Can we finally get playable the high elves?

I understand if high elves aren’t your cup of tea, but I’m not sure how adding them would take anything away from you. I personally like the Alliance but if you think the alliance is bland, then why are you playing it now?


But they are not in the game. For me it’s not so much about just having the appearance, but the issue is that Rolling VE or BE imposes a lot on the character’s identity and personal history via the quests they do.

For you that might not matter at all, but for me and others it does. I would like the game to bring my character to life so to speak. I don’t see what’s so unreasonable about wanting that.

But if they are “already in the game” then I don’t get what the harm is in “officially” adding them. It will make folks like me happy and it’s not like it takes anything away from you, it sounds like low-hanging fruit to me.


It takes away further identity from Blood Elves which has already been tarnished and ruined more than enough just to appease people who can reroll factions at any time now. They already got rid of factions basically. They’ve homogenized most races and classes. What you want is basically a selfish request that actually does harm people who chose to play Blood Elves.

There really is no world in which this doesn’t result in making someone angry and that’s basically how this community works. You think it doesn’t harm me or that I should not be upset but I am going to be. They decided to make this type of elf a horde race 18 years ago and that is that. They lessened its identity by adding void elves and dark ranger customizations and giving male dracs the blood elf male skeleton.

Where is my identity? Where are further quests to add more lore and identity to blood elves? I could care less about void elves, dark rangers, and high elves. The race’s identity changed and they have appeased far too many people.


The Blood Elves are still here exactly as they are. Nothing has been taken. Void Elves and High Elves are not the same thing as a Blood Elf. (Unless you mean by race but we’re talking by faction and ideological viewpoints and lets not get into the differences between blood and void elves thats obvious.)

I don’t get the “we’ve lost identity” thing when the elves on the Horde and the elves on the Alliance are clearly different.

This is true of everything everywhere. Give me anything at all and I can find you someone angry about it on any topic.

How though?

Where its always been.

Blood Elves have two heritage based questlines given relatively recently. They also feature rather commonly in several expansions. Do you need blood elves in every moment of the game?

I won’t say I wouldn’t mind that for all races, I often feel like the various races could easily have more specific questing and additions made throughout the various expansions, but its odd to say Blood Elves have had no expansion of their stories in recent times.

Then don’t? That doesn’t mean other people will just stop caring about those things though. Thats a you choice.

Blood Elves changed back in TBC from what they were presented as into Light worshiping elves, is that what you are referring to? Cause they’ve been pretty steady since then.


You can claim nothing has been taken all you want but it actually has. The identity of this race is homogenized. That’s that. I know you people don’t care, you are selfish and want things to be ruined for other people. That’s why they cave to absurd demands, it’s why factions have no meaning, why your race choice and class choice basically have no meaning today.

By listening to these demands they only make the game more bland and unenjoyable across the board. I did not want the alliance to get my type of elf on their side. If they wanted to play this type of elf they could have rerolled at any point. Factions are meaningless now so there really is no excuse as to why you couldn’t have paid the $30 and gotten it over with. Or leveled, it’s not like it isn’t free to hit 70 right now.


Send your regular elves down to the local dispensary.

We have enough elves… y’all pushing for something we already have too.


you can still enjoy your blood elf identity i classic servers. No need to insult people.

Elves should have never joined horde in the first place. They are alliance thing and should either get back to the alliance or we finally should get third faction for all elves.

You can claim something has been taken all you want but it actually hasn’t.

Blood Elves are still blood elves. Nothing about them has changed at all since the introduction of the Void Elves. The biggest change that has ever happened to them was at the end of TBC where they lost their “teeth” and became light worshiping silver hand knock offs.

I care a great deal for my thalassian elves. I like all kinds of them. I just can’t understand how, when nothing changed, you think they’ve somehow been ruined? I don’t get how you think the way you do.

Oh no… a company decided to provide a requested feature. Good on them honestly. More companies should tailor themselves to the people playing. Factions have no meaning? I disagree with this statement. Just because they’re not actively fighting doesn’t mean they have no meaning. Race choice and class choice have the exact same level of meaning they always have. They’ve just had additions added to the story that, apparently, you’re having trouble with.

I fail to see how more choices ruins anything for you. How is it more bland when an entirely different type of elf exists on the Alliance that just can look like you? Even if a person is playing a “high elf” that comes with an entire different set of ideological/cultural and story than a blood elf does.

It feels like you’re just very bland yourself at this point.

They didn’t; they got void elves and through extension high elves. These are not the same thing as a blood elf. (again as above unless you’re counting race in which case sure for the high elf, but they come with distinct ideological and story differences.)

I could grant you that they got Darkfallen I guess?

Factions aren’t meaningless so rerolling wouldn’t have given the person what they were going for.

Again a high elf and blood elf are only the same thing in a physical/biological sense. Everything else about them from story to ideology and culture is different now because of how the story evolved over time. Though I suppose if you’re so blind as to think they’re bland because you can play something that looks similar on each side I suspect you’d fail to understand any of that concept.

Ultimately I think, personally, you’re just not a fan of blood elves and don’t know much about them if you think this way.


Yes, playable high elves are blood elves, just pick horde.


what about playable titans

If you see no difference then you don’t know much of their stories and shouldn’t care either way.


I know much of their stories.
Blood Elves are High Elves.


Blood elves are High Elves.
Void elves are High Elves.

You can even customize both to look identical to what a “High Elf” would even look like.

People constantly cry for high elves, but please tell me - what would these even bring to the game other than appearance?


That is no longer the case.
You see. Physically and Biologically, Blood Elves and High elves are the same. Their difference was political and philosophically. And I say was, because as we can see in Alleria’s recent novel, most High elves are back to Quel’Thalas, helping rebuilding Silvermoon.

Void Elves were former Blood Elves, but then they were modified by the void. They are void tentacles now.


An actual correct race title and better racials.

A feature, which is needed for several subraces within the main races.
And no, I’m not referring to the High Elves on Alliance alone.

This is correct but also wrong, because you did not pay any attention. Your post only refers to the first generation of Void Elves. The later ones can or have no corruption. The third (and currently unplayable) generation also have golden and green eyes apparently, at least in the updated starter zone.


Who revived this thread?

Too many necromancers about here!


High Elves are already playable, there’s even a sub race of Void Elf. And now with cross faction everything you can play a High Elf w/ the Alliance.


So much yapping to look like a gas lighter. Blizzard genuinely listens to the wrong people. It’s sad.


So no defense? No actual inputs? You’re that shallow?

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