Can we finally get playable the high elves?

do they smoke like in LOTRs and they are high all the time??? what makes them high

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For me, as I was saying earlier, it’s more about having the game bring a certain character history and identity to life, which is a lot of the fun for me. If you pick VE, it’s imposing a very specific story and place in the world for your toon, and for BE it’s the same basic problem.

A lot of the people enthusiastic about high elves have pointed out that they don’t need to be just blue-eyed copies of blood-elves, given that they have more contact with and mix in with the other alliance aligned peoples of Azeroth. So this could be a chance to add in different models and half-elf models, like how Kul Tirans differ from Stormwind humans.

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Then they arent high elfs.

Considering the alleged very important lore and story reasons people are asking for high elves, to suddenly switch gears and say “ok, but the lore and story saying they are the same, we can ignore that”


I don’t think adding high elves would take away from blood elves, unless they basically decided to drop all storytelling about blood elves, and make all the cool new elf characters high elves instead – which I agree, would be unfair to people like you. I respect that you bring up this reason because I think that’s the real reason why some people don’t like the idea of adding High elves, and I think it was certainly a good reason for not adding high elves in earlier stages of the game’s history (any time before MOP for example.)

But I think times have changed, and it depends on how they implement it; if they do it right, I think it could actually strengthen the sense of blood elf identity. In my view, high elves should be added but not as the center of attention in the story telling, but as an extra race locked behind some kind of an achievement or requirement, for folks like me who really want them. To the extent that they do any storytelling, it could involve the blood elves too and they could explore the political tensions that exist between them; they could also add some cool new quests for blood elves to further explore their side of things.

Would you not agree that there is a problem for BE identity, if people who are essentially looking to create a high elf character do that by making a blood elf? In the same way I think VE identity is watered down by people who use that to make a High elf toon.

So, I think effective storytelling around this new allied race could actually highlight the differences between the Blood elves and their kin.

Also, as I mentioned below, the High elf models could look a bit different to show their contact with other alliance aligned races. Blizzard has material to work with there.

I would certainly understand if there was a major lore problem that ruined the internal coherence of the game, but I think adding high elves as a playable race would be a more accurate representation of the Warcraft universe in the game. So I think the unselfish thing to do, is to look for a solution that works the best for everyone, you and me included.


Next expansion. Next expansion. Midnight.


I disagree. One idea I had in mind was that you would have some options to your character, you could make them look like a half-elf or you could make them look like a normal high elf, but with a slightly different model from BE-- like Kul Tirans are still humans but their model is different (and by quite a bit!). The influences could also be cultural, different ways of tattooing and so forth.

And then in game, it would be ambiguous as to what your character’s history is; maybe they are a half elf, three quarters elf, whatever, or maybe they are full high elves who lived in outland, or were part of the diaspora and lived in Stormwind or Theramore, or whatever.

I certainly wouldn’t be complaining if they had the same models as blood elves, but I’m just pointing to some ideas. We could disagree with what the limits are, but there certainly is some space to work with where you can have High elves look different, but still be categorically speaking High elves.

Like I said, my main thing is that I would like to make a character with the high elf personal history and have the game bring that to life.

There has been about 18 years since they separated. There is not going to be a great physiological difference in less than 1 generation.

not high elves.

If they are half elves. They are not high elves.


So not high elf.

Your ideas are “what if we make half elves instead of high elves”.

Which is like
Ok. But they are not high elves.

But you are asking to NOT make a character with a high elf personal history.

A half elf would not have a high elf personal history.


Woah there! Read closer. Notice that what I suggested here was that the game be ambiguous with respect to whether it is a half elf or 3/4 elf or full elf, which I included. I agree a half elf isn’t a full elf, but a full elf is :wink: What I was suggesting was that the game would be fuzzy and allow interpretive room to the player as to what the precise family history and backstory of the character was.

Maybe you think that’s not a good idea, fair enough, but I’m just throwing out suggestions. In my view, this kind of solution would give me enough space to make the sort of high elf character I want, while also ‘adding something new’ for people other than me. Like I said, for myself, I would be totally fine with just having them look like blue-eyed blood elves. My main problem now is that the in-game stuff directly contradicts the sort of character I’d like to make, rather than giving me enough wiggle room to work with.

Well, as far as I understand it their populations had been intermingling some time before that, so it could be that the population that stayed with the alliance stayed with alliance in part because they were more interwoven with it.

There has been 18 years since the High Elves and Blood Elves split.

19 years ago, they were all high elves.

And here is where we have the issue.

People want them because them for lore accurate reasons. But to make them lore accurate, means they wouldnt be made. Because copy/pasting blood elves with a different eye color is not going to fly as a “new” race.

But if we change them, then they are no longer lore accurate. And the lore/story is why people are asking forthem.


i’d still like to be a high elf


Humans and High elves had interacted before the split. So maybe a segment of the high elven population was more interwoven with the other peoples of the alliance culturally or ethnically and this could justify having distinct but recognizably elven character models (or at least different customization options), and would explain why they stayed with the alliance. After all, Kul Tirans are also humans but their models are different. But even if I am wrong on this point, I still think High Elves should be playable.

If you mean to say this is why Blizzard will not do it, that is one thing. But I am talking about whether or not they should. For folks like me, and many others, copy/pasting frankly would fly. I don’t see why having the same character model would be an issue, given that Pandaren and Dracthyr can be either horde or alliance.

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what do you mean by high elves

Yes, any interaction before the split would also be reflected in current blood elves.

Kul Tirans lived away from Stormwind for a long time.

Look. All I am saying is you are making up a ton of lore when you started your argument as “i need high elves for lore accurate reasons”


do they have pipes???

The High elves totally work from a lore perspective. There is nothing that even needs to be reworked as in my opinion they should have always been there. The problem is how to add them to the game now without making them a generic copy of existing model and how do you offset the inclusion.

The Problem, in my opinion, is that when Blizzard created the Blood elf as a race they made a division amongst the Elves but only made one side playable. The elves should have been the first race playable for both factions. High elves for alliance and blood elves for horde.

The High Elves that rejected Prince Kael’thas would have been their own faction (the Silver covenant) and its leader would have been Vereesa Windrunner at the very least.

This split and differing in ideology should have been their starting zone. You would play an elf who by the end is forced to chose between leaving your home or participating in the mana stealing ritual thus making you a blood elf.

With the elf then going to both factions and the Draenei going to Alliance it would have been perfect time to bring the Ogre for the Horde.


Midnight will deliver that. High Elves for sure and if not then full-on customization for void elves with the heritage armor and more then.

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I’m about as 420 friendly as I can be

Yeah let’s waste time and resources that could go to an allied race with actual variety and instead make some blood elves on the alliance side. Asking for High Elves have been cringe since Burning Crusade and it’s still cringe now


thank you. we have been waiting this for soo long.

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Allied races were only possible because they shared animated skeletons with already playable races. The only allied that deviated significantly, were kul’tirans. everybody else is a clone