literally 1 void elf that they made entire void elf race from 1 elf. Alleria is still a high elf using and infused with void.

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void elves run the risk of going insane, in fact, some have. subjecting children to that would be beyond dangerous


Play the void elf starting zone again and you’ll see some of those NPCs are Silver Covenant Alliance High Elves, which means your player character can be as well.

Instead of coming from the Horde and becoming a void dabbler, just be a Silver covenant elf who got curious about the void bc of the return of Alleria. That’s cannon and already in game.

I hope in midnight we will finally get high elves.


Didn’t read the post, might after writing this. But the title made my mind immediately imagine Snoop Dogg as an Elf
 HIGH elf :rofl::rofl:

There is.
You keep ignoring already known information.

According to Vereesa Windrunner, high elves seldom give birth and very rarely give birth to twins.

The Well of Eternity, chapter 2, pg. 30

There is nothing to suggest otherwise that Void elves have better birth rates than the former high elves.
 have you seen where they live?
That’s an inhospitable place for someone to be, imagine giving birth to someone there


This was never in question. Whoever paid attention to the Dwarf barber options, knows for 100% certainty that the Wildhammer Clan is a subrace within them. I do not understand why this has to come up again and again. And other races followed suit in this too. The Draenei with the Man’aari.

Again there is no reason to think the Void Elves cannot procreate
 Whether or not its slow.

I never said they had better. I said they were in fact likely the same as you can see here.

Kinda irrelevant to whether or not they can procreate.

Definitely. The time has come, the moment is at hand! We are prepared!

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Elves never make bad decisions.

That’s pretty cool. You should let them know that they have been playable since 2007. If they don’t like those high elves then they can customize their already high elves to look even more high elfy with more customizations that we recently got.


More than already provided?
You need to go to some biology class I guess lol.

So they basically have either worst or same. Again, extinct based on population.

lol right, because for whatever helps your argument it relevant but when it doesn’t, it becomes irrelevant.

“Lets summon a dark titan into Azeroth in exchange for more power”


Nothing biological about them has indicated sterility.

(Also I went to college for Biological Sciences and Information Technology as it happens.)

I mean, its possible I suppose, they could have better but I have no reason to expect that they would be, nor do I have any reason to suspect that they would be worse.

So the sensible assumption is that they’re the same.

How does their location contribute to whether or not they can procreate biologically? Its irrelevant to their capabilities as a people.

Thats like claiming because someone is in warzone and doesn’t want to have kids because of the potential danger to life that the species is incapable of reproducing.

It is not an assumption. It is inferring based on the information we have and we have no reason to suspect otherwise.

If high elves, in their proper, thriving, magical-protected kingdom seldom gave birth, those that are living in a space rock, dealing with void magic, some of them even infused with it
 will not do it.

But yeah you really think they are going to repopulate a whole kingdom like Quel’Thalas.

I don’t even think that Blood Elves will be able to ever reach back their 148,000 population in less than thousand years (in game) or the time it took for them to grow that much their population.

On the other hand, you see Orcs, Thrall and Aggra having children in Durotar/Outland (Nagrand). Humans should also have about same birthrate as humans, Dwarves also.

The thing with Elves (and that includes even Night Elves) is that the well of eternity and its magic, or the magics they were exposed probably affects their birthrates somehow, of course never explained, but that is the only logical information we have, and probably it has to do with the Male elves mostly, because you see, Alleria and Veressa both had children with humans

The eu thread is all but dead.
The threads there close automatically after a month, so every month the op bumps it.
People will then spend a few days arguing, it will die, just before close op will bump it.
On and on it goes.

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There is a massive difference between thinking a race is able to have children should they wish, and thinking a race will have so many children that their population goes through the roof.