She didn’t kill anyone, according to Chronicles… lol
did the silver covenant feed sunreavers to sharks?
Even in the original story, the only sunreavers that canonically died were ones that attacked Jaina. They have gone on record like 6 times that the NPC Jaina randomly killing people as she walks the street was a coding bug they didn’t consider important enough to fix and risk breaking other things. SHOCKINGLY people don’t have to stand idle by and let someone kill them. So she killed them in self defense.
What you SHOULD be saying is “There’s no justification in trying to kill your leader when she orders your arrest for treason.”
And now that they’ve further elaborated in Chronicles that many sunreavers were guilty, yes it was irrevocably justified v
They’re already playable, from the eyes customization to, you know, their frigging capitol still existing (well, half of it anyway).
Surprisingly there was no record of them going on record about that lol.
But it is gone anyway, Chronicles just changed that.
The Alliance and the Horde are both alliances of several countries. That doesn’t mean the countries involved have free reign to establish colonies within each others land. Thats silly and has never been what the Alliance, or Horde, are.
Whether you like it or not it was once Alliance territory. The country involved just pulled out, and it became not Alliance territory. (Later Horde territory.)
That was never what we were talking about originally. That just confuses where you were with things and since they hadn’t been in the Alliance during those talks that doesn’t really make sense with what we were talking about.
The new chronicle book is stupid, whether or not its lore. Until they change the events that actually took place in game I think players should just ignore it. lol
Fair enough, though I still don’t know how much they were “still with the Alliance” in the canon in that case. They still seem an odd group to include overall.
As an Alliance player generally I wouldn’t really consider them Alliance. (I also swear they were neutral to the Alliance and Horde in Vanilla but my memory ain’t good on that point.)
Compared to the population around them. Theres a lot of high elves compared to the rest of Stormwinds population. This also likely ties into the 7th Legions High Elves, as I suspect they mostly come from the ones living within human lands… But thats assumption.
Like I’ve said before its not a measure that matters. Blizzard will always have as many of anything as they need. Nor is their population even a remote consideration compared to the Ren’dorei who have been made into a race so its a null issue.
But most of them did effectively remain with Quel’thalas’ allies at least. I don’t know still an odd group to worry about in the context of the conversation here. (Though we do know one Darkfallen returned to the Alliance at least and is now hanging out with the Void Elves.)
The way Blizzard seems to be forcing the just… total end of faction conflict despite how good that could still be, I suspect its unlikely to happen again.
I would love to see where those allegiances ended up though if it did start up again. Watching that story unfold would be enthralling to me. lol
Gonna stop ya here. There are no canonical populations in WoW and it also doesn’t matter. Blizzard doesn’t care about it so we shouldn’t either. Its a null issue.
Sure but it has nothing to do with the Silver Covenant nor the High Elves.
They only matter in that they are a group of Thalassian elves that shows the mentality of the world around them. They have a desire for Silvermoon to return to the Alliance fold. We can assume this is not a singular thing especially since we know the Silver Covenant elves also express that desire.
Peace could happen. But I doubt either side will jump at it readily.
I’m betting Midnight will have it go somewhere along the lines of “Sunwell under threat” “High Elves of the Silver Covenant manage to assist” “Void Elves manage to assist somehow while proving that they’re able to stop the potential threat to the Sunwell of their existence”. “Everyone agrees to let bygones be bygones and ignore the literal genocide.”
I’ll hate it a fair amount… unless they somehow manage to get the Blood Elves/Sunreavers and the High Elves/Silver Covenant to really talk and come to some sort of… apology? I don’t know. How do you make good on genocide?
Still I think both sides could come to the realization that there are too few of them to not just end their hostilities to one another.
(Be nice if the Silver Covenant could get some sort of actual punishment for the purge for once though.)
Absolutely. I’m sure the Blood Elves feel the same way the High Elves do but about the Alliance as a whole.
I don’t blame them.
Folk still died, their lands were still attacked, they lost some of their defensive runestones threatening their entire people.
If the Horde hadn’t splintered then they’d have been in a much more dire position from the Horde too.
For some that will be more than enough. Hence the break between the two side of thalassian.
No notes here, honestly.
But I do get the concept that the Silver Covenant doesn’t see it that way (in game).
Again the book Vereesa was introduced in. Day of the Dragon I think…
That said I will say Blizzard has been playing very loose with the lifespans, age ranges and general concept of age with the Quel’dorei as a whole basically since WCII so…
I mean more on the level of there are still few Quel’dorei left in the world and they’re very aware of how fast that can change.
Its unquestionable that the Horde has effectively led the Blood Elves and Quel’thalas to a much better position economically, socially and politically across the world and in the Horde.
Lor’themar as Warchief would be badass…
Hard to say. They haven’t talked too much about it directly anywhere. Most notable point I can think of right now was at the beginning of BfA during the fall of the Undercity. Hes quite “irate” at the Void Elves who show up to help.
I doubt he likes them much at this time though regardless of how things have cooled since.
Day of the Dragon goes into it quite well on the details. (Fairly sure its Day of the Dragon).
He charms the leaders of the Alliance, and helps to push a wedge between the human kingdoms and the elves. But again during that book it was more he was increasing the feelings that were already there. Anasterian didn’t like the Alliance from the get go, Deathwing just helped to push him to be a little more annoying to the rest of the Alliance before they pulled out fully.
I wouldn’t say that I see them (Old Horde/New Horde Old Alliance/New Alliance) the same in either case but they are both connected to one another especially within the world itself.
Garithos was a racist commander of the remnant Alliance forces and I also don’t think he was entirely representative of the Alliance as a whole. Like… he was a representative as he was a General controlling the local forces, but I doubt he was representative of the people living in Stormwind or Theramoore (both of which I think were still being built/rebuilt at the time but same concept.)
But yeah, no, folk who try to say he wasn’t Alliance are just wrong. The Elves have plenty of reason to look at him, point at him, and say Alliance bad to us. And its not like the Alliance was kind after that point either.
I’d rather not go into every use of the Silver Covenant since then… or how unconnected they are to Rhonin in any capacity. Aside from Books Blizzard never really has Rhonin or Vereesa even interact. But to claim the Silver Covenant doesn’t matter because Rhonin died is an odd choice.
Well… Blaming the Horde anyways. They were responsible for his death…
I keep hoping Blizzard will come out and explain that they wrote it funny and meant it to be more what it obviously is in WoW as we literally see it… but they’ll probably be cowards since its hard to address literal genocide.
TWW doesn’t really look like its going to address it either and I think they’re setting up the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers becoming buddy buddy.
I mean… its fun at least.
And while I’m having a debate I don’t find myself upset at Henceforth. This has actually been rather nice compared to some debates I’ve been in.
This does very much feel bad for Blizzard to have done. I hope they fix it before its too late.
Its real hard to claim the Sunreavers were to blame when even in that case Genocide is still Genocide. So how the Silver Covenant and Jaina are still not at fault here is beyond me.
This is a mix-up of terms – They have the same heritage and are physiologically the same (except for the green eyes from the fel influence) but the term “high elf” is used to talk about the elves that stayed with the Alliance , as opposed to going off with Kael’thas and becoming blood elves. So it has a political meaning.
Calling them different “races” may not be the most accurate but they are different groups of people, and if you played through MOP Remix and did the Silver Covenant quests, you’ll see that the High Elves are in fact a distinct group of people who don’t really like the Blood Elves too much.
For folks like me, we want to have High Elves be playable so that we could make a character with that character history and have the game bring that to life. It’s kind of hard to make a blood elf and RP as an elf that stayed with the Alliance when you can’t do alliance quests and enter Alliance cities Void Elves are on the Alliance, but their whole thing imposes a lot on the personal history of the character as well.
thank you both for explaining this to that horde filth.
do they walk around puffing pipes the whole time??
sounds like an RP problem with an RP solution
blood elves are horde
Here’s looking at you kid!
Grands can come true…
Well, here is where I’ll catch you.
They have given these numbers. You just don’t accept that.
They were given in between the Blood Elves and High Elves section of the Warcraft Encyclopedia, and the Warcraft wiki has it pretty clear how they got to those numbers.
90% of the survivors were high elves that became blood elves.
It tells me that 10% of the survivors didn’t become blood elves.
Out of the 90% that survived, Kael’thas brought 15% to Outlands.
It is estimated that the numbers he brought to Outlands to be at least 2000. How? Well, Archmage Vargoth says “thousands”. Thousands is more than a thousand.
Considering that at least 2000 went to Outlands (and again we don’t know how many became Scryer also), and they were 15% of the Blood Elves, that left 85% in Azeroth.
So… here is the beauty of math and why I said ~ 148.000 (roughly):
15% of the survivors means that 1,35% of the original population went to Outland.
If 2000 equals to 1,35%… how much equals to 100%? Ain’t that roughly 148.000 mate~~
So if that estimate is correct then you can get your high elf surviving population at 1% of it or so.
And these are all information given by Blizzard, in official sources.
OK I’ll stop you right there because I haven’t correlated them, you did. Maybe take a step back and review.
I stated:
You said:
What did I say after that?
So… how did you put Silver Covenant or high elves here??? You made me look thrice because I thought I have messed up something.
The Void Elves are banished from Silvermoon, full stop, with good reason.
But I agree with you, so far they haven’t done anything like the Silver Covenant.
Well, still blaming the wrong people.
This was orchestrated by Garrosh. If you had the chance to play Theramore scenario in MoP Remix from the Horde perspective, you’ll see that they invade Theramore to rescue a prisoner, only to find out that they were the distraction (unknown to them) and the bomb was on the way.
And she tells that “they killed my husband” pointing to her own kind, when it was not all of them, even the Sunreavers were protecting Theramore at that point (canonically). It was just one elf that helped them with the mana bomb and he wasn’t even a sunreaver lol.
This is not RP forums so stop with this.
If you can’t argue, debate, stay home, don’t go to the internet, and most importantly, don’t go offending other people because you’re helpless.
and void elfs are alliance. case closed!
Ignore the Void Elves I see.
It doesn’t matter… they are in the game, whether you wanna accept it or not.
We don’t need more elves… Night elves, void elves, blood elves and Nightborne… we need more unique races that aren’t the same generic fantasy races like Elves, where is Ogre? Tuskar? Murlocs? etc.
Void Elves were a mistake. Retool them to a Hero Class and give the Alliance their High Elves and everything is fine again. Let several races turn into Void-version of themselves.
Doesn’t matter what you think they were… they are High Elves.
We don’t need more Elves, we have enough… 4 choices and none of them are so unique or different from the others, only reason they’re popular is because people wanna sexualize the crap out of their characters. We need unique races that aren’t the same old generic fantasy race… no reskins or anything.
if we are getting another dwarf race, i don’t see the problem with adding a fifth elf race, why not?
we’re getting harronir as an allied race (probably 11.1.5, maybe 11.2.5) and theyre the link between trolls and elves so technically kinda