Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Thank you Alenthinal for showing your hand.

I knew you just wanted your DnD/LOTR Elf.

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By the way just to add, originally Blizz did say in TBC, the choice to place Blood Elves on the Horde was mainly for sever population balance, so really what you call your elves doesn’t matter because it was really a server balance decision.

Also your comment made no sense about me wanting a DnDL/LOTR elf. The elves are not available on both factions. They pretty much look and animate the same, so I don’t know what you are getting at. At the end of the day, the “voidy voice” is just a sound file. At present, Void Elves can chat in Common and Thalassian, if Blizz is happy, they can give us regular voices at some point. Take it easy it’s just a game.

You’re playing night elf female, you dont deserve to play high elf
If you’re playing dwarf female i say that’s Fine but night elf female? You want to BE A Night Elf Female, That’s Weird

I was there, this has been a theory and not confirmed in any shape or form.

EDIT: I actually remember one devtalk saying how it’d be weird to have an Alliance city right above a Horde city.

Interesting comment considering I’m not imagining a wholesale change of the game. :drooling_face:

Okay just in case someone runs around with this Falsehood.

Garithos was mindcontrolled after he imprisoned Kael’Thas and the other Sin/Quel’Dorei. It was briefly as well.

Stretching the lore though to help yourself cope

No it doesn’t lmao y’all don’t understand that Blizz has been adding subraces through customization and it shows. You can make a Darkspear Troll or a Wildhammer Dwarf the same way I am playing an Alliance High Elf right now. Blizz gave us specific customization options to do so instead of a brand new race.

The exact same way they gave the blue eyes to Blood Elves who wanted to play as High Elves too

Because two rando NPCs who were added more as an easter egg for OG players than anything as per the Devs words on Twitter do not hold more weight over the future of the race they just “joined” than the actual two Racial Leaders LOL

If Alleria and Umbric want to go back to Quel’thalas in/after Midnight and Lor’themar welcomes them back then I don’t think Lyria Skystrider is going to be the one stopping them :rofl: if she wants to stay on Telogrus when that happens that will be up to her tho!

I don’t
have tentacles. :woozy_face: I know it might confuse you since your toon has 4 polygon hair from 2006 but this is what modern hairstyles in the game look like! Hope that helps!

Crazy how much it bothers y’all that the Devs keep ignoring your complaints and attempts to gatekeep and just keep giving Helf fans more and more things and are going to continue to do so in Midnight lol. When will you guys stop the cope I wonder

Y’all try to act so condescending and catty it makes it so enjoyable watching you guys lose every battle you’ve ever argued over on here, and I can’t wait for Midnight to keep watching the collective meltdowns at what is to come :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Interesting because I haven’t been in those battles, so who’s y’all. They still have not given Alliance Blood Elves to you, I know you call them High Elves but they are Blood Elves. I wasn’t even against the non-blue customizations, it made sense with Alleria.

What’s the funny voice you have, Isveria? You’re still a Void Elf my dear embrace that void, glow purple! You even bleed purple, so odd.

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That was a long term plan and we Blood Elves have been High Elves from day one. This distinction you have is in your head.

Funny, didn’t they remove all the High elf NPCs from the rift and replace them exclusively with Blood elves? Hm.

But I digress, I’d say you’re a High elf in the same way they said Alleria is a High elf, but unlike Blood elves the implication of the Void is built into your character. So say what you will, but it shows through your character from their hair, their blood, their voice to even your racial. No one is saying you aren’t a High elf, so you are using the customizations, but you’re also a Void elf.

Nothing about a Forest’s troll’s or a Bronzebeard Dwarf’s race that would have any implications on either of those subraces. They are not changed by any fundamental force, there’s no implications built into any of them.

You can’t even walk into a church without getting side-eyed, and that is an RP function designed specifically to remind you that you’re a void abberation.

An easter egg isn’t using their own characters, they used existing characters with canon in the game as new characters with the Void elves. Devs never said they aren’t canon, they were even specifically requested by players to join the Void elves in fact.

Void elves have their own base, and the conflict is clearly being stoked. I doubt see them adding dialogue like that, only to contradict and back down on it. Have fun with your void rock bud. lol

It’s not Lyria, or Ennas, it’s the narrative they, and the rest of the Void elves are being written in. Even Alleria’s questline in the patch centered around Locus-Walker telling her that she needed to embrace who she truly was and let go of her past, hence why she gets rid of her old “High elf” armor and is seen fully embracing the Void and her unique nature.

After what happened at the Sunwell, Quel’thalas’ population is clearly distrusting of Void elves considering they all ran for cover and locked their doors. The short story kept saying “this is not my home” again, and again. It’s funny that you’re essentially covering your eyes at everything pointing in the opposite direction but cling desperately to Umbric’s one line. lol

I mean, I don’t think I want your receding hairline hairdos, or your oily dirty-looking hair. You look like a drowned rat. I’ll happily use my High elf hairstyles though :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I am
 a helf fan? lmao I’ve gotten all I’ve ever wanted, and now I get my race’s home city updated with High elves and Blood elves! What did you get besides a bunch of reject Blood elves on a floating rock. lol

I’ve never been against High elves, in fact I’ve only ever wanted my horde High elf. But I can say that it’s certainly amusing and satisfying seeing you guys have to settle with the voidy elves, while we get the High elves you’ve always pandered for. :stuck_out_tongue:


Clock that tea sis

i had to do a double take. that would be a major blow to a large swath of alliance players, who are already rather rare. i mean you should have high elves, because you are high elfs, but why would you hope this turns into a disappointment for half the players? do you secretly hope the game self immolates?

The better question would be why did these people think they have some kind of right to helfs? They were given to the Horde what? 17 years ago? It’s not like this notion is just setting in.


real question is, after gifting belfs to horde, why did they dangle alliance helfs in our faces for each new expac, excluding bfa? we’d ask, can we play the silver covenant? nope. now? nope. how about now? nope, but heres some you can quest with (isle of thunder, mop).

I don’t think they did. I think people started giving those npcs more importance than they really ever had. People seem to do that a lot, making up these events that never come to pass then act all disappointed when they don’t. Like the Midnight stuff where certain people think Blizzard is just gonna give them half of a Horde city because
 well, no reason really other than they really want it to be that way. And when they end up disappointed based on their very own hype they act like they were cheated out of something and that is very unreasonable.


well alliance players played wc3, also. and kael was a cool char. his team was cool and players empathisized with him and them. only to find in tbc, that they were only playable on one faction. alliance players were seen as genocidal maniacs by proxy of garithos being human. then they put arator in the hfp inn and decked him out in the pally judgement set. all the other npcs looked dumpy and trashy by comparison. who wouldnt want to play that swanky half elf? you’d have to be blind to not say WOW!

If they played WCIII they knew that Helfs left the Alliance. More likeley they saw Lord of the Rings and Legoolias was Aragorn’s buddy. If people loved the Helfs so much they would have played them no matter what faction they were on. In fact that happened because if you recall, before belfs the Horde was pretty much a ghost town.


Well I do think you’re over-estimating how many Alliance or Horde players actually care about High elves, because truthfully I don’t think there’s that many. Maybe in RP servers? But in normal servers I can say blood elves and void elves have the most random combination of customizations, and I can bet that more than half of them only picked blue eyes simply because they thought they were pretty, not because they wanted to be a High elf or had any knowledge of the lore behind them.

I don’t hope for anything for half the player base, but those posting in bad-faith, who’s intentions seem more focused on spiting, or trashing others (like Isveria) certainly deserve it.


alot did, we lost a bunch of alliance pallys right off the bat. arator was an ad for join the horde, smack in alliance hfp inn.

This most of all.

It would be one thing if were like “Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to go to Silvermoon finally!” but half the posts are “Haha we’re getting Silvermoon, f you horde!” and then if they don’t get silvermoon, they’ll scream and cry about Horde bias or something bizarre.

Who wants to root for people like that? Who wouldn’t enjoy watching their disappointment after trying to turn something that could have just been fun, and innocent into trying to mock the other side.