Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Strange I don’t see the Blood Elf Heritage Armor on them through nor Void Elf One ether.

because they are 3 different races.

50% playerbase are elves! Hail to all elves !

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I don’t get it, I would rather be a Sober Elf.

Where is the fun in that?

Nobody could ever tell if you are not sober with that blindfold. You are fine.

After they make playable high elves, and sanlayn for horde, you can ask for a “sober” playable elves.

What I find somewhat amusing about Blizz and their reasoning behind not making High Elves a playable race is the issue of how few there are, yet Void Elves were originally described as a small squad, yet that’s enough to make them playable.


and they dont procreate, so the only way to make more is to recruit from blood elves and alliance high elves, who then also become incapable of procreating

Recruitment text: Join the Void Elves, free sterilization!

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We don’t know yet if they can procreate. There is no information to suggest one way or another.

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I don’t think a single Ren’dorei child has ever been born. Our numbers only grow by spreading the Void taint to Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei.

Absence of doesn’t indicate the inability to do so. Blizzard doesn’t normally bother to include children for most races in areas as it doesn’t normally come up unless its important to someone’s story.

We have no evidence to suggest they can’t or that they can. Claiming they’re sterile is a flat out assumption with no basis in lore.

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They aren’t sterile, because the demographic, who plays them, is all in for the barbie doll bodies. Story-wise they will likely not have children, because those could easily influenced and becoming trojans for the Void.

i think they are and so are mechagnomes

Why? There isn’t any evidence in both cases.


think like a dev: would they want fetuses, infants and children to be subjected to void whispers in the womb and after? prolly not. and mechagnomes dont have procreative parts= the males dont have junk and neither do the females

I see no reason to assume this…

They… Do though?

It’s their legs that have been replaced not their hips.


oh you’re right. so just void elves then. they have company - dks and forsaken

Theres no reason to think void elves are anymore infertile than high elves are.

Like if that’s just your headcanon sure I guess but I don’t get it.

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There are blue eyed blood elves tho

Yeah nothing has ever stated that they cannot have children, so I would assume they can unless told otherwise.

I dont question if they can have kids, in my eyes the answer is yes.
What i question is if they would be born with or without the void.

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Exactly. This is how blizzard has always operated and I see no reason to assume differently now.

This is indeed a curious question.

I suspect they would produce a void elf but that is entirely speculation on my part.