Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Yeah, they have two sections of Typical Horde/Alliance NPCs each and they included High Elves for Alliance.

Impossible to not say High Elves exist as an Alliance group.

Stilly iffy despite being in the Pro-High Elf camp, but Earthen kinda threw my preconceptions out the window.

I could see them going a BUNCH of ways.

Expanding Customization Options. Making them and Forest Trolls Allied Races in Midnight. Allowing Racial Nametags, ect.


I so want a Harrornir Druid, like yesterday.

I’m actually excited to see what they do and what plays out but then I’m pretty easy going, I don’t dislike an expansion yet. I can rank them but I don’t agree with the typical forum posters about WoD, BFA, or Shadowlands. BFA is still my favorite next to DF so far.

I mean, we see the Wildhammer there too, so this leads me to believe this may be an Inn, or some spot where they populated the area with flavor NPCs. I don’t think it is signifying anything larger than that. I want to say they’re trying to build up the elf presence as we lead up to Midnight.

I feel that if it had anything to do with the Void elves we would see them mingling around some Void Elf npcs, or using their hairstyles, but they seem to be (as of now) keeping to themselves.


Weird because the new War Within Alpha has the Alliance hub filled with High Elf NPCs in nice new transmogs AND all the Dalaran High Elf class trainers are in the Alliance hub!

Looks like the High Elves are staying in their proper faction after all!

So excited for Midnight! :heart_eyes:


I mean, Dalaran was destroyed, the new area is populated by former Silver Covenant, not just random High elves.

You mean the Silver Covenant, which we never wanted in the first place. lol


I didn’t realize going to one’s ancestral home means leaving their faction :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yes! Alliance High Elves are going to be a-mei-zing! Especially hyped after the Devs winked and told the Helfer Community Council member to “just wait til midnight!” when she showed them her Alliance Helf thread at this Blizzcon! She’s only made my excitement even stronger with how she’s posted about those Blizzcon interactions on here :smiley:

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Going? You mean living? Also leaving the Alliance city to join the Blood elves in defending Silvermoon? That sounds like joining the Blood elves to me. You should wait until the SMC update before getting ahead of yourself.

Which… had nothing to do with “Alliance” high elves, its an expansion centered on the elves, they winked and said wait and see because that’s where the bulk of their story will be. And guess where it will take place? Oh, right, Silvermoon, the horde blood elf city.

You’re excited about a few NPCS standing around a small hub? Wait until our whole city gets updated. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes that’s why all the High Elf NPCs both Silver Covenant and not are in the Alliance faction hub in War Within :rofl: because they’re joining the Horde! LMAO

No I’m excited because a Community Council member showed the Devs her “Alliance High Elf Allied Race” thread and they winked at her and told her to wait until Midnight… and everything they keep doing in-game points to Alliance High Elves being more and more of a concentrated group with a spotlight on them now that Dalaran is destroyed and the SC can focus on their Alliance ties :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Exciting!

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The SC class trainers seem to be doing well.

There a lot more Dalaran NPCs going about so I am wondering what the heck is going to happen…

I bet the bottom of the city gets eaten by the Void and everyone climbs into the central tower or something.


So exciting having our Alliance High Elf class trainers back and relevant! Always good seeing my bae Rulen :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Wait 3 more years to finally been waiting 25 years to not get anything.


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Who said there weren’t Alliance High elves? I’m so confused as to what argument you think you’re making. If you’ve honestly convinced yourself that there aren’t gonna be any High elves in Silvermoon, you’re gonna be in for a sore awakening. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Lul, wait you honestly think they’re gonna add Alliance High elves? Oh boy, talk about setting yourself up for a let down.

Nothing has pointed to them making High elves playable, in fact it seems like they’re only doubling down on the Void elves for the alliance.

Everything? A few NPCs in the Inn, and the Silver Covenant is everything? How does that prove anything I’ve said wrong lol

It’s so funny when they build themselves up like this, and then complain when it doesn’t play out the way they want.


Everything has been playing out the way I want for the past few years and the trend seems to be continuing! I am excited for Midnight :smile: :hugs: Sorry that my excitement bothers you!

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I’m curious, where are these NPCs even located? I’ve been on, but haven’t had much time to play.

she said while her tentacles quivered in excitement

Everything huh lol


→ cosplay as Blood Elf
→ calls herlself High Elf
→ is a purple tentacle


It’s what she always wanted!


We’ve gone over this dear, I don’t have tentacles, this is what modern hair in WoW looks like when they put more than 4 polygons in it unlike the one your toon has on!

Also there is something called a “Tentacle Toggle” the Devs added for all Velf hairstyles year ago…please do keep up!

But also it’s funny you think I’m scared of tentacles considering I main shadow priest :rofl: and soon Voidweaver Spriest with all the lovely new cosmic void visual! :star2: :night_with_stars:

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reads race “Void Elf”


she stomped her foot and tucked her tentacle away

Sure you don’t sweetheart. lol

But yet you’re citing High elves that are wearing the hairstyles my characters have. Hm, it seems they look identical to me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, no one wants the Void elf receding hairline, or the hot stringy mess you chose for that character. lol

You can try to hide 'em. lol

Nice, embrace your inner void abomination!