Can we finally get playable the high elves?

and they didnt think to join the alliance because they knew alliance was not respected by the devs, and if it was bad for horde, itd be worse for alliance. it auto corrected but not before nelf players had to endure years of burnt tree jokes.

i just hope they dont repeat that mess with smc.

How do we get to the point from:

Devs destroy the Horde characters and make them look bad and the faction look bad all the time.


They didn’t think to join the alliance because they knew alliance was not respected by devs


Seriously. I’m trying to understand the line of thought.

The horde unsubs were because the narrative was going against the Horde formed at the end of warcraft 3.
Even with the Forsaken.

Garrosh was a complete destruction of a character that was supposed to grow up and learn with Saurfang.

People wouldn’t re-roll alliance because of that.
Even as things continued bad I continued playing Horde.

It was never because they didn’t want to be losers.

the alliance was always the chosen faction to be “right”.
The Horde got the Forsaken in Vanilla, which were doing nasty experiments with humans and producing the plague. Yeah, I know some trolls were doing the same with Night Elves in Stonetalon
 but that remains, the Forsaken were doing that in their own capital, and every zone and every quest that involved targeting humans was that way.

We got it. The forsaken were the “morally grey”.
But then TBC came.

We got the Blood Elves. WoW. What a shock. Big L for the alliance having the Sin’dorei to join the Horde.

Then Blood Elves captured M’uru and were torturing him underground in silvermoon.
Some Magisters were doing mind control in their own people that were protesting against the situation in Silvermoon.

We got a “trio” faction leader for the Elves and they turned Kael’thas, the last line of the Sunstrider, into a monster. Into a villain, and the whole blood elves that went to outlands. Seriously, for real? Why and how would Kael’thas turn into that for absolutely no reason? And Illidan as well tbh.

If anything, the devs have shown real and factual disrespect to the Horde in a single expansion than they did to the alliance throughout the game.

Then in Wrath, they add “Silver Covenant” to the alliance. Again, why would they add a faction of Elves that belong to the Horde in the Alliance just to spite the horde players, AGAIN?

Expansion after expansion, the devs did nothing but spit in the face of horde players.

If anything, people unsubed not because they thought the alliance were losers, but because enough was enough.

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remember how this started. you said bad things happened to the horde to try to push them into playing alliance, who were underpopulated. and i said, it didnt work. and i think the reason it didnt is because the devs destroyed alliance’s rep a long time ago

Yes, I started with this. They always do this.
If they see a class being way too dominant they would nerf the class as a whole or change the class to make it less predominant.

They did with Warlocks, because there were way too many warlocks.
They did with Warriros in vanilla, because there were too many warriors.
They did with DKs in Wrath as they made DKs too much representative.

And they did it also storywise.

Of course it didn’t work. People being die hard Horde fan/players changing to alliance isn’t an option, for many different reasons, but definitely not because “they didn’t want to look like losers”.

Again you need to to explain how. That video isn’t, I have literally narrated facts in the game that contradict your statement.

If anything the alliance players build that reputation for their own faction.

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Sometimes I think Alliance players do.

Zuldazar is a beautiful city, however, much less conveniet than the Kul 'Tiran port, gameplay wise.

Shoot, now we even portal in at the docks, not at the hub.

But then we got a TP to Mechagon

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so devs abuse horde, its the devs fault. Devs abuse alliance, its the alliance players fault.

Where did the devs abuse alliance players, when they were hand given EVERYTHING except the only thing they weren’t given: the Blood Elves.

And yet, when one person goes to Blizzcon and asks "can you please create something that can rivals For the Horde.

Isn’t that TOO MUCH? I think Afriasabi’s response was on point. It wasn’t humiliating. I’m sorry. That person made himself look like a loser in front of everyone and you’re painting devs bad towards the alliance because of that.

Heck, the alliance players make the alliance look bad and it is devs faults?

Alliance players asked for a great leader like the Horde had (Thrall). They were given Varian. Badass leader.

They took Thrall away from us.
Gave us Garrosh. Promising, rivaling Varian, then clowned the Horde.
Raided Orgrimmar.

We get them Vol’jin as new Warchief, only to be killed next expansion and having Sylvanas new Warchief.

Do you see the pattern? Where did this happen with the alliance?
Anduin was raised to world hero level. Stepped out of the shadows of his father.

We lost all iconic characters in the Horde:

Sylvanas is gone.
Saurfang is dead.
Cairne was killed by Garrosh.
Garrosh was killed by Thrall.
Thrall left the Horde.
Vol’jin left.
Rexxar appeared back in BFA but remains absent, not in the Horde leadership.
Overlord Geya’rah??? Oh my my. So much promising and nothing happened. She was supposed to be the AU version of Thrall. She’s there, just hanging in Orgrimmar, doing nothing.
Gazlowe? Lol nothing. Remember, his counterpart is Genn Greymane.
Talanji? all of that in BfA for NOTHING?

Baine is a joke, sorry.
 lol, I have nothing to say.
Rokhan is an anonymous character now. He was important in WC3 but sadly got forgotten until recently. Lost the built up time.
He is not even in Orgrimmar.

That leave us with Lor’Themar and Thalyssra.

2 Leaders.

Alliance still has all the known heroes.

  • Tyrande.
  • Malfurion.
  • Anduin.
  • Genn.
  • Gelbin Mekkatorque.
  • Muradin.
  • Falstad and Kurdran.
  • Moira.

And you want to tell me the alliance players have been humiliated by the devs???


what, all i did was play the game. did i ever tell ya how my alliance pve server was paired on the battlegroup with a horde pvp server? can you guess how often we won warsong gulch?

That has nothing to do with devs humiliating the alliance players.

That is definitely not related with the server being PvP or PvE.
As of patch 1.12 when Battlegroups were introduced, people would rank in PvP in BGs only. Before that when doing WSG was “relevant” for pvp ranking you played vs your own realm only.

I want you to show me how much alliance players were humiliated vs horde players were. I even added more details in my previous post.

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i dunno, after playing wsg 10 hours a day for 2 weeks, we still hadnt won a single wsg. it was pretty humilating. so i put on my thinking cap and came up with a solution. it had two flaws - it was too good and if the premade horde team hired a lock, itd be the end, so i only ran it 3 times–it was a little gnome arcane mage with a bunch of mats, best flag carrier. but i began to feel guilty, she was so good. after 3 wins, i quit playing her in bgs. not long after many of the things that made her good, were nerfed. theory - dev premade team.

Blizzard could easily end all these HE topics if they just made the #1 most requested race playable.


They did, we’re on the Horde.

Come join us!


That tells me that you and your BG team were bad, not that the Devs were being mean to you.

They already made. In TBC.
Make a Blood Elf.


of course we were. it was early wow. people hardly knew how to pve, much less pvp against a horde realm where everybody was a pvp’er. i noticed my team would fight midfield and not try to get the flag unless they had somehow made it thru the horde defense, which was so rare. and my first was a disc priest. i went in as a healer. 2 weeks of that. but i learned what the big problem was - no one was going for the flag, and if they did manage to get in the flag room, they didnt survive the horde rogues. soooooo, i made my ankle biter.

You could play battleground as much as they could.

PvP servers just meant you had harder time farming and walking in open world.
PvP there was just the larger group ganking the small group or solo players.
Ganking lowbies.

I think you overestimate the difference between PvP and PvE server for that matter.

And again, nothing done by Devs, it was your own fault.

I, on the other hand, can’t write the story.

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oh i acknowledged the story is not horde friendly. and i like saurfang and miss the old school syl before she started mass blight production. but the story being alliance friendly, is a poor substitute for functional endgame

Alliance had the best buffs for endgame. Classic WoW proved that.
Alliance also is not a PvP oriented faction, that is, players didn’t want to pvp. Even being the major faction, still had less players to queue for BG, which caused Horde to have high queues and alliance faster queues, which also helped alliance to make premades vs horde which couldn’t.

I’m struggling to get what poor end game alliance had.
Had the best queue times for BGs.
You didn’t have to win the BGs to rank up and you wouldn’t compete with the horde either.

In the realm I used to play in Vanilla we had an alliance guild called Corp Hurl. That alliance guild used to dominate the server PvP. Before battlegrounds, we would have to face them on bgs, most of the time.

And when we left the bgs, we had to face them in the open world. I don’t think they had the same experience as you, therefore, your experience with the end game was a result of your doing.

Ours was non-optional. Either we accept or we unsub.

We didn’t have Bloodlust, half the pally specs were a joke (compared to Shaman specs which were at least functional) and travel time was an absolute nightmare for us to anywhere past BWL

Unless we’re talking like, MoP era or stuff

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Bloodlust a TBC addition? The Alliance maybe had to wait a few more weeks to access it by virtue of Draenei Shaman not going into the expansion at level 60.

Its been like two decades so my memory is a bit vague, but I remember there was something shammies had that we couldn’t get? Blessings were, blessing, but it was neat enough we were always jealous

May have been Windfury now that I think about it, unless BL was a late Vanilla thing?