Can we finally get playable the high elves?

well i am shocked and dismayed that you think its fun when people are unhappy, so i brought you some more fun

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Yes, I was going to write this as well. Judygemstone, do you enjoy the misery of others while the overlying issue is how the customers are treated?

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High Elves were released in 2007 with the Burning Crusade expansion.


I don’t know why people are so angry. High elves were added in TBC. If they love High Elves so much they will play Horde.

They are literally right there in game. Press the create character button and select Blood Elf on the Horde side. That is literally High Elves.


Xal is a corpse. Nothing beautiful there.

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but i like alliance. and elves. and wow.

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well lets just say if they gave her a void elf hairstyle where her bangs hung in her face like wet noodles, she’d have alot less people calling her knifu lol

And Alliance was given void elves with high elf customizations. Why is it never enough?

High elves are in the Horde as Blood Elves. Blizz threw Alliance a bone with VE and customizations. I don’t see how a new faction of HE will be added to the Alliance.


it is enough! but id like the cathedral peeps to quit accusing me of having dangerous proclivities, i mean if i’m a helf, i’m only dangerous to enemies . helfs like order and arcane, not chaos and void. it is an rpg afterall

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its like the mage npcs in ironforge mage hall, asking your gnome mage to leave cause you might be radioactive

I’m not even going to touch that one

Official artworks, CGI videos and fan reactions disagree with your sentiment though.

They can disagree all they want, she’s still a corpse.

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lol well people were already fans because of her conversations with them from the dagger and then when she jumped into a velf she grew in infamy and now she’s epic levels of dangerous beauty. being an animated corpse hasnt hurt her image, lets just say, cause she looks like a velf might look if the devs didnt hate us for asking for helfs lol

We have void elfs already don’t need more of the same bloating the game


Ugh, could we please get High elves so I don’t have to see multiple topics on this subject? It would be great

Anyway, muting this thread. Have a good day everybody!

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

See, that is an odd concept. The alliance agreement never stated that it was alliance territory, that is, humans could just go there and settle if want. That was and still Quel’Thalas territory, and the alliance has no bearing or any sort of ownership over that land.

So, it is silly to me whenever someone says “recover it for the alliance” because, damn, that sounds very stupid.

That was still the alliance of Lordaeron. Or what was left of it.
I am talking about the events that took place during MoP as Quel’Thalas was in talks to join the alliance, until Jaina went nuts and started fireballing every blood elf she saw in Dalaran and made Varian very angry about what she did. Oh I am sorry, they just retconned that so now Lor’Themar Theron pulling out of the talks and deciding to “Fight for the Horde” against Garrosh sounds even sillier but I’m not the one writing the story, or rewriting it for that matter.

We have conflicting information here, because from the novel (which was fanfic at first then turned into canon with adjustments later), when Lor’Themar visits the Lodge they were expecting him to rescind their banishment, which didn’t happen, so they weren’t banished altogether with the return of Rommath from Outlands because the visit happens AFTER that, and the circumstances of their banishment are still uncertain and were never addressed. It is either possible that they decided to identify themselves as High elves and didn’t want to continue with the Blood Elf philosophy for whatever reason and got banished from Silvermoon, but again it was never mentioned anywhere and there is absolutely no other occurrence of a group of Blood Elves going back into identifying themselves as High Elves, so that is unlikely.

There is no other source about it so we must take about what is in game as accurate for this matter.

Fair compared to what, to Farstrider Lodge? yes, there is just one living there. Compared to Quel’Danil Lodge? That’s a no.

Well that is stopping. They are a dying race. They do not reproduce.
This is according to Veressa that said the high elves seldom give birth and very rarely give birth to twins.

See Thrall. He and Aggra seem like bunnies already have 2. Give another time skip and they might have a lot more.

Without home, without purpose, do you really think that these scattered elves will really prosper, give birth, start a family, have children?

Seems unlikely that it will ever happen.

That is why Blizzard created the Void Elves on top of Blood Elves, for them it was easier to justify that. They could’ve gone with “ohmigosh we found an island where some high elves were isolated and there booom they’re alliance” but they didn’t go into that direction, and that could’ve happened very easily, especially during Legion or even BFA (huge regiment of high elves in Kul’Tiras lmao).

Because they were part of the Elves that decide to remain with their “allies” and not return to Quel’Thalas.

Yeah, many became Dark fallen but idk seems that just a customization to estimate the amount of darkfallen is a stretch to me, same as for the Man’ari.

But again, Blizzard is not concerned with explaining anything because once they do they’re locked onto it.

Well I’d say yes but then they met the Kael’Thas blood elves in Outlands and probably thought “nah
 I’d rather stay here”. But yeah, I kinda get it, especially right after having the dark portal reopened.

But the fact that we have Arator there in Silvermoon, and that Lor’Themar Theron recalled all children of Quel’Thalas (not the void ones) back, I can only consider that there are no more enough to constitute what a race is, and that is why they’re considered in extinction, pretty much like animals that are kept in observation and outside their habitat.

But then again it is World of Warcraft, war can start any time again and where will be their allegiances. Just say “not my problem” and stay out? I don’t think that is something that Lor’themar Theron would do because he knows better.

Here is how math is fun. The amount of high elf population prior to third was roughly ~148k. That is a lot of pointy ears. Well, not so much anymore since Arthas killed 90% of them. That is also a LOT.

So, survivors: 14800 (and that is including the high elves that were outside of Quel’thalas that accounted for roughly 1480), minus the 2000 Blood Elves that were in Kael’thas Army (-1 because Rommath came back to Azeroth, so 1999). We also haven’t accounted for the Scryers, but then again I don’t hink even Blizzard remembers about them
 and Voren’thal might be in his last days too.

Anyway, that leaves us with roughly 11321 Blood Elves.
Now the math game here is we don’t know how many High elves returned Quel’Thalas, how many died in Quel’Lithien Lodge, how many were killed by the Horde also in Quel’Danil, and how many died in Dalaran during the Purge (because horde killed few Silver Covenants while saving the Sunreavers), and how many will die in Dalaran with its destruction.

With “peace” as you said, and recent events that the alliance went through, even themselves, we don’t know how many of them started getting homesick, wishing to reunite with an old friend or relative that survived the scourge massacre

Which is why I’m confident that the regiment of high elves left are around the hundreds. The silver covenant militants, those that have established themselves already and don’t have anything or anyone left in Quel’thalas

That is highly relevant. They aren’t welcome in Silvermoon and in fact have been banished as they were told to not tap into that power because of how dangerous it is for the Sunwell - keep in mind that it happens after Alleria’s incident in Sunwell, and unlike Alleria that was allowed to go into Silvermoon to meet Arator, Umbric and his gang do not share the same prestige among Quel’Thalas.

That seems a coup to me, and high treason, death penalty at the least.
And you see, high elves that were side by side or at least on the same side as the Silver Covenant would be their targets, because for sure the sin’dorei and quel’dorei in Quel’Thalas wouldn’t allow them simply to walk in and take the house keys.

And the situation with void elves is not even bigotry or FUD. It is literally what happened and what will happen in case they get closer to the Sunwell, that is now both Arcane and Light. So yeah, They will get in arms and fight tooth and nails to protect their homeland.

I don’t see peace as an option for Silver covenant and the Sin’dorei without them backing down on their political stances and we have seen like zero acts towards that until now.

That could be said the same for them with the alliance, perhaps because the Silver Covenant didn’t see their own family and loved ones being destroyed by the scourge and the survivors having gone through almost to their deaths by the hands of the alliance.

Well they didn’t do much and barely got to eversong woods, they were pushed back pretty easily and it was the Amani trolls that kept fighting in Quel’Thalas, what was described as a “hopeless fight”.

Well, the whole reason for them to join the Horde it was because only the Horde offered aid for them to deal with the undead and start rebuilding their kingdom. Sylvanas vouched for them and had the forsaken to aid them.

It was the Horde that cleared Zul’Aman, so making the Horde the ones who ended the threat to Quel’thalas there.

So, all the good talk about Silver Covenant just wishing them to not be aligned with the Horde, just got to remember that these elves were hiding inside Dalaran for some years and have not even considered going back home to help their own kind. To me, they deserve nothing, they are owed nothing and they should never be welcome back into Silvermoon, or even Quel’Thalas.

Do we have a source for that, I’d really like to know, because for example, Voren’thal is considered a very old Elf and there are some lines in some quests referring to his health condition, etc.

That’s not the case anymore. The elves might’ve been underestimated by Garrosh and treated unfairly for that time, and even seen as not fierce or even worthy warriors by Orcs, they have earned their place in the Horde. The Sin’dorei are as fierce as the Orcs are when it comes to protect their own land. They might not look so strong, green-ish (or brown-ish) as the Orcs, but still, they are and the Horde learned to appreciate that.

Lor’themar Theron is well respected among the Horde and he could easily be a Warchief should he want.

Plus, the marriage of Lor’themar and Thalyssra kinda of bring even closer both Suramar and Quel’Thalas together, so, the Sin’dorei is not alone anymore as the Nightborne aren’t either.

If anything, Lor’themar recalling all High Elves to return home is coming from a position of Strength, not weakness as you have pointed.

I don’t think he does feel that way towards the Ren’dorei, but mostly disappointment because of their decision they are dividing even more Quel’thalas. They know the power they’re tapping is an undeniable risk to the Sunwell, and they should know better the risk for their people losing the Sunwell again.

The only reference about this is in the first war, in Chronicles volume 2:

The first thing Deathwing did was take the guise of a noble human from Stormwind and travel to Lordaeron. He charmed the aristocracy, and when stories of the Horde invasion finally reached Lordaeron, Deathwing openly scoffed at them. He told Lordaeron’s nobles that the tales were fabrications meant to hide growing problems with rebels in Stormwind, and his lies were much more convincing than Stormwind’s desperate pleas for help. To win over those who stubbornly believed the reports, Deathwing subtly influenced the minds of Lordaeron’s nobles with his magic, preventing them from taking any action against the Horde.

If you see the current Horde as the same as the old Horde, then the current alliance is the same as the Alliance of Lordaeron, and the actions of Garithos should make the alliance give you the ick.

Why don’t you elaborate about that

Well, after that he died so she’s now a widow and started blaming everyone for the death of her husband :sob:

It got retconned, though
 so, not sure how much extent of it because I don’t even want to spend a dime on Chronicles Volume 3, but from what I read, Blood Elves bad, Aethas Bad, Sunreavers Bad, Rommnath Bad, everyone bad, except Jaina, the alliance and silver covenant.



man. you two are in a hard core lore debate. we know horde are only monstrous in appearance and that jaina went garroshian, and got away with it, and that tribalism makes the war game happen, but dang, i’m tired of the constant bickering about it just because alliance players asked for helfs.

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Problem is when the story is rewritten.


no, theres no justification for killing people for a crime they didnt commit, as only a few were involved but all were punished. this is why real life wars are bad