Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Personally ive got no real problem with void elves themselves, especially after giving us blonde hair and light skin.

I just wish they hadn’t created an asinine excuse for disallowing paladins from VE.

They could have made em without that.

:joy: rogue skills

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Void Elves will get Paladins and they will be like an abomination of nature but meh, I learned from wanting Warlocks for all especially races like Lightforged Draenei that those people that say no it’s not gonna happen are wrong so just gotta wait for it to happen honestly and of course deal with glowing blue, bleeding blue, sounding weird and having the bad hair when that time actually comes otherwise you’ll get it.


My reasoning is weve killed literal gods. As players our character is the best their respective races have to offer.

After killing multiple god entities i just dont see class/race restrictions as anything real.

They are being lifted with time, Paladins require racial mounts, Druids require racial forms, Shamans require racial totems and Demon Hunters require forms and animations so they take longer than say a Warlock, Priest, Mage, etc. it will come in time though, eventually.


just a voidy pink fx for all pally skills on velfs as a glyph. tada. Voidadin

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Only if they are HiFi and 78rpm speed.
None of this low fidelity 45rpm stuff.

Yea, id rather they do it right then rush it.

Especially for pally/druid as those kind of need race specific mounts/forms.

Also shaman totems erc.

Na bro that makes waaaay too much sense. Get out of here with your logic!


No, we kind of fought gods, the big Lore characters killed the gods. The game might have you fighting some big enemies, but the players aren’t some endgame bosses themselves, they are just bags of flesh and bone who know how to work in a team, but you won’t be soloing endgame bosses. Hell, you won’t be soloing their minions either.

I don’t play anything except Warlocks so I’m not really bothered with however long they take but I have been and am very supportive of all classes for all races even though I won’t benefit from them, however I do look forward to seeing how they expand the remaining classes as well as the totems, racial mounts and forms because it will be super cool.


Oh yea i forgot wow lore is god aweful, my bad xD.

This is why while i love everything about wow its story is leagues behind games like FFXIV.

They dont throw in a npc randomly killing the boss, the player themselves do it.

Ive ALWAYS hated that bs blizz does. This npc that doesn’t move at all during the fight is the one that killed the boss… not you… not the whole reason this game exists, which is the player.

Talk about making your players characters feel pointless.

some dev’s alter ego/self insert:

hey remember that time the players complained about my idea? lemme kill the boss on my alter ego and then watch them all say “wtflip, he just stole our kill!!”

That is the price we pay for the developing lore of the game. Never really bothered me. And you can’t say that for example, Onyxia was killed by the great paladin Pwnsnoobs or something. They do give us generic credit for participation and that is enough for me.

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wrathion snagged n’zoth. maybe. lol he just said, hey watch this!

and omg, who killed arthas

Hey if thats enough for you thats completely fair. Its not for me, which is why i mostly discard wow lore. None of it actually matters or has any real impact.

Our characters never grow, never really do anything. We feel the exact same lore wise as we did leaving the starter zone. That imo is just really bad story telling.

I dont want to be a bystander watching i want my character to actually be apart of the story.

Ffxiv includes the player and the lore from that game is 1000000x better than wow will ever be.

I’m not going 'round and 'round how Undeath is not the same thing. See above, I’ve already laid down how this works. It’s not a transformation.

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When they moved away from the player being some average joe on each faction’s sides… this is when I mark they detoured from the good story telling. :slight_smile:

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That’s cause they approached the game in a different way. Take that Star Wars MMO. That has your character’s actions recorded and never forgotten and what happens after you, the actual you, your character kills 4-5-7 galactic threats? You become the big boss. And only some cosmic calamity may stand against you and that can get kind of weak. But still the dialogue in that game is pretty damned good. Whoever they have voicing that big bald guy, he’s earning his money.

Making the player an average joe is just so… anticlimactic. I really dont understand why they chose that road instead of actually making the player the focus or at the very least a big part of the story.

Ahh well atleast the rest of wow rocks and they are headed into a good direction after DF. Just that story, my god its so bad.