Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Blood/High Elves don’t suddenly turn purple or have some voidy voice but yeah… you go on with that.

You can still play your Blood/High Elf Paladin on the Horde.

The Blood Elves are the High Elves, so this is illogical. They did make sense and just were put on the Horde side. Did you not play WC3?

Yes for those DnD and LOTR folks, I’m sure this was what they wanted. Turtle WoW is not following the story set out in WC3. There would be way too few Alliance aligned Blood Elves to make a separate faction/race. Horde makes more sense for the Kingdom of Quel’Dorei, they are more of a confederation rather than a federation. The Horde are vastly more independently minded etc. Lastly, they side with their former Ranger General and the former/Forsaken of Lordaeron. It just makes FAR more sense than allying with a Kingdom far away from them and who allied with the Night Elves who are trying to sabotage them.

You can always make your Lyria Void Elf though shrugs.

i would not consider a blood elf to be a high elf, would everyone else be in agreement here?

They have been the High Elves since 2007. Did you not play WC3? You are aware the Draenei are Eredar racially, right?

A name change didn’t change your race.

I would definitely consider them High elves. They’re pretty much identical.

Can you say that about any other playable races?


why is OP asking for playable high elves if they are already in the game?

They want Alliance Blood Elves is why.

so are void elves not high elves then?

They are former High and Blood Elves. They transformed to Void Elves. It’s in the racial description when you select it at the screen. I’d bet Lyria never considered herself a Blood Elf.

ok i never played either of those races, so i was just wondering

Because they want them blue.

I mean, I’d say yes and no? They’re not just High elves, they’re Void elves as well since becoming a Void elf sorta requires you to drink the grape Kool aid, but I would say yes they are as well.

I’m curious, what’s your logic in considering they are still Blood/High Elves Runeleaf?

Grr, I can’t delete the above post.

But could you elaborate on how you see Void Elves = Blood/High Elves?

The story could have gone multiple ways. Garithos was possessed by a Dreadlord. The relationship may have soured between Kaelthas and the Alliance but there were still friendly units. If you played Vanilla WoW that happened a few years after WC3. A lot of them stayed High Elves, also see Quel’Danas near the Aerie Peaks and Theramore, while a lot of them went neutral or went rogue. In Ashenvale, a lot of them joined the Twilight Hammer as warlocks. Not to mention, we have the Silver Covenant led by Vareesa Windrunner. In Northrend, it was pretty much High Elves vs Blood Elves. In Dalaran, the Ally side was all High Elf guards. The High Elf identity pretty much came to signify those Queldorei before they joined the Horde, as Sylvannas started becoming more questionable with her approach.

Also if you visit Telogus Rift, there are tons of High Elf Wayfarers learning about the void. They are not called Blood Elf Wayfarers. As I said, the lore no longer makes a large impact on me. Blizz used to say no High Elves because their population was too small. Then they gave us Void Elves, which is even smaller, but can recruit both High and Blood Elves I guess to their cause. Then they gave them usual BE flesh skin tones and hair. It’s a compromise I guess. These days, options are way more practical than storyline. If they wanted to add something, they can pull any story out their tushie to justify the whole thing.

As far as I am concerned, Void Elves can be High Elves, and if they get Paladins… it will be awesome, and I wouldn’t care much about what story goes on to make them so. I will be happy to play it, and consider it a way better option than be a dwarf or draenei. Nothing against Draeneis, but I just don’t like the hooves, it upsets my transmogs. lol

The story may move in this direction forward, but at this moment you can only be a Silver Covenant character through Alliance vanity items within the game and this is a fact. This might be an option in the future but at the moment you have, as said above, no convincing argument one needs to pursue deeper.

Well, I see it much in the same way that they explained Alleria being both a High elf, and a Void elf. A character may undergo a transformation, but whether that character suddenly identifies as something different really depends on the individual.

For instance, a High elf aiding or joining the Blood elves requires absolutely no change besides their decision to do so. So RP wise it’s really open to the player if they decide whether or not their character is and always has been a Blood elf, or is and always has been a High elf. As the character playable Blood elf race is virtually identical to High elves. Even the Blood elf racial is merely a spell/technique that can be taught.

It’s not so simple for Void elves, as selecting one implies that your elf has consorted with the void in a way that has altered them from the start. It was not just a choice to join or aid the Void elves, but also a decision to take-in and embrace the void in a way that has changed them. I think that any High elf that may decide to join the Void elves would not be forced to stop identifying as a High elf, but I think like Alleria they would also identify as a Void elf.

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Not a lot. That’s the problem.

Majority of the Blood/High Elves stuck together and the elves of Alleria Stronghold even side and send an Ambassador to Quel’Thalas so… no.

Now they are just Silvermoon Scholars… with the update. You’re weighing too much in a name.

Blood Elves are High Elves, stop with the distinction. What you mean is possibly some Alliance aligned Blood Elves were converted. You’d call them High Elves.

You can look like a Blood/High Elf, I’d not say you’re among the same race. The Void changed you. Just like the Well of Eternity transformed the trolls to Night Elves, the Sunwell transformed the caste of Quel’Dorei to the Blood/High Elves, and the Nightwell transformed the those Quel’Dorei to Shal’Dorei/Nightborne.

So Identify not race. That I can understand.

Just like the Highborne still all consider themselves Quel’Dorei. I get that.

Nope, you may be thinking specific items, sure. Anyone can dress up in blue and the Sundancer is a way better Hi-Res mount anyway.

I use the Shimmermist Runner personally.

More like the opposite. Blood Elves are High Elves renamed in remembrance of their fallen kin, so even if one doesn’t want to be a Blood Elf, they are still a High Elf, because they came from the Highborne. They are Quel’dorei. Sin’dorei wasn’t a thing until after Arthas, so Blood Elves can be High Elves, but not all High Elves need to be Blood Elves. I don’t need you to be a teacher in everything elves or tell me how to sort them. I played the game too, and I interpret the races as I wish. As I said, the lore plays almost no impact for me anymore. As long as I get the looks and gameplay I want, the storyline can be shoved for all I care. They can make the elves green now and call them Lime Elves, if I can play it on the Ally wearing Ally armour, and play the classes I want, it is all kosher for me. The names and distinctions are minor at best.

Yeah, I think the names merely reflect someone’s background, and choices. The benefit to playing a High elf on the Horde is that the choice doesn’t change their character in any way besides political, whereas choosing to play an Alliance high elf sort of forces the Void narrative onto the character.

Technically I would say that Void elves would certainly qualify as a separate race from Blood Elves/High elves due to their change, but I don’t think it works the same way in-game.

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