Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Man rp is so awesome though! You ever play dnd? Some really good stuff there haha.

Yes, it’s always in good fun! I made an alliance friend this way.

I still think Zandali and Taur-ahe look the best with the “language thing.”

I wish I’d see more people talking with it. My gnome hunter shouts in Gnomish. (/say, not /shout, I’m not an idiot)

It was nice when /guild used to use it too.

EDIT: And for those who haven’t seen Common in chat. It looks AWFUL. lol

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Going on a long quest to find your party members dick because he got hit with a curse that removed it.

Good times.

no i ran a free for all star wars creative writing rpg on a forum. oh my gosh. it was the wild west on steroids. there were no rules to speak of. think mos eisley cantina meets the entirety of the discord app. it got so violent and disgusting, i had to close it down.

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Hahaha yea thats the downside of rp.

well think about it, here is someone rp-ing a light jedi in the vader era. lives on dathomir with the witches, who are his ‘friends’. and over here is someone rp-ing as a sith apprentice of darth bane, first generation, and they are all trying to write a realistic rp set in the star wars clone wars

/shakes head

LOL, ok thats pretty bad. Dont get me wrong i love me some darth bane but the timeline seems abit off.

the entire extended universe was up for grabs

I miss the EU so much bro :*(

Mara jade is :heart:

Why couldn’t they make her the new star wars protagonist???

Why did we get rei?

i try not to think about it as it seems emperor palpatine, won. sad story, to be honest.

The funniest part?

They got rid of the EU to do a original story, but end up in the exact same place as the books only worse LOL.

Like if you were gonna end it the same way as the EU with palpatine coming back why even change it?

eek you’re making me sad

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Im sorry :*(

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Which makes me believe that the story is being driven on purpose because of faction balance. They drive the Horde down on narrative because the player base is much higher than the alliance, making the horde look bad and the alliance look the good so it would shift players to that side.

didnt work though. i mean i theorize thrall is the hero of the whole story and he should be. his story is amazing, of an extra terrestrial species, forced into slavery, and he rises to be leader of many disparate groups who have nothing in common.

Which is why you got void elves.

i think they have learned, if you humiliate horde fans many arent gonna roll alliance, cause they were taught to see alliance as racist losers. instead, they just unsub. whereas alliance fans are so accustomed to humilation, the ones who didnt unsub a long time ago, will still play, even if it means the devs only consider alliance npcs to have any value

This was never the case.
The alliance had always the best questlines.

In Vanilla Barrens was great, but westfall had the best questline. An actually story, conecting Westfall, Redridge, Elwynn.

Afriasabi was an alliance dying hard fan. Well, he had an alliance character named after him after all, Field Marshall Afriasabi.

Onyxia questline? Horde had some quests, nice, FOR THE HORDE, but alliance had Windsor. Onyxia herself inside stormwind. Epic battle.

No, I don’t think alliance was the underdog faction at all.

In vanilla, alliance was the major faction because of paladins. Yes, everyone wanted to be paladin. The only shift happened when they added blood elves and then horde started getting more people.

There was never a shift to Horde because the alliance was seen as racist losers.
The shift happened because the alliance players wanted to play the white elf not the dark one.


i’m talking about now. when syl burnt the tree, when garrosh destroyed the vale. moments that are shockingly bad, many horde who unsubbed did so because they didnt want to be seen as alliance losers. and afrasabi was the one who said alliance’s for the horde equivalent battlecry should be “have mercy” and he said this on stage at blizzcon and all the devs laughed and some even clapped

they wrecked the alliance as a faction, not the players, rather the devs at the time, did this. it was crucial moments that, when added up, meant horde players who were unhappy with their horde experience, just left the game, rather than join the have mercy faction

The horde unsubs were because the narrative was going against the Horde formed at the end of warcraft 3.
Even with the Forsaken.

Garrosh was a complete destruction of a character that was supposed to grow up and learn with Saurfang.

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