Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Imo they would be called what their sub race is.
Its like a human dk is still a human. Belf dk is still a belf.
Like high elf → blood elf → san’layn
Nightelf → nightborne → wretched

You have the primary race and it branches out based on characteristics or how they evolve over time.

Unless its a drastic change. Like trolls → elves. Thats a drastic enough change to redefine them as a new race.

Dwarves are a good example to argue this highelf thing.
Look at all the races of dwarf, yet they are still dwarf. And no one questions that. But when it comes to elves, high elf specifically, it becomes this weird “nah uh” “uh huh” back and forth lol.

Wretched were Blood Elves that failed to control their addiction, not Night elves.
Also, the High Elves descend from the Night elves (Highborne).

Death Knights are somewhat still the same race, but the example one gave about demon hunters, are no longer one of their kind. Death Knights don’t have hooves, wings, horns.

Same with Void Elves. They have gone through physical and biological changes. Have you walked on Telogrus rift? They all blue-ish and tentacles going out of them lol.
Just because some players are allowed to cosplay as high elf (or darkfallen) it doesn’t mean that it is real.

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Have you walked through it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats a void elf npc with white skin and no tentacles.

These are not just high elf rp customisation. Theyre void elf customisation.
This is a canon part of the race.


Another void elf npc with regular high elf customisation.

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What’s “taters,” Precious?

Spam threads like these is the reason why the general forums is incredibly trash


Honestly I was thinking of the withered lol.

Yes, but ironic posts like this keep me coming back for more.


Pretty much the opposite for me. I’ve cut myself from the forums for almost half a year from how toxic and a complaining echo chamber it is. Glad to see it’s still an unmoderated mess


I agree that leaving this place is one of the better things to do for your mental health.
Still, I dont think you should be glad this place has some issues :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty amazing how quick they are to delete any “inappropriate” comments about the company though, lol.

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High elf customization = blood elf


All for it myself. I have no issues with the Earthen I just want a lot more allied races added.


And yet, here you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have an herbalist/night elf, is that a “High elf”?

Ummm, right, sure.
Void elves having customisation to look just like a regular high elf, aka blood elf, is a canon part of their lore.
Theyre not all blue with tentacles.

What if… instead moar races…
moar customizations for the existing races?


Why not both?

I can take or leave high elves as an AR or customization. But I do want several other races that I think should be AR rather than customizations.

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Personally I am hoping they compress races and have racials change depending on what subrace you pick.

Wildhammer would get a ‘Stormform’ and a Gryphon racial for example.


Wildhammer should get their stormhammer as a racial not some sort of stormform imo. Its a real shame the most culturally different of the dwarves is the one that got relegated to a customization choice.


Same goes for the Mag’har Orcs. All the different clans should have their own individual racials.

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do they come with a tolken style pipe